

"Tianquiztli" which in translation means "Marketplace". Tianquiztli was the Aztec's name for the Pleiades. Time was measured by movements of the stars and the sun. Their calendar was based upon a fifty-two year cycle. They watched Tianquizli (Pleiades) closely to insure that the world wouldn't end.

The crossing of the meridian by the Pleiades signaled that the cosmos did not interrupt their movement, and the world would not end then and another fifty two years were safe of the apocalypse and that demons of darkness descending to earth and devouring men. This also ensured that the sun was reborn. At the specific moment when the Pleides crossed the meridian, the Aztec priests would start a small fire on the slashed chest of the victim. The same fire was then carried to the temple of the Sun god Huitzilopochtli, and to the homes of the Aztec people.

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