List of Power Rangers villains

List of Power Rangers villains

This is a list of fictional villains from the Power Rangers universe, appearing in the television series "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", its sequels and related films. They are listed alphabetically according to the series of Power Rangers in which they appeared.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers villains

The villains of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" and the film "" were aliens serving or allied to Rita Repulsa or, later, Lord Zedd.

On the television series, they were as follows:
* Master Vile
* Lord Zedd
* Rita Repulsa
* Goldar
* Scorpina
* Rito Revolto
* Squatt
* Baboo
* Finster
* Hydro Hog

The film, "", included two villains that are not considered part of normal continuity. They were as follows:
* Ivan Ooze
* Mordant

Power Rangers: Zeo villains

In "", the moon was occupied by the Machine Empire, a legion of robotic beings that had conquered numerous galaxies. Villains from previous series, including Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, were also present.

For completeness, the key members of the Machine Empire were as follows:
* King Mondo
* Queen Machina
* Prince Sprocket
* Klank & Orbus
* Louie Kaboom
* Prince Gasket
* Archerina

Villains from the previous season were as follows:

* Lord Zedd
* Rita Repulsa
* Goldar
* Rito Revolto
* Finster

Power Rangers: Turbo villains

The villains of ' (and the preceding movie, ') were the minions or allies of the space pirate, Divatox. They are as follows:
* Divatox
* Elgar
* Rygog
* Maligore
* Porto
* General Havoc
* Mama D.

Power Rangers in Space villains

The villains of "Power Rangers in Space" were aliens, and members of the United Alliance of Evil under the command of Dark Specter. This included many villains from previous series of Power Rangers, and some that had not appeared before. Those that had not appeared previously are as follows:
* Dark Specter
* Astronema
* Ecliptor
* Elgar (reassigned by Dark Specter to aid Astronema)
* Darkonda
* Psycho Rangers

Members of the United Alliance of Evil as follows:

* Lord Zedd
* Rita Repulsa
* Goldar
* Finster
* Master Vile
* King Mondo
* Queen Machina
* Prince Sprocket
* Klank & Orbus
* Divatox
* Rygog
* Porto
* General Havoc

Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy villains

There were two groups of villains that opposed that Galaxy Power Rangers during "". The first group consisted of the generals that served the insectoid warlord Scorpius (and later his daughter Trakeena) aboard the "Scorpion Stinger". They are as follows:
* Scorpius
* Trakeena
* Furio
* Treacheron
* Deviot
* Villamax
* Kegler

The second group served Captain Mutiny, and appeared when Terra Venture passed into the so-called "Lost Galaxy". They are as follows:
* Captain Mutiny
* Barbarax
* Deviot (defected to Mutiny's side)
* Hexuba
* Titanisaur

Villains in Lost Galaxy & In Space Team-Up as follows:
* Psycho Rangers

Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue villains

The villains that appeared in "" were demons who served the Queen Bansheera. They are as follows:
* Queen Bansheera
* Prince Olympius (Impus)
* Diabolico
* Vypra
* Loki
* Jinxer

Villains in Lightspeed Rescue & Lost Galaxy Team-Up as follows:
* Trakeena
* Triskull

Power Rangers: Time Force villains

The villains of ' were, for the most part, mutant criminals that had travelled back in time with the criminal Ransik (exceptions include his robotic minion Frax, and the demon Quargenon, who appeared only once in the crossover with '). They are as follows:
* Ransik
* Nadira
* Gluto

* Frax

Villains in Time Force & Lightspeed Rescue Team-Up as follows:
* Vypra
* Quarganon

Power Rangers: Wild Force villains

The villains of "" were pollution-oriented creatures called Orgs (as were the villains in the corresponding Super Sentai series). They were as follows:
* "Modern Day" Master Org
* Retinax
* Nayzor
* Mandilok
* Zen-Aku
* Artilla
* Helicos
* Juggelo
* Onikage
* Jindrax
* Toxica (Necronomica)

Villains only shown through flashback as follows:
* "Ancient" Master Org

Villains in Wild Force & Time Force Team-Up as follows:
* Mut-Orgs (Rofang, Takach, and Kired)

Villains in Red Ranger Team-Up as follows:
* Machine Empire Remnants (General Venjix, Gerrok, Steelon, Automon, and Tezzla)

Power Rangers: Ninja Storm villains

The villains of "" were aliens that served the ninja-master Lothor, including his nieces, Marah and Kapri. They are as follows:
* Lothor
* Zurgane
* Choobo
* Motodrone
* Vexacus
* Shimazu
* Marah & Kapri

Power Rangers: Dino Thunder villains

The villains of "" were servants of the dinosaur-like Mesogog. They are as follows:
* Mesogog
* Elsa
* Evil White Ranger Clone
* Zeltrax

Villains in Dino Thunder & Ninja Storm Team-Up as follows:
* Lothor
* Zurgane
* Lothor's bodyguards (nameless; Voffa and Mikera from Abaranger)

Power Rangers: S.P.D. villains

The villains of "" were Troobians, a warlike alien race in the service of Emperor Gruumm. They are as follows:
* Omni
* Emperor Gruumm
* Morgana (Mora)
* Broodwing

Villains in S.P.D. & Dino Thunder Team-Up as follows:
* Zeltrax

Power Rangers: Mystic Force villains

* The Master
* The Ten Terrors
** Magma
** Oculous
** Serpentina
** Megahorn
** Hekatoid
** Gekkor
** Matoombo
** Itassis
** Black Lance
** Sculpin
* Morticon
* Necrolai
* Koragg the Knight Wolf
* Imperious

Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive villains

* Flurious
* Norg
* Moltor
* Miratrix
* Kamdor
* Fearcats:
** Mig
** Benglo
** Cheetar
** Crazar

Villains who appear in the team-up ("Once a Ranger")
* Thrax

Power Rangers: Jungle Fury villains

*Dai Shi

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