- SL2(R)
mathematics , thespecial linear group SL2(R) is the group of all real 2 × 2 matrices withdeterminant one::
It is a real
Lie group with important applications ingeometry ,topology ,representation theory , andphysics .Closely related to SL2(R) is the
projective linear group PSL2(R). This is the quotient of SL2(R) obtained by identifying each element with its negative::
Some authors denote this group by SL2(R) instead. It is a
simple Lie group , and it contains themodular group PSL2(Z).Descriptions
SL2(R) is the group of all
linear transformation s of R2 that preserve oriented area. It is isomorphic to thesymplectic group Sp2(R) and the generalizedspecial unitary group SU(1,1). It is also isomorphic to the group of unit-length coquaternions.The quotient PSL2(R) has several interesting descriptions:
* It is the group of orientation-preservingprojective transformation s of thereal projective line .
* It is the group of conformalautomorphism s of theunit disc .
* It is the group of orientation-preserving isometries of thehyperbolic plane .
* It is the restricted Lorentz group of three-dimensionalMinkowski space . Equivalently, it is isomorphic to theindefinite orthogonal group SO+(1,2). It follows that SL2(R) is isomorphic to thespin group Spin(2,1)+.Linear fractional transformations
Elements of PSL2(R) act on the
real projective line as linear fractional transformations::
This is analogous to the action of PSL2(C) on the
Riemann sphere byMöbius transformation s. It is the restriction of the action of PSL2(R) on the hyperbolic plane to the boundary at infinity.Möbius transformations
Elements of PSL2(R) act on the complex plane by Möbius transformations:
This is precisely the set of Möbius transformations that preserve the
upper half-plane . It follows that PSL2(R) is the group of conformal automorphisms of the upper half-plane. By theRiemann mapping theorem , it is also the group of conformal automorphisms of the unit disc.These Möbius transformations act as the
isometries of the upper half-plane model of hyperbolic space, and the corresponding Möbius transformations of the disc are the hyperbolic isometries of thePoincaré disk model .Adjoint representation
The group SL2(R) acts on its Lie algebra sl2(R) by
conjugation , yielding a faithful 3-dimensional linear representation of PSL2(R). This can alternatively be described as the action of PSL2(R) on the space ofquadratic forms on R2. The result is the following representation::
Killing form on sl2(R) has signature (2,1), and induces an isomorphism between PSL2(R) and theLorentz group SO+(2,1). This action of PSL2(R) onMinkowski space restricts to the isometric action of PSL2(R) on thehyperboloid model of the hyperbolic plane.Classification of elements
eigenvalue s of an element "A" ∈ SL2(R) satisfy thecharacteristic polynomial :
and therefore
This leads to the following classification of elements:
* If | tr("A") | < 2, then "A" is called elliptic.
* If | tr("A") | = 2, then "A" is called parabolic.
* If | tr("A") | > 2, then "A" is called hyperbolic.
Elliptic elements
eigenvalues for an elliptic element are both complex, and are conjugate values on theunit circle . Such an element acts as arotation of the Euclidean plane, and the corresponding element of PSL2(R) acts as arotation of the hyperbolic plane and ofMinkowski space .Elliptic elements of the
modular group must have eigenvalues { "ω", 1/"ω" }, where "ω" is a primitive 3rd, 4th, or 6throot of unity . These are all the elements of the modular group with finite order, and they act on thetorus as periodic diffeomorphisms.Parabolic elements
A parabolic element has only a single eigenvalue, which is either 1 or -1. Such an element acts as a
shear mapping on the Euclidean plane, and the corresponding element of PSL2(R) acts as alimit rotation of the hyperbolic plane and as a null rotation ofMinkowski space .Parabolic elements of the
modular group act asDehn twist s of the torus.Hyperbolic elements
eigenvalues for a hyperbolic element are both real, and are reciprocals. Such an element acts as asqueeze mapping of the Euclidean plane, and the corresponding element of PSL2(R) acts as atranslation of the hyperbolic plane and as a Lorentz boost onMinkowski space .Hyperbolic elements of the
modular group act asAnosov diffeomorphism s of the torus.Topology and universal cover
As a
topological space , PSL2("R") can be described as theunit tangent bundle of the hyperbolic plane. It is acircle bundle , and has a naturalcontact structure induced by the symplectic structure on the hyperbolic plane. SL2("R") is a 2-fold cover of PSL2("R"), and can be thought of as the bundle ofspinor s on the hyperbolic plane.The fundamental group of SL2("R") is the infinite
cyclic group Z. The universal covering group, denoted , is an example of a finite-dimensional Lie group that is not amatrix group . That is, admits no faithful, finite-dimensional representation.As a topological space, is a line bundle over the hyperbolic plane. When imbued with a left-invariant metric, the
3-manifold becomes one of the eight Thurston geometries. For example, is the universal cover of the unit tangent bundle to any hyperbolic surface. Any manifold modeled on is orientable, and is acircle bundle over some 2-dimensional hyperbolicorbifold (aSeifert fiber space ).Algebraic structure
The center of SL2(R) is the two-element group {-1,1}, and the
quotient PSL2(R) is simple.Discrete subgroups of PSL2(R) are called
Fuchsian group s. These are the hyperbolic analogue of the Euclideanwallpaper group s andFrieze group s. The most famous of these is themodular group PSL2(Z), which acts on a tesselation of the hyperbolic plane by ideal triangles.The
circle group SO(2) is amaximal compact subgroup of SL2(R), and the circle SO(2)/{-1,+1} is a maximal compact subgroup of PSL2(R).The
Schur multiplier of PSL2(R) is Z, and the universal central extension is the same as the universal covering group.Representation theory
SL2(R) is a real, non-compact
simple Lie group , and is the split-real form of the complex Lie group SL2(C). TheLie algebra of SL2(R), denoted sl2(R), is the algebra of all real, traceless 2 × 2 matrices. It is the Bianchi algebra of type VIII.The finite-dimensional representation theory of SL2(R) is equivalent to the
representation theory of SU(2) , which is the compact real form of SL2(C). In particular, SL2(R) has no nontrivial finite-dimensional unitary representations.The infinite-dimensional representation theory of SL2(R) is quite interesting. The group has several families of unitary representations, which were worked out in detail by Gelfand and Naimark (1946),
V. Bargmann (1947), andHarish-Chandra (1952).ee also
linear group
*special linear group
*projective linear group
*hyperbolic isometry
*modular group
*Möbius transformation
*projective transformation
*Fuchsian group
*Table of Lie groups References
*V. Bargmann, [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-486X%28194707%292%3A48%3A3%3C568%3AIUROTL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Z, "Irreducible Unitary Representations of the Lorentz Group"] , The Annals of Mathematics, 2nd Ser., Vol. 48, No. 3 (Jul., 1947), pp. 568-640
* Gelfand, I.; Neumark, M. "Unitary representations of the Lorentz group." Acad. Sci. USSR. J. Phys. 10, (1946), pp. 93--94
* Harish-Chandra, "Plancherel formula for the 2×2 real unimodular group." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 38 (1952), pp. 337--342
* Serge Lang, "SL2(R)." Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 105. "Springer-Verlag, New York", 1985. ISBN 0-387-96198-4
* William Thurston. "Three-dimensional geometry and topology. Vol. 1". Edited by Silvio Levy. Princeton Mathematical Series, 35. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1997. x+311 pp. ISBN 0-691-08304-5
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