Mythical Beast-Fist

Mythical Beast-Fist

, turning that person into a mindless monster that would destroy the world. All Mythical Beast-Fist users posses a gold-colored fighting form.


nihongo|Rio|理央 is the destined leader of the Mythical Beast-Fist, according to Long. Being the original user of the nihongo|Confrontation Beast Lion-Fist|臨獣ライオン拳|Rinjū Raionken, Rio accepts the title and undergoes Long's Gengi to be infused with Mythical Ki and embrace his destiny, becoming a master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Gryphon-Fist|幻獣グリフォン拳|Genjū Gurifonken style. As a result, he can assume a new armored form called nihongo|Mythical Beast King Rio|幻獣王リオ|Genjūō Rio until he learns the truth behind his new-found power when he is nearly consumed by it and becomes the nihongo|Destroyer|破壊神|Hakaishin. He leaves the Mythical Beast-Fist soon after, purging the Mythical Ki in his body. His motif while Mythical Beast King is the Huang Long, which is above the Four Sacred Beasts of Chinese myth.

Upon his transformation into the Mythical Beast King, Rio says, nihongo|"Pure fierceness, pure power, Leaving the world, one without equal."|強きこと、猛きこと、世界において、無双の者|Tsuyoki koto, takeki koto, sekai ni oite musō no mono.

The Four Mythical Generals

The nihongo|Four Mythical Generals|四幻将|Shigenshō are the elite four of the Mythical Beast Fist, whose loyalty is to the Mythical Beast King and serve as his bodyguards. They each represent the Four Sacred Beasts of Chinese myth.


nihongo|Long|ロン|Ron|23-49 is the coordinator of the Mythical Beast-Fist, its actual leader. Though he refers to himself as a master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Dragon-Fist|幻獣ドラゴン拳|Genjū Doragonken, Long is not a human but an immortal known as the nihongo|Infinite Dragon|無間龍|Mugen Ryū, a massive many-headed golden dragon with terrible power who manipulated the fate of humanity behind the scenes out of whim, deciding to make the world "less dull" for himself by creating the Destroyer. To that end, Long devised a means to bring Maku to his side, aiding in the foundation of the Confrontation Beast-Fist Akugata in secret, while conditioning Maku to become the Destroyer. But after the Fist Sages sealed Maku and the Fist Demons, Long was forced to wait until Rio was born. Assuming the guise of a human, Long murdered Rio's family, leaving only a young Rio alive to undergo the needed conditioning. Long also mortally wounded Dan and decimated the village where Jan was born to insure no interference from any of Dan's kin (Jan's survival of Long's assault was by accident). Setting up the Mythical Beast Fist, he used the nihongo|Blood-Oath Ceremony|血盟の儀式|Ketsumei no Gishiki to convert others into the Mythical Beast Fist, turning some into his servants.

Long originally hid behind the scenes while overseeing Rio's training, with only Mele knowing about his presence in Confrontation Beast Hall. He even comforted her to an extent by revealing to her that Rio will obtain Fury Confrontation Ki and defeat Maku, setting up the events for it. Furthermore, Long evoked Gou's transformations into the werewolf until Bae's interference stopped that. Long was further vexed to learn that Rio is making his way to the Beast Origin Village, managing to have Rio turn back in the guises of Jan, Gou, and Sha-Fu, revealing the existence of the SoZyuTo that Rio needs to enter the village freely. Long also uses the same illusory power to force Mele to take the SoZyuTo from Ken while he's defenseless. Once Rio and Mele make the run for the Beast Origin Village, Long revealed himself at last to Maku, using himself as a distraction to allow Rio safe passage to the village.

