- List of art magazines
An art magazine is a publication whose main topic is
art . They can be aimed at different audiences--galleries, buyers, artists, etc.Art magazines include:
* "2DArtist magazine " - magazine PDF only
*"American Art Review "
*"AmericanStyle magazine " - For art collectors, enthusiasts and travelers [http://www.AmericanStyle.com]
* "Aperture"- quarterly on photography; based in New York, USA
* "Apollo" - monthly
* "Art and Antiques "
* " Art+Auction" [http://www.artinfo.com/artandauction/]
* "Art Calendar " - monthly business magazine for artists
* "Art Elite Online Art Magazine " - monthly [http://www.artelite.org]
* "Art – Das Kunstmagazin " (German Wikipedia entry)
* "Artforum " - est. 1962 in San Francisco, now based in New York, USA
* "Art in America " est. 1913; covers US and international art but concentrated on New York
* "ARTillery " Killer Text on Contemporary Art. Covers internationally, based in LA and founded in 2006. [http://www.artillerymag.com]
* "ArtAsiaPacific "- covers contemporary art in Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East; based in New York, USA
* "Art of England "- The serious guide to Art in the UK, released monthly and available digitally for free. [http://www.artofengland.uk.com]
* "Art of the 4 Corners " [http://www.art4corners.com]
* "Art on paper " [www.artonpaper.com] - international coverage of artists working in a range of paper-based media
* "Art Monthly " [www.artmonthly.co.uk] - London-based coverage of the arts
* "ARTnews "
* "Arts Magazine "- A French publication for art enthusiasts [http://www.artsmag.fr]
* "THE ART SECTION"--a monthly journal of art and cultural commentary. [http://www.theartsection.com]
* "ARTWORKS Magazine " [http://www.artworksmagazine.com/] A quarterly publication, covers west coast and national. Est. 2004
* "Artworld Digest " - new artist and activist resource. [http://www.artworldigest.com]
* "Bedeutung " - a quarterly publication of philosophy, current affairs, art and literature [http://www.bedeutung.co.uk]
* "Big RED and Shiny "
* "The Burlington Magazine " est. 1903
* "Circa " - Journal of Record for Contemporary Art in Ireland [http://www.recirca.com]
* "Constance" - est. 2006, based inNew Orleans, Louisiana
* "Contemporary"
* "CreateBetterPaintings.com " - webzine of art instruction and inspiration for painters [http://www.createbetterpaintings.com]
* "Culture Lounge "
* "Dialogue" [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1248/is_7_90/ai_88582404]
* "Die Insel " - (1899-1901 in Munich, Germany); title means "The Island"
* "The Drama "
* "Esopus "
* "Grab Magazine " - A free press about art, illustration and street culture [http://www.grabmagazine.it]
* "Hi-Fructose " - contemporary, counter-culture art [http://www.hifructose.com]
* "ImagineFX " est 2006; based in Bath, UK
* "Juxtapoz "
* "KIOSK " - art, design and architecture magazine, est. 2007, based in London, UK. [http://www.kioskmagazine.co.uk]
* "Kunstkompass " (German Wikipedia entry)
* "Kunstzeitung " (German Wikipedia entry)
* "La Famiglia " [http://www.lafamigliazine.com]
* "Lens Culture " - International art of photography, est 2004
* "L'ŒIL " - French, est 1955
* "Locus Suspectus "
* "Marg " - India, English language, est. 1946 [http://www.marg-art.org/magazines.asp]
* "Mental Contagion "
* "Minotaure " - (1933-1939) surrealist-oriented; founded by Albert Skira in Paris, France
* "Mir iskusstva " - est. 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia; title means "World of Art"
* "Mirrors Magazine " - International art and literary magazine, est 2008
* " Modern Painters" [http://www.artinfo.com/modernpainters/]
* "Mouvement "- The (thoroughly) undisciplined French magazine of the living arts [http://www.mouvement.net]
* "New Art Examiner " (1973-2002) based in Chicago, USA [http://www.artnet.com/magazine/news/cassidy/cassidy7-5-02.asp]
* "Nictoglobe " - Since 1986, founded by A. Andreas in Amsterdam, The Netherlands [http://www.nictoglobe.com]
* "Parkett " - Quarterly
* "Percolator " - International Online Contemporary Art Reviews [http://www.percolatormag.com]
* "Photosho " - Showcase of Canadian Photographers
* "PLAZM "
* "Raw Vision " - International magazine of outsider art, art brut, contemporary folk art [http://www.rawvision.com]
* "Sculpture magazine "
* [http://www.tate.org.uk/tateetc TATE ETC. magazine, covering Tate Galleries and beyond]
* "The Arts Trust - Institute of Contemporary Indian Art "
* "Texte zur Kunst " - Quarterly
* "TradeArt " - underground art magazine, est. 1999, published by TradeArt Incorporated, Maryland, USA [http://www.trade-art.org]
*"Western Art & Architecture " - This quarterly publication celebrates America's love affair with the Western visual arts - from the classic Western masters to contemporary trendsetters. [http://www.westernartandarchitecture.com]
* "White Fungus Magazine "
* [http://www.X-TRAonline.orgX-TRA] — Contemporary Art Quarterly "(Published in Los Angeles since 1997)"
* "Zingmagazine "
* "artcornwall.org "
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