Ireland — Irelander, n. /uyeur leuhnd/, n. 1. John, 1838 1918, U.S. Roman Catholic clergyman and social reformer, born in Ireland: archbishop of St. Paul, Minn., 1888 1918. 2. Also called Emerald Isle. Latin, Hibernia. a large western island of the British … Universalium
Lordship of Ireland — Main article: History of Ireland 1169–1536 Lordship of Ireland Tiarnas na hÉireann ← … Wikipedia
List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700 — NOTOC This is an incomplete list of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the years up to 1700. Click here for the List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701 to 1800.The numbers after the titles of the acts are the chapter numbers. Acts are… … Wikipedia
Court of King's Bench (Ireland) — The Court of King s Bench (or Court of Queen s Bench during the reign of a Queen) was one of the senior courts of common law in Ireland. It was a mirror of the Court of King s Bench in England. The King s Bench was one of the four courts which… … Wikipedia
List of years in Ireland — This is a list of years in Ireland. See also the timeline of Irish history. For only articles about years in Ireland that have been written, see . Twenty first century :2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Twentieth century :2000 1999 1998… … Wikipedia
Peerage of England and Ireland in 1310 — This is an alphabetical list of the earls of England and Ireland in the year 1310, with the dates during which they held the titles:*Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel, (1306 1326) *Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall, (1307 1312) *Humphrey de … Wikipedia
Peerage of England and Ireland in 1320 — This is an alphabetical list of the earls of England and Ireland in the year 1320, with the dates during which they held the titles:*Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel, (1306 1326) *Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Chester (1312 1327) (became Edward … Wikipedia
sorcery — /sawr seuh ree/, n., pl. sorceries. the art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery. [1250 1300; ME sorcerie < ML sorceria. See SORCERER, Y3] Syn.… … Universalium
List of abbeys and priories in England — Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Article layout 2 Abbreviations and key … Wikipedia
List of state leaders in 1339 — 1338 state leaders Events of 1339 1340 state leaders State leaders by year Africa *Ethiopia Solomonic dynasty Amda Seyon I Emperor of Ethiopia (1314 1344) **Ifat (Walashma dynasty; tributary Ethiopian state) ***Sabr ad Din I, Amir of Ifat (C.1330 … Wikipedia