Continuous training

Continuous training

Continuous training is a type of physical training that involves activity without rest. This type of training may be of high intensity, of moderate intensity with an extended duration, or fartlek training.[1]

Continuous training means the pe Continuous training can be broken down into the following sub-divisions that have slightly different effects upon the energy pathways.

Running at 50 to 60% of max. Heart rate or 20 to 36% of VO2 max. Very easy pace - metabolises fat - aerobic - duration 60 minutes plus. Useful for joggers & ultra-distance runners.

Running at 60 to 70% of max. Heart rate or 36 to 52% of V02 max. Slightly faster pace - burns glycogen and fat - aerobic - duration 45 to 90 minutes. Useful for marathon runners. Improves cardiovascular system - capillarisation

Running at 70 to 80% of max. Heart rate or 52 to 68% of V02 max. 10 km pace - burns glycogen - aerobic - duration 30 to 45 minutes - 10 km and marathon runners. Improves cardiovascular system - capillarisation - glycogen burning

Running at 80 to 90% of max. Heart rate or 68 to 83% of V02 max. 5 km pace - burns glycogen - anaerobic - duration 10 to 20 minutes. Useful for 5 km to marathon. Improves cardiovascular system - capillarisation - glycogen burning - lactate tolerance and removal.

Running at 90 to 100% of max. Heart rate or 83 to 99% of V02 max. 800/1500m pace - burns glycogen - anaerobic - duration 1 to 5 minutes. Useful for 800 to 5 km. Improves glycogen burning - lactate tolerance and removal''

Heart rate training zones (e.g. 70%MHR) are calculated by taking into consideration your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) and your Resting Heart Rate (RHR).

High-Intensity Continuous Training

Continuous training performed at work intensities can vary but are usually equivalent to 85-95% of a person's maximal heart rate. High intensity continuous training is an effective way of developing endurance and, if performed at a sufficiently high intensity, will help develop the appropriate leg speed for competition. However, slower paced training (e.g. LSD or fartlek) should be incorporated into the training programme at least once or twice a week as a relief from the stress of exhaustive, high-intensity continuous training. This is highly untrue for many sports and training in such a way should be closely monitored as the athlete will soon become exhausted.

Aerobic Continuous Training

Start by developing an aerobic base. Aerobic continuous training is recommended to improve the central transport capacity through stimulation of adaptive changes in the heart muscle itself. Studies have shown that continuous training (compared to interval training) results in greater heart rate reduction during performance of sub-maximal exercise.

Training should be at an intensity of approximately 75% of V02 max (volume of oxygen uptake) and involve as large a muscle mass as possible. Cross-country skiing, running, cycling, tennis, jogging and swimming are good examples. The mode of training is not critical in terms of specificity to fencing since the training effect on the heart function is, for the most part, transferable to the use of different muscle groups. There is a belief that due to the fine neuromuscular co-ordination required with the fencing specific reflexes, swimming, with the water acting as a form of resistance, can detrimentally effect this co-ordination and the timing of reflexes. If the athlete does decide to use swimming to develop their aerobic base, it would be recommended not to schedule this training prior to a dodgeball session. After a dodgeball training session would be more appropriate, or on alternate days to your dodgeball specific training.


  1. ^ Wilmore, Jack H. 1977. Athletic training and physical fitness : physiological principles and practices of the conditioning process. Allyn and Bacon ISBN 020505630X0

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