- List of cosmic entities in DC Comics
This is a list of cosmic entities owned or published primarily by DC Comics. In superhero comic books, cosmic beings are fictional characters possessing superpowers in a planetary, stellar, or even universal level, far beyond those of humans or superheroes, and usually serving some natural function in the fictional universes they exist in.
Note: Most, but not all, of these characters exist within the DC Universe. Some listed are part of the Wildstorm Universe, others of Alan Moore's America's Best Comics line, and others are characters from stand-alone stories, Elseworlds publications, or from companies listed with reference and published by DC Comics. America's Best Comics, Elseworlds, Helix, Homage Comics, Impact Comics, Milestone Media, Paradox Press, Piranha Press, Vertigo Comics, and Wildstorm are all trademark publications of the DC Comics group.
Contents 0-9
- 3600
- The A
- Abaddon the Destroyer, featured in JLA, The Demon, and The Books of Magic
- Abnegazar of the Demons Three, featured in JLA
- Adramelech
- Agony & Ecstasy, from Hellblazer
- Ale
- The Aleph
- Alexander Luthor, Jr., of Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis
- Amenadiel, from Lucifer
- Amethyst, a Lord of Order
- Antagonist, of the New Gods
- Anti-Matter Man
- Anti-Life Entity, from Cosmic Odessey
- Anti-Monitor, from Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Anti-Sun
- Archangels, from Books of Magic
- Appa Ali Apsa
- Aquarius
- Ares, frequent adversary of Wonder Woman
- Artemis
- Arzaz
- Ayries, from Green Lantern #43
- Asmodel
- Asteroth
- Athena
- Auctioneer
- Aurakles (also known as the Oracle)
- Auron
- Avatar, formerly Tiger, sidekick of Judomaster
- Azmodus
- Baal, has fought Etrigan, Batman, and Superman
- Bast, appeared in The Sandman
- Bat-Mite, 5th dimensional imp and frequent annoyance for Batman
- Belial
- Beautiful Dreamer
- Beelzebub
- Betty Clawman, from New Guardians
- Black Flash, personification of Death for super-speedsters
- Black Racer, personification of Death for the New Gods
- Blithe
- Brimstone
- Brothers of the Fallen (first, second, and third)
- Bull Host
- The Candlemaker
- Carnivore
- The Cathexis
- Child
- Clocxwerk
- Chaos and Order
- Chroma
- The Controllers
- Cosmic Gamblers
- The Curse
- Darkseid
- Dark Gods
- Davy Tenzer, incarnation of the biblical David, seen in Supergirl[1] and Green Arrow[2] stories
- Deadman
- Death
- Decreator
- Deimos
- Delirium
- Demeter
- Desaad
- Desire
- Despair
- Destiny
- Destruction
- Devouris the Conqueror
- Dionysus
- Doctor Doomsday (Amalgam Comics)
- Doctor Manhattan (Watchmen)
- Dominus
- Dorothy Spinner, of the Doom Patrol
- The Dreamer[disambiguation needed
- Dream (first and second)
- Duma
- Eagle
- Elementals
- Eclipso
- Elder Gods[disambiguation needed
- The Endless
- The Endless One, being in the timestream, from Justice League of America
- Entropy (see Krona)
- Epoch Lord of Time
- Eris
- Eros, appeared in Wonder Woman
- Etrigan
- Euricros
- Evil One
- Eye of Osiris
- Extant
- Fatalist, the Spectre's dark opposite, from Supergirl
- Fates
- Feast, conqueror from JLA: Welcome to the Working Week
- Fernus and the Burning Martians
- The Fiend With Five Faces
- The First Citadelian
- The First of the Fallen
- Gabriel[disambiguation needed
- Gaia
- Galactiac (Amalgam Comics)
- Ganthet
- Glorith
- God of Africa
- Gods of the Jejune Realm
- Gog
- Ghast of the Demons Three, featured in JLA
- Golden Knight
- Goth
- Gothodaemon
- Glorith
- Glorious Godfrey
- Gods of Krypton
- Gorum
- The Grandmaster
- Granny Goodness
- Gray Man
- Grayven
- Great Evil Beast
- Greek Gods
- Gyges and Garamas with God power
- Guardians of the Universe
- Hades
- H'ronmeer
- Harbinger
- Hawkgod
- Horus
- Heggra
- Hephaestus
- Hera
- Hercules
- Hermes
- Hestia
- Heqt
- Highfather
- Highmaster
- Hoth Shoggoth
- Hourman III (see Warlogog)
- Huitzilopocthli
- Hyperman
- Ibac (also Sabbac)
- Iblis
- ID, 6th dimensional
- Imperiex Prime and the Imperiex Probes
