- Edem Kodjo
Édouard Kodjovi Kodjo, better known as Edem Kodjo (born
May 23 1938 [http://www.cenitogo.tg/listecandidats/AVE.pdf List of candidates in Avé Prefecture in the 2007 election] , CENI website fr icon.] [http://www.icilome.com/nouvelles/news.asp?id=83&idnews=1906&f= "Présidentielles 2003 : Profil des candidats"] , iciLome.com, May 16, 2003 fr icon.] ), is aTogo lese politician and diplomat who has twice served asPrime Minister of Togo , from 1994 to 1996 and from 2005 to 2006. He is currently the President of thePatriotic Pan-African Convergence (CPP). [ [http://www.republicoftogo.com/central.php?d=3&i=113&o=1&s=373 "Une démocratie en bonne santé"] , Republicoftogo.com, January 12, 2007 fr icon.]Kodjo was born in
Sokodé , Tchaoudjo Prefecture, Togo. After completing his studies in France, he was an administrator at the "Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française " from November 1964 to June 1967. He then returned to Togo and was appointed by PresidentGnassingbé Eyadéma as Secretary-General to the Ministry of Finance in July 1967. [http://www.diastode.org/Echos/invit5629.html "EDEM KODJO À VISAGE DÉCOUVERT"] , diastode.org fr icon.] Kodjo participated in the creation of theRally of the Togolese People (RPT) ruling party in late 1969 and became the new party's Secretary-General. He also wrote the "Green Book", which served as the ideological basis for the establishment of the RPT's single-party rule.Morten Hagen and Michelle Spearing, [http://www.diastode.org/Droits/cdd.html "TOGO - STALLED DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION"] , Centre for Democracy & Development, November 28, 2000.] He was removed from his position as RPT Secretary-General in 1971.He served in Eyadéma's government as the Minister of Finance from 1973 to 1976 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1976 to 1978. He was elected as the Secretary-General of the
Organization of African Unity at its summit inKhartoum on July 18–22, 1978, [ [http://www.rfi.fr/Fichiers/MFI/PolitiqueDiplomatie/575.asp "Sommet de l’Union africaine – Durban 2002 (5) : L’OUA, quarante ans d'histoire…"] , rfi.fr, May 16, 2002 fr icon.] serving in that post until 1983. [http://www.jeuneafrique.com/pays/togo/article_depeche.asp?art_cle=XIN70027togolfeifno0 "Togo/législatives: l'ex-Premier ministre Kodjo candidat dans son fief"] , Xinhua (Jeuneafrique.com), August 12, 2007 fr icon.]After leaving his post as OAU Secretary-General, Kodjo lived in France, where he taught at the
Sorbonne , wrote for "Jeune Afrique ", and founded a magazine, "Afrique 2000". [http://www.diastode.org/Droits/tete6c.html "DÉMOCRATISATION À LA TOGOLAISE"] ("L’énarque et le «parti croupion»"), Tètè Tété, 1998 (diastode.org) fr icon.] In 1985 he published "Africa Tomorrow " inFrance , which was later translated into English byE. B. Khan and published in theUnited States in 1987.In 1991, a few months before the National Conference, Kodjo returned to Togo and founded a new opposition political party, the
Togolese Union for Democracy (UTD). OnJuly 20 1993 , [http://www.diastode.org/Droits/tete_chro.html "DÉMOCRATISATION À LA TOGOLAISE"] ("CHRONOLOGIE"), Tètè Tété, 1998 (diastode.org) fr icon.] was designated by theCollective of Democratic Opposition (COD II) as its sole candidate for the presidential election ofAugust 25 1993 , [ [http://www.humanite.fr/1993-07-22_Articles_-ITALIE "TOGO. Le collectif de l’opposition"] , "L'Humanité", July 22, 1993 fr icon.] althoughGilchrist Olympio of theUnion of the Forces of Change (UFC) did not accept this decision. Kodjo announced onAugust 22 that he was withdrawing his candidacy and boycotting the election due to the number of registered voters being considered too high—a possible sign of preparations to rig the election—along with fellow opposition leadersYawovi Agboyibo andDjobo Boukari . [John R. Heilbrunn, "Togo: The National Conference and Stalled Reform", in "Political Reform in Francophone Africa" (1997), ed. John F. Clark and David E. Gardinier, page 240.]Along with other opposition leaders, Kodjo pressured Eyadéma to hold a free and fair parliamentary election in 1994. In this election, the
Action Committee for Renewal (CAR) and the UTD together won an initial majority in the National Assembly,"Africa South of the Sahara 2004" (2003), Routledge, page 1,145.] [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DE7D61131F937A15757C0A962958260 "Togo Premier Named"] , "The New York Times", April 24, 1994.] the CAR with 36 seats and the UTD with seven, and the two parties agreed to nominate CAR President Yawovi Agboyibo as Prime Minister. However, after the election in three constituencies was cancelled, the two parties lost their narrow majority, and Eyadéma invited Kodjo to form a government, announcing his appointment as Prime Minister onApril 22 1994 ; he took office onApril 25 . The CAR regarded Kodjo's appointment as a violation of the parties' agreement and refused to participate in his government."Africa South of the Sahara 2004" (2003), Routledge, page 1,145.] His acceptance of the position of Prime Minister, in addition to his earlier role in the establishment of the RPT regime, discredited him in the eyes of many opposition supporters. His government was announced onMay 25 1994 ; it included the RPT, the UTD, and some smaller parties not represented in the National Assembly. Although headed by Kodjo, the composition of the government was strongly dominated by the RPT. ["May 1994 - New government", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 40, May, 1994 Togo, Page 39995.]Kodjo served as Prime Minister of Togo until
