- Wess-Zumino-Witten model
theoretical physics andmathematics , the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model, also called the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model, is a simple model ofconformal field theory whose solutions are realized byaffine Kac-Moody algebra s. It is named afterJulius Wess ,Bruno Zumino ,Sergei P. Novikov andEdward Witten .Action
Let "G" denote a compact
simply-connected Lie group and "g" itssimple Lie algebra . Suppose that γ is a "G"-valued field on thecomplex plane . More precisely, we want γ to be defined on theRiemann sphere S^2, which is the complex plane compactified by adding apoint at infinity .The WZW model is then a
nonlinear sigma model defined by γ with the action given by:S_k(gamma)= - , frac {k}{8pi} int_{S^2} d^2x, mathcal{K} (gamma^{-1} partial^mu gamma , , , gamma^{-1} partial_mu gamma) + 2pi k, S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma) .Here, partial_mu = partial / partial x^mu is thepartial derivative and the usualsummation convention over indices is used, with aEuclidean metric . Here, mathcal{K} is theKilling form on "g", and thus the first term is the standard kinetic term ofquantum field theory .The term "S"WZ is called the "Wess-Zumino term" and can be written as:S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma) = - , frac{1}{48pi^2} int_{B^3} d^3y, epsilon^{ijk} mathcal{K} left( gamma^{-1} , frac {partial gamma} {partial y^i} , , , left [gamma^{-1} , frac {partial gamma} {partial y^j} , , ,gamma^{-1} , frac {partial gamma} {partial y^k} ight] ight)where [,] is the
commutator , epsilon^{ijk} is thecompletely anti-symmetric tensor , and the integration coordinates y^i for "i"=1,2,3 range over theunit ball B^3.In this integral, the field γ has been extended so that it is defined on the interior of the unit ball. This extension can always be done because thehomotopy group pi_2(G) always vanishes for any compact, simply-connected Lie group, and we originally defined γ on the 2-sphere S^2=partial B^3.Pullback
Note that if e_a are the basis vectors for the
Lie algebra , then mathcal{K} (e_a, [e_b, e_c] ) are thestructure constant s of the Lie algebra. Note also that the structure constants are completely anti-symmetric, and thus they define a 3-form on thegroup manifold of "G". Thus, the integrand above is just the pullback of the harmonic 3-form to the ball B^3. Denoting the harmonic 3-form by "c" and the pullback by gamma^{*}, one then has :S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma) = int_{B^3} gamma^{*} cThis form leads directly to a topological analysis of the WZ term.Topological obstructions
The extension of the field to the interior of the ball is not unique; the need to have the physics be independent of the extension imposes a quanitization condition on the coupling constant "k". Consider two different extensions of γ to the interior of the ball. They are maps from flat 3-space into the Lie group "G". Consider now glueing these two balls together at their boundary S^2. The result of the gluing is a topological 3-sphere; each ball B^3 is a hemisphere of S^3. The two different extensions of γ on each ball now becomes a map S^3 ightarrow G. However, the homotopy group pi_3(G)=mathbb{Z} for any compact, connected simple Lie group "G". Thus we have:S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma) = S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma')+nwhere γ and γ' denote the two different extensions onto the ball, and "n", an integer, is the
winding number of the glued-together map. The physics that this model leads to will stay the same if:exp left(i2pi k S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma) ight)= exp left( i2pi k S^{mathrm WZ}(gamma') ight)
Thus, topological considerations leads one to conclude that coupling constant "k" must be an integer when "G" is a connected, compact, simple Lie group. For a semisimple or disconnected compact Lie group the level consists of an integer for each connected, simple component.
This topological obstruction can also be seen in the representation theory of the
affine Lie algebra symmetry of the theory. When each level is a positive integer the affine Lie algebra has unitary highest weightrepresentations with highest weights that are dominant integral. Such representations are easier to work with as they decompose into finite-dimensional subalgebras with respect to the subalgebras spanned by eachsimple root , the corresponding negative root and their commutator, which is a Cartan generator.Often one is interested in a WZW model with a noncompact simple Lie group G, such as SL(2,R) which has been used by
Juan Maldacena andHirosi Ooguri to describestring theory on a three-dimensionalanti de Sitter space , which is theuniversal cover of the group SL(2,R). In this case, as π3(SL(2,R))=0, there is no topological obstruction and the level need not be integral. Correspondingly, the representation theory of such noncompact Lie groups is much richer than that of their compact counterparts.Generalizations
Although in the above, the WZW model is defined on the Riemann sphere, it can be generalized so that the field gamma lives on a compact
Riemann surface .Current algebra
current algebra of the WZW model is aKac-Moody algebra .References
* J. Wess, B. Zumino, "Consequences of anomalous Ward identities", "Physics Letters B", 37 (1971) pp. 95-97.
* E. Witten, "Global aspects of current algebra", "Nuclear Physics B" 223 (1983) pp. 422-432.
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