- Imps[disambiguation needed
- Infinite Man
- Interferer, cosmic designer from Ambush Bug
- Ion
- Isis the Egyptian goddess
- It[disambiguation needed
- Izaya
- Izanami
- Jakk
- Kalibak
- Kancer
- Karmang
- Keeper of the Oracle of Styx
- The Kindly Ones[disambiguation needed
- King of Tears
- Kismet
- Korge
- Krona
- Kulak
- Lady Styx
- Lashina
- Lasma
- Lightray
- Lilith
- Lion
- Lkz
- Lokee
- Loki
- Lonar
- Lord Chaos, from Team Titans
- Lord of Chaos
- Lord of Order
- Lord Pernisius
- Lord Satanis
- Lord Satanus
- Lords of the Ultra-Realm
- Lucifer, multiple appearances prior to getting his own title
- M'Shula
- Macro-man
- Mallo, Keeper of the Cocmic Balance, pre-Crisis multiverse being
- Maltus
- Mad God of 3600
- Manhunter from Mars
- Mahu[disambiguation needed
- Mageddon
- Magog (Elseworlds)
- Malferrazae
- Mammon
- Mantis
- Mark Moonrider
- Mars
- Materna Minxx, cosmic nanny of Helen Jordan from The Spectre
- Mawu
- Maya
- Mercury
- Meshta
- Metatron, the angel makes an appearance in Supergirl (vol. 4) #73
- Metron
- Michael Demiurgos, featured primarily in Lucifer
- Millennium Giants
- Mister Miracle
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Mr. Nebula
- Mistos
- Mogo of the Green Lantern Corps
- Monarch
- Monitor (first and second)
- Monsieur Stigmonus
- Mopee, pre-Crisis Flash stories
- Mordru, pre-Crisis 30th century
- Mother Zed
- The Muses
- Nabu
- Naiads
- Nameless One
- Nebiros
- Nebula Man
- Nekron, Lord of the Unliving
- Neron
- New Gods
- New Order
- Norse gods
- Nymphs
- Obatala of the White Cloth
- Oblivion[disambiguation needed
] (first and second)
- Odin
- Old Gods
- Omega
- Olorun the First Born
- One with the Source
- Onimar Sin
- Orion with the Ale and in his true form
- The Orishas
- Orpheus I
- Osirect
- Osiris
- Pan
- Pantagones
- Pantheon gods
- Pariah
- Parliament of Trees
- Parallax
- Persephone
- Phobos
- Poseidonis
- The Presence
- Progenitor
- Promethean Giants
- Prometheon (Warner Bros. Animation)
- Pursuer
- Pythia
- Quabal
- The Quintessence (Elseworlds)
- Quetzalcoatl, featured in Tom Strong and Aztek
- Ra, featured in The Sandman
- Raan Va Dath, mother serpent of Etrigan, featured in The Demon
- Rao, Kryptonian sun god, featured in Superman
- Rath of the Demons Three, featured in JLA
- Rama Kushna, death goddess, creator of Deadman, featured in Strange Adventures
- Remiel, an angel featured in The Sandman and Lucifer
- Rott, demon who mind controlled Martian Manhunter into becoming Bloodwynd
- S'ivaa the Destroyer
- Sabbac
- Saint Colomba
- Saint Dumas (see Azrael)
- Sandalphon
- Sandman (fifth and sixth)
- Satan
- Satanus
- Serifan
- The Seven Deadly Enemy of Man
- Seviram
- Shadowy Mr. Evans
- Shango the Thunderer
- Shattered Gods
- Shazam (also known as the Wizard Shazam)
- Sin Eater
- Sinestro after Death
- The Source
- Solaris the Tyrant Sun
- Spectre
- Starbreaker
- Starro the Conqueror
- Steppenwolf
- Stigmonus Monsieur
- Strange Visitor (see Kismet)
- Sturmer
- St'nn
- Suli
- Sun-Eater
- Superman
- Superboy-Prime
- Susanoo-o-no-Mikoto
- T: D. H. D
- T'Charr
- Takion
- Tala
- Telephone Avatar
- Terrataya
- Tezcatlipoca
- Thanoseid (Amalgam Comics)
- Thia
- Thunderbolt I
- Tigra
- Timeless Ones
- Time Trapper
- Titans
- Totac
- Triarch
- Troia, from Team Titans
- Trigon the Terrible
- Triumvirate, featured in The Demon
- Trok
- Typhon
- Ugly Munter
- Ultimator
- Uni-Friend
- The Unimaginables
- Vandaemeon
- Vestaments
- Vext
- Voiceless Gods
- Vulcan
- Vykin the Black
- Wally from Supergirl
- The Word
- Yama-No-Kami
- Yggardis the Living Planet
- YggDrasil the earth Elemental
- Yuga Khan
- Ynar
- Yuppie Demons
- Zamarons, the god-like race from Green Lantern
- Zeus, featured primarily in Wonder Woman
See also
- Cosmic entities (DC Comics)
- List of alien races in DC Comics
- List of teams and organizations in DC Comics
External links
Categories:- Lists of DC Comics characters
- Lists of fictional deities
- DC Comics cosmic entities
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