When the Fist Demons had served their purpose, Long arrives to kill Rageku in his fighting form, with the Fist Demon realizing who he is. With the deed done, Long fully reveals himself, offering Rio a chance to master the Mythical Beast Fist to become even stronger, converting both him and Mele in the Blood-Oath Ceremony to further his scheme. However, seeing Jan as a hindrance his plans, Long attempts to kill him behind Rio's back. But ironically, Jan managed to awaken Rio as the Mythical Beast King; much to Long's praise. Mele's interference ruined it, with Long's treachery and true identity revealed as a result, before beating Rio to find out why he didn't completely become the Destroyer. When Mele interferes once again, Long attempts to kill her, only to have Rio jump in front of her to shield her from the blast. Seeing Mele as the cause, Long takes her as a hostage so Rio can resume his part in the master plan. But once his plan is completely shattered, Long decides to kill them all and start finding a new Destroyer to replace Rio, however, Long is soon seemingly killed by SaiDaiGekiRinTohja. However, his spirit endured and entered Sanyo, using him to recreate himself. Now with a newfound interest in the Beast-Fist power that rivals his own, Long assumes his true form to personally destroy the world himself. Mele sacrfices her self to save the Gekirangers from one of his attacks, after which Gou and Ken try and fight with GekiTojahWolf and SaiDaiOh, but Long effortless defeats them both. Rio attempts a suicidal to kill him but Long survived because of his immortalty, though he was forced back into his armored form. Even in this state he still overwhelmed all five Gekirangers. Gou and Ken later to fight him, along with Fist Sages but they were no match for him. Long finally met his match when Jan, Retsu, and Ran returned after mastering the Confrontation Beasts-Fist. However, because Long was immortal the Gekirangers couldn't kill him, so they instead sealed him in a small ball, with Jan safeguarding the small golden orb that Long has become.

His name is based on "lóng" ( _zh. 龙), the Mandarin word for "dragon", and motifs are the Azure Dragon and the Dragon of the Earthly Branches (though ironically, his fighting form is gold colored), both of which were said to be based on his true form along with every culture's experience with a dragon as Sha-Fu speculated.


nihongo|Mele|メレ|Mere was previously a user of nihongo|Confrontation Beast Chameleon-Fist|臨獣カメレオン拳|Rinjū Kamereonken who was the first of the Rinrinshī brought back from the dead by Rio and has pledged her heart to him. However, through Long's ritual Gengi, Mele is infused with Mythical Ki and is reborn as a Mythical General, mastering the nihongo|Mythical Beast Phoenix-Fist|幻獣フェニックス拳|Genjū Fenikkusuken style. But after learning of Long's true plans for Rio, Mele leaves the Mythical Beast Fist and purges the Mythical Ki from her body. Her motifs while a Mythical General are the Vermilion Bird and the Rooster of the Earthly Branches.

Before entering battle, Mele says, nihongo|"For Lord Rio's love, an even more powerful-clad love warrior. Genjū Phoenix-fist Mistress, Mele!"|理央様の愛の為にさらなる強さを身に纏ったラブウォリアー。幻獣フェニックス拳 メレ!|Rio-sama no ai no tame ni saranaru tsuyosa o mi ni matotta rabu woriā. Genjū Fenikkusuken, Mere!


nihongo|Sanyo|サンヨ|San'yo|36-48 is a master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Basilisk-Fist|幻獣バジリスク拳|Genjū Bajirisukuken and uses gravity-based attacks. Sanyo ends all his sentences with ayo and is mutterer, often giving away hints about Long's true plan. Being Long's righthand man, Sanyo was actually created from a piece of Long's body, thus an immortal like his master. After Long wormed his way into Rio's service, Sanyo drags in the large wooden coffin holding Suugu, sending his apprentices to convince Rio of their power in vain. But Sanyo's habit of blabbering hints of Long's true plans for Rio, with Mele forcing him to reveal what he knew about it. He later battles the Gekirangers to keep them from Mele, only to be defeated by her, GekiChopper, GekiViolet, GekiBlue, and GekiYellow. Though he survived the incident because of his immortality, Sanyo serves his purpose of recreating Long. In the end, Sanyo is devoured/absorbed by Long as he assumed his true form and full power. His name is based on Suān Yŭ ( _zh. 酸與) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motifs are the Black Tortoise and the Snake of the Earthly Branches.


