Arne Magnussen

Arne Magnussen

Arne Magnussen (31 March 1884 - ??) was a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party and the Social Democratic Labour Party.

He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament from the urban constituency of "Moss og Drøbak" in 1919. In 1921, when the Social Democratic Labour Party split away from the Labour Party, he joined the Social Democrats and was re-elected in the newly created constituency Market towns of Østfold and Akershus. He was re-elected on one occasion in 1924, but not on the next occasion in 1927. In 1930, having rejoined the Labour Party, he was elected for the last time, and sat through the term which ended in 1933. [ Arne Magnussen] — Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) ]

Born in Moss as the son of a school teacher, he started his career as a mail and newspaper carrier. He eventually became involved in making the newspapers, as editor-in-chief of "Moss Socialdemokrat" from 1913. He founded "Ekstrabladet" in 1920, but upon the party split in 1921, he formed a local organ for the Social Democratic Labour Party named "Moss Arbeiderblad". He was editor-in-chief of that newspaper until the party reconciliation in 1927. He then worked in the Labour Party newspaper "Moss og Omegns Arbeiderblad" until 1933. He chaired the trade union "Det norske Postmannslag", a forerunner of Postkom, from 1919 to 1923.b]

In 1933 he became burgomaster of Moss city. He had been a member of the city council from 1910 to 1933, serving as deputy mayor in 1916-1918, 1930 and 1931-1933 and as mayor from 1922 to 1925. In 1939 his title was renamed "rådmann" (chief administrative officer). He stayed in this position until after the Second World War, with a break from 1 May 1944 to January 1946. He was also a member of several public committees, including the school board and the poor relief. He was also a member of the National Impeachment Court ("Riksrett") during the 1926-1927 impeachment case against Abraham Berge.c]

Magnussen was also active in the temperance movement.d]


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