American Institute for Cancer Research

American Institute for Cancer Research

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is a large American cancer research organization associated with the World Cancer Research Fund umbrella organization.

Its stated mission is:

* to fund research on the relationship of nutrition, physical activity and weight management to cancer risk
* to interpret the accumulated scientific literature in the field
* to educate people about choices they can make to reduce their chances of developing cancer

In November 2007, the AICR, in conjunction with WCRF, published 'Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective', ISBN: 978-0-9722522-2-5, and freely downloadable from its official website [ [] ] . This 537-page analysis is designed to be an authoritative compendium on the origins of cancer. The AICR sees it as leading to concrete recommendations for public policy and it will be publishing a policy report in 2008.

The report is the result of a five-year process that has seen teams of scientists around the world sifting through 500,000 studies on the link between cancer and diet, physical activity and weight, before identifying the 7,000 most relevant. A panel of 21 world-renowned experts, chaired by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, then made recommendations.

ee also

*Cancer and diet


External links

* cite web
author =
year =
url =
title = American Institute for Cancer Research
format =
work = Official website
publisher =
accessmonthday=29 January
accessyear = 2006

* cite web
author =
year =
url =
title = The New American Plate Cookbook
format =
work = Cookbook from AICR

* [ "Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective" official website]

* [ Report] from BBB Wise Giving Alliance

* [ Ratings] from Charity Navigator

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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