nihongo|Suugu|スウグ|Sūgu|38-45 is a master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Chimera-Fist|幻獣キメラ拳|Genjū Kimeraken, a style that allows him use any Beast-Fist technique from the Fierce Beast-Fist and the Confrontation Beast-Fist. Suugu was made by Long from Dan's Fierce Ki Soul, though lacking the man's mind. Suugu was previously in a state of rest as the result of undergoing the Blood-Oath Ceremony and thus he was first seen being dragged in his casket by Sanyo. But Suugu was later fully awakened by Long once he was in the presence of Rio. Rio recognizes Suugu as Dan, which eventually led to him embracing the Mythical Beast Fist as only the Mythical Beast King can command Suugu. Though mindless, a hint of Dan seems to remain within Suugu as seen in his playing of a leaf ocarina. Long tricks Rio into ordering Suugu to kill Jan. During the battle, after nearly killing his son, Suguu's memories as Dan reawakened, allowing him to overcome the Blood Oath's effect on him as he took the blow Long intended for Jan. Mortally wounded, Suugu has Jan deal the deathblow to release Dan's Fierce soul from his physical prison. His name is based on Sōu Yú ( _zh. 騶虞) of the Shi Jing, and motifs are the White Tiger and the Tiger of the Earthly Branches.

The Twin Phantoms

The nihongo|Twin Phantoms|双幻士|Sōgenshi are apprentices who support the Four Mythical Generals. Each Mythical General has two Twin Phantoms.

anyo's Twin Phantoms

*nihongo|Gouyu|ゴウユ|Gōyu|37-45: A master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Cetus-Fist|幻獣ケイトス拳|Genjū Keitosuken which uses sound-based attacks, thus using small talk while fighting an opponent to effectively use his power. He is the first Mythical Beast-Fist opponent the Gekirangers face. He nearly defeats SaiDaiOh, GekiTohjaWolf and GekiFire until GekiElephantFire begans to damage, although he survives his the fight with them thanks to Sanyo's aid, who easily defeats all three opponents. He appears again to fight Gou to protect Rio from him, only to be instantly destroyed in mere seconds by Gou using the Heaven and Earth Disaster Strike. His name is based on Hé Yŭ (合窳) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Boar of the Earthly Branches.
*nihongo|Shiyuu|シユウ|Shiyū|37-38: A master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Minotaur-Fist|幻獣ミノタウロス拳|Genjū Minotaurosuken, style that relies on the power of mirrors. He uses his nihongo|Mythical Reflection Mirror|幻射鏡|Genshakyō armor to perform his mirror-Gengi, using it on Retsu to infiltrate the Gekirangers. But Gou is not easily fooled and saves his brother from being trapped in the Mirror World. Shiyuu is wounded by GekiBatTohja Wolf before SaiDaiOh lands the deathblow. Shiyuu uses mirrors for his attacks but ironically hates to be imitated, leading him to use strange words so it is harder to emulate him. His name is based on Chī Yóu ( _zh. 蚩尤), and motif is the Ox of the Earthly Branches.

Mele's Twin Phantoms

*nihongo|Haku|ハク|Haku|39: A master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Unicorn-Fist|幻獣ユニコーン拳|Genjū Yunikōnken, style that gives total control of the mind of its victims. Haku uses two arm-blades and fighting in the style of a wild mustang. Prior to being introduced to Mele, Haku uses his Gengi to control children easily taken by it. Having them go to his Unicorn Palace, Haku intended to have them amplify his Gengi's affects world-wide to gather the despair of devastated parents. But actions of involving children, especially Natsume, made it personal to Miki as she personally destroys Haku in SaiDaiOh. Despite his cowardly techniques, Haku speaks and acts like a medieval knight. His name is based on Bó (駮) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Horse of the Earthly Branches.
*nihongo|Hiso|ヒソ|Hiso|39-46: A mistress of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Pixie-Fist|幻獣ピクシー拳|Genjū Pikushīken, whose style uses blades. Though Mele's apprentice, which she referred as an honor, her true loyalty lies with Long, by aiding him with a vain attempt to keep the others away from him and Rio. But she ends up being destroyed by the entire GekiBeast group. Her name is based on Fēi Shŭ ( _zh. 飛鼠) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Rabbit of the Earthly Branches.

