Stanislaus Hosius

Stanislaus Hosius

Stanislaus Hosius ( _pl. Stanisław Hozjusz) (5 May 1504 in Kraków, Poland - 5 August, 1579 in Capranica Prenestina, Italy) was a cardinal, since 1551 Prince-Bishop in Bishopric of Warmia (Ermland), Poland [] since 1558 papal legate to the Holy Roman Emperor's Imperial Court in Vienna, Austria and since 1566 a papal legate to Poland.

Hosius was born in Kraków as the son of Ulrich Hos of Pforzheim, Margraviate of Baden, Holy Roman Empire and studied law at the University of Padua, Italy and the University of Bologna, Italy. He became Bishop of Chełmno in 1549 and Prince-Bishop of Warmia in 1551. Hosius had Jesuit sympathies and actively opposed the Protestant Reformation, going so far as to desire a repetition of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in Poland. Apart from its being "the property of the Roman Church," he regarded the Bible as having no more worth than "Aesop's Fables".

Hosius was not distinguished as a theologian, though he drew up the "Confessio fidei christiana catholica" adopted by the Synod of Piotrków in 1557. He was, however, supreme as a diplomat and administrator. The Pope consecrated Hosius to fight the ongoing conversions to Protestantism. Hosius and Marcin Kromer were the two bishops most instrumental in keeping Warmia region Catholic, while neighboring Ducal Prussia became Protestant in 1525.

Hosius was called to the Imperial seat at Vienna, Austria in 1558/1559, where he was to work on the reopening of the Council of Trent, Italy and on (re)gaining the imperial son Maximilian for Catholicism. For his successful work Hosius was promoted to cardinal in 1561, returning to Warmia in 1563. In 1566 Pope Pius V consecrated him as Papal Legate to Poland.

Besides carrying through many difficult negotiations, he founded the lyceum of Braniewo (Braunsberg) in order to counter the rapidly spreading Protestants. It became the center of the Roman Catholic mission among Protestants. In 1572 Pope Gregory XIII declared Hosius a member of the Congregatio Germania. He died at Capranica near Rome, Italy on 5 August 1579.

A special friend to Hosius was Blessed Peter Canisius. Both Kromer and Hosius left many records of their German language speeches and sermons in their years of duty in the Bishopric of Warmia. They were later translated to Czech, English, and French.

A collected edition of his works was published at Cologne, Germany in 1584 ( "Life" by A Eichhorn (Mainz, Germany, 1854), 2 vols).


* Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE), Bd. 15, S. 598-600
* Benrath: Realenzyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche (RE) 3. Auflage Bd. 8 S. 382-392
* Heinz Scheible: Melanchthons Briefwechsel Personen 12 Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Germany, 2005 ISBN 3-7728-2258-4
* Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche (LThK) 3. Auflage Bd. 5 S. 284
* Arno Sames: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG) 4 Auflage, Bd. 3, S. 1912


* [ Stanislai Hosii (...) Opera omnia in duos divisa tomos, quorum primus ab (...) auctore (...) auctus et recognitus (...) secundus autem totus novus, nuncque primum typis excusus (...)]
* [ Stanislai Hosii (...) Opera omnia (...) nunc novissime ab ipso auctore (...) recognita (...) cura (...) Henrici Dunghaei (...) edita (...)]
* Ersch / Gruber: Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste [ VOLUME Sect. 2 T. 11 S. 93]
* [ Four cities of Germany]

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