August 20 1996 . He resigned as Prime Minister after the RPT won the elections that were held over again in the constituencies where the results had been annulled, giving the RPT and its allies a parliamentary majority; a new government underKwassi Klutse of the RPT was formed.On the night of
August 13 1997 , tear gas canisters were thrown at Kodjo's house while he was exiting it with guests. The UTD alleged that the canisters were thrown from a police vehicle. [ [http://www.africa.upenn.edu/Newsletters/irinw30.html "TOGO - Opposition members attacked"] , IRIN-WA Daily Media Update 30-97, August 15, 1997.] Kodjo announced onMay 4 1998 that he would not be a candidate in the June 1998 presidential election, stressing the need for opposition unity. [ [http://www.africa.upenn.edu/Newsletters/irinw200.html "TOGO: Call for one opposition candidate"] , IRIN-West Africa Update 200, May 5, 1998.] He backed the leading opposition candidate, the UFC's Gilchrist Olympio. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20060205164351/www.afrique-express.com/archive/OUEST/togo/togopartis/partisoppositiontogo.htm "Partis politiques d'opposition du Togo"] (2006 archive page), "Afrique Express" fr icon.]Kodjo subsequently became the leader of a new party, the Patriotic Pan-African Convergence (CPP), which was created in August 1999 [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=980CE1DD1E39F934A2575BC0A96F958260 "World Briefing: TOGO: OPPOSITION ALLIANCE"] , "The New York Times", August 17, 1999.] through the merger of four parties,"Political Parties of the World" (6th edition, 2005), ed. Bogdan Szajkowski, page 591.] including the UTD. Kodjo ran as the CPP's candidate in the June 2003 presidential election. [http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=44013 "TOGO: Security personel to vote on Thursday instead of Sunday"] , IRIN, May 28, 2003.] Kodjo criticized Eyadéma for not honoring his pledge to step down in the 2003 election and again called for the opposition to put forward a single candidate. [ [http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=43633 "TOGO: Constitutional Court upholds Olympio's rejection"] , IRIN, May 7, 2003.] During the campaign, the CPP called for a debate on television between Kodjo and Eyadéma after the RPT engaged in what the CPP considered personal attacks on Kodjo. In the election, Kodjo received 0.96% of the vote according to official results [http://democratie.francophonie.org/IMG/pdf/TOGO_RME24042005.pdf "RAPPORT DE LA MISSION EXPLORATOIRE DEPECHEE DANS LA PERSPECTIVE DE L’ELECTION PRESIDENTIELLE ANTICIPEE DU 24 AVRIL 2005 AU TOGO"] , democratie.francophonie.org fr icon.] [http://www.rfi.fr/actufr/articles/066/article_36733.asp "Edem Kodjo, un Premier ministre sans transition"] , rfi.fr, June 9, 2005 fr icon.] and took fifth place; he denounced the results as fraudulent. [ [http://www.humanite.fr/2003-06-05_International_-Zoom-Togo "La transparence n’est pas au rendez-vous"] , "L'Humanité", June 5, 2003 fr icon.]
Following the disputed Togolese presidential election of 2005, which occurred shortly after Eyadema's death, Eyadema's son and successor
Faure Gnassingbé named Kodjo, a representative of the moderate opposition, as Prime Minister again onJune 8 , choosing him instead of a candidate from the radical opposition. [ [http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=47579&SelectRegion=West_Africa&SelectCountry=TOGO "President snubs opponents for 'moderate' prime minister"] , IRIN, June 9, 2005.] He took office onJune 9 , succeedingKoffi Sama . ["Former Togolese premier hands over to successor, Edem Kodjo - radio report", Radio Togo, 10 June 2005.]In an announcement on
September 16 ,2006 , Gnassingbé accepted Kodjo's resignation and namedYawovi Agboyibo as Prime Minister. [Ebow Godwin, [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2006/09/16/international/i150128D70.DTL&type=politics "Togo's President Names Opposition Party"] , Associated Press (sfgate.com), September 16, 2006.] OnSeptember 25 , Gnassingbé appointed Kodjo by decree as Minister of State to the Presidency. [ [http://www.infosplusgabon.com/article.php3?id_article=655 "Togo : Edem Kodjo coopté ministre d’Etat dans le gouvernement Agboyibo"] , Infosplusgabon.com, September 26, 2006.]In the October 2007 parliamentary election, Kodjo ran for a seat in the National Assembly as a candidate of the CPP in Avé Prefecture, where he was the first name on the party's candidate list. The CPP did not win any seats in the election. [http://www.cenitogo.tg/resultats/Resultats_definitifs_des_elections_legislatives_du_14_octobre_2007_%20proclames_par_la_Cour_Constitutionnelle.do.pdf Text of Constitutional Court decision (final election results)] , October 30, 2007 fr icon.]
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