Long's Twin Phantoms

*nihongo|Dorou|ドロウ|Dorō|41-42: A master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Capricorn-Fist|幻獣カプリコーン拳|Genjū Kapurikōnken, which revolves on Chinese alchemy and twist attacks that alter energy currents. Because of the long times he spends in his cave, Dorou is unable to correctly interact with others (with the exception of Sojo) and has developed a rather eccentric personality, frequently using 2chan expressions and words. He managed to create Dorou Grains for Sojo to use to transfer people into his gourds for the Scream Program, making their victims scream to increase Mythical Ki. He was killed by the GekiBeasts. His name is based on Tŭ Lóu ( _zh. 土螻) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Goat of the Earthly Branches.
*nihongo|Sojo|ソジョ|Sojo|41-42: A master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Afanc-Fist|幻獣アーヴァンク拳|Genjū Āvankuken which uses lightning and spin attacks and has energy absorbing abilities, Sojo is the hyperactive aid of Dorou. Sojo, just like Dorou, has become unable to interact with others because of his reclusion, and speaks in short childish words, however, he can communicate perfectly with Dorou. After being sent to attack the city, purposely allowed himself to be attacked by the Gekirangers with his teeth sucking up the Fierce Ki and Violet Ki for Dorou to create his Dorou Grains. Though he survived the GekiBeasts' attack, Sojo was killed by SaiDaiGekiTohja. His name is based on Jū Rú ( _zh. 狙如) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Rat of the Earthly Branches.

uugu's Twin Phantoms

*nihongo|Shuen|シュエン|Shuen|43: A maniacal prankster who mastered the nihongo|Mythical Beast Hanuman-Fist|幻獣ハヌマーン拳|Genjū Hanumānken, which uses a Bōjutsu fighting style and various Gengi in homage to Sun Wukong, one of which is cloning Gengi move. Because of his mischievous personality, there are sometimes in which Shuen himself doesn't distinguish between himself and his clones. He was sent to cause mayhem with his clone Gengi on Christmas Eve to gather screams until the Gekirangers' interference caused him to withdraw via arson and encounter Ken, who took the Phantom's attempt to ruin the holidays personal and defeated him. But Shuen enlarges and was frozen solid by SaiDaiOh before SaiDaiGekiFire delivered the deathblow. His name is based on Zhū Yàn ( _zh. 朱厭) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Monkey of the Earthly Branches.
*nihongo|Kou|コウ|Kō|43-44: A serious master of the nihongo|Mythical Beast Cerberus-Fist|幻獣ケルベロス拳|Genjū Keruberosuken, able to use chakram shock collars in his Gengi, each as powerful as a Rinrinshi. He shows a grudge towards Mele when he was introduced since she killed his older brother Braco, but is more interested in proving that he is Mythical General material, being just as ambitious as his brother. On Mele's suggestion, Kou uses his powers to cause fear among the people. He battled GekiChopper, GekiBlue, and GekiYellow, and was defeated by them before being killed by SaiDaiOh. His name is based on Jiǎo ( _zh. 狡) of the Shan Hai Jing, and motif is the Dog of the Earthly Branches.


nihongo|Gengi|ゲンギ(幻技)|Gengi|Mythical Techniques are the Mythical Beast-Fist's counterparts to Ringi.

Common Gengi

*nihongo|Mystic Body Overpowering Heavenly Change|幻身豪天変|Genshin Gōten Hen: Enlargement Gengi.
*nihongo|Mystic Release|幻開放|Genkaihō: Exposes master's Mythical Ki in its entirety.

Gryphon-Fist Gengi

These Gengi are performed by Rio:

*nihongo|Mythical Ki Triumphant Armor|幻気凱装|Genki Gaisō: Rio's transformation Gengi that allows him to assume Mythical Beast King form, bypassing his Black Lion form.
*nihongo|Divine Smite Assault|破天攻|Hatenkō: A one-hit attack.

Dragon-Fist Gengi

These Gengi are performed by Long, manifesting his Ki in non-violent ways (outside of his Gengi, Long also manifested his Ki in lightening attacks):

*nihongo|Cursed Smoke Emission|呪煙吐|Juendo: Allows Long to create a golden cloud of Mythical Ki, using it to subjugate the target to his will. The Gengi was first used on Gou, forcing him to resume his werewolf form.
*nihongo|Turn Phantom-Storage|転臨幻納|Tenrin Gennō: A coordinator's move, converting the target's qi into Mythical Ki during the Blood-Oath Ceremony.
*nihongo|All Soul Concentration|全魂集結|Zenkon Shūketsu: Long used this Gengi to revive Dan's soul and give it form as Suugu.

Phoenix-Fist Gengi

These Gengi are performed by Mele:

*nihongo|Mythical Ki Filling|幻気充填|Genki Jūten: Mele uses it to transform into her Mythical General form, bypassing her Beastman form.
*nihongo|Flame General Fearful Desire|火将危願|Hishō Kigan: Mele's Gengi that projects her Mythical Ki as a phoenix to consume her opponents in its flames.

Basilisk-Fist Gengi

These Gengi are performed by Sanyo:

*nihongo|Big-Heavy Slowdown|大重鈍化|Daijūdonka: Opponents' gravity is increased to crush them.
*nihongo|Small-Light Violent Change|小軽鋭化|Shōkeieika: Opponents' gravity is reduced enough to be blown away.
*nihongo|Anti-Gravity Armor|反重力鎧|Han Jūryoku Gai: Uses gravity to deflect Ki-based attacks.
*nihongo|Graviton|蔵備頓|Gurabiton: Alters the surrounding gravity of the area to crush his opponents.

Chimera-Fist Gengi

Suugu's Gengi allows him to use both Gekiwaza and Ringi:

* Fierce Beast Tiger-Fist Style: nihongo|Gun-Gun Bullet|砲砲弾|Hō Hō Dan
* Confrontation Beast Scorpion-Fist Style: nihongo|Crimson Lotus Vermilion Whip Kick|紅蓮朱鞭脚|Guren Shuben Kyaku
* Confrontation Beast Toad-Fist Style: nihongo|Oily Body-Armor|体油包|Taiyūpao
* Confrontation Beast Crocodile-Fist Style: nihongo|Mudbank Torso Snapping|泥州胴折り|Desudō Ori

Other Styles' Gengi

*Gouyu's Ceto-Fist Style: nihongo|Thunder-Boom Wave|拷雷震|Gōraishin
*Shiyuu's Minotaur-Fist Style: nihongo|Turn Reversal|転身反|Tenshinhan allows Shiyuu to use a person's reflection to create a clone of himself that can assume the form of his target. The reflection-clones' existence depend on the target remaining trapped in the mirror world.
*Haku's Unicorn-Fist Style: nihongo|Mythical Invitation-Wave|夢幻招来波|Mugen Shōraiha allows Haku to take control of children with the horn on his shoulder armor, nihongo|Great Sharp-Horn Spin|大鋭角断|Dai Eikakudan, and nihongo|Mystic Force Strong-Excelling Wave|幻力豪豪波|Genriki Gōgōha
*Hiso's Pixie-Fist Style: nihongo|True Sword Soaring Dance|真剣翔舞|Shinken Shōbu and nihongo|Thrust Sword Absorb|突剣呑|Tsukken Don
*Dorou's Capricorn-Fist Style: nihongo|Instant Write-Call|即書呼|Sokukakiko|Used to make caculations, nihongo|Training Horse Spin|練馬繰|Nerimakuri|Disarming attack, nihongo|Training Horse Spin: Pain|練馬繰・痛|Nerimakuri Tsū, and nihongo|Full-Body Training Horse Spin|全身練馬繰|Zenshin Nerimakuri|Combo
*Sojo's Addanc-Fist Style: nihongo|Ready Separate Beauty Advantage|備離美利|Biribiri (lightning attack), nihongo|Implement Style Risk Halt|具流虞留|Guruguru|spin attack, nihongo|Strikeless Descend Illusion|打無堕夢|Damudamu|Illision, nihongo|Full-Body Training Horse Spin|全身練馬繰|Zenshin Nerimakuri|Combo, and nihongo|Implement Style Risk Halt Ready Separate Beauty Advantage|具流虞留備離美利|Guruguru Biribiri|Lightning/spin attack.
*Shuen's Hanuman-Fist Style: nihongo|Wild-Hair Clone Change|毛猛分身変|Mōmō Bunshin Hen allows the user to use strands of hair to create a limitless number of clones while nihongo|Great Ape Game|大猿回|Daienkai gives the user great speed to avoid attacks. By using a staff, Shuen can perform both nihongo|Indian Spin|天軸転|Tenjikuten and nihongo|Explosive Flame Saiyūki|爆炎彩遊鬼|Bakuen Saiyūki.
*Kou's Cerberus-Fist Style: nihongo|Rapid Foolish Flow|迅愚流|Jinguryu

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*Super Sentai


* [ 幻獣拳 - ゲキレンジャー ファンサイト - Beast On!!] ja icon

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