- List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700
This is an "incomplete" list of Acts of the
Parliament of Ireland for the years up to1700 .Click here for the
List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701 to 1800 .The numbers after the titles of the acts are the chapter numbers. Acts are referenced using 'Year of reign', 'Monarch', c., 'Chapter number' — e.g. 16 Charles 2 c. 2 — to define a chapter of the appropriate statute book.
Many of these acts are still, at least nominally, in force, both in
Northern Ireland and theRepublic of Ireland . As these two countries are legally separate, any amendment to or repeal of a law in one jurisdiction will have no effect on that law in the other. TheOireachtas can perform this function for the Republic, whilstWestminster and theNorthern Ireland Assembly do the same for legislation relating toNorthern Ireland .Indeed, in the Republic, many of these laws are expected to be repealed by the
'The Pre-Independence Project' . However, some specific acts are still used on a day-to-day basis and will not be repealed in the immediate term, e.g.Statute of Frauds 1695 .Short title s were not used during the life of the Parliament of Ireland. Individual Acts are identified below using either a description, the Act'slong title , or by the short title given to the Act by subsequent legislation of theParliament of the United Kingdom (to1922 ) or either theParliament of Northern Ireland or theOireachtas . Note that the short titles enacted by the latter two are legally valid only withinNorthern Ireland and theRepublic of Ireland respectively.13th century
1 Hen. 3 (1216)
*Great Charter of Ireland 1216
11 Hen. 3 (1226)
*Curtesy Act 1226
20 Hen. 3 (1236)
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Merton
21 Hen. 3 (1237)
*Concerning those born before wedlock
22 Hen. 3 (1238)
*Inheritance of bastard
12 Edw. 1 (1284)
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Rutland
13 Edw. 1 (1285)
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Westminster the First and Statute of Gloucester
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Westminster the Second20 Edw. 1 (1292)
City of Limerick Act 1292 21 Edw. 1 (1293)
Sheriffs Act 1293 28 Edw. 1 (1300)
*Custom of Ireland as to goods of testator
*Export of silver14th century
1 Edw. 2 (1307)
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Winchester
13 Edw. 2 (1320)
*Confirmation of observance in Ireland of Statutes of Merton, Marlborough, Westminster the First, Westminster the Second, Gloucester
17 Edw. 2 (1324)
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of Lincoln
*Observance in Ireland of Statute of York29 Edw. 3 (1355)
*Forestallers of Fish
31 Edw. 3 (1357)
*State of the Land of Ireland
40 Edw. 3 (1366)
Statute of Kilkenny 13 Ric. 2 (1389)
*Prohibition of sale of falcons, hawks, etc.
15 Ric. 2 (1391)
*Observance in Ireland of Statutes of England
15th century
3 Hen. 4 (1402)
*Forcible Entry
11 Hen. 4 (1410)
*Election of sheriffs: confirmation of rights
*False Imprisonment Act 1410 7 Hen. 6 (1428)
*c. 8
Indictments and Pleadings Act 1428 16 Hen. 6 (1437)
Treatment of Foreign Merchants Act 1437 33 Hen. 6
*c. 9 Ships guarding the sea between Ireland and England to have certain tolls
37 Hen. 6 (1459)
*c. 1 Warrants and Patents
38 Hen. 6
*c. 14 Foreign enemies spoil and slay merchants, &c., on sea
3 Edw. 4 (1463)
*c. 9
Town of Dungarvan Act 1463
*c. 21Town of Youghal Act 1463 5 Edw. 4 (1465)
City of Cork Act 1465 7 Edw. 4 (1467)
*c. 2 "An Act that none shall purchase Benefices from Rome"
7 & 8 Edw. 4 (1467)
*c. 58
Borough of Drogheda Act 1467
*c. 64Borough of Drogheda (No. 2) Act 1467 10 Edw. 4 (1470)
*c. 10
Herring Fishery Act 1470 11 & 12 Edw. 4 (1471)
*c. 80
Parliamentary Privilege Act 1471 15 & 16 Edw. 4 (1475)
*c. 8
Taking of Pledges Act 1475 16 & 17 Edw. 4 (1476)
*c. 17
County of Louth Act 1476
*c. 22Courts Act 1476 18 Edw. 4 (1478)
*Confirmation of rights: pestilence
*Saint Werburgh's Church Act 1478 18 Edw. 4 Sess. 1 (1478)
*c. 8
Bog of Allen Act 1478 21 Edw. 4 (1481)
Christ Church Lands Act 1481 21 & 22 Edw. 4 (1481)
Christ Church Grants Act 1481
*Town of Ardee Act 1481 1 & 2 Hen. 7 (1486)
*c. 4
City of Dublin Act 1486
*c. 5Borough of Drogheda Act 1486 9 Hen. 7 (1493)
Distress etc. Act 1493 10 Hen. 7 (1495)
*c. 22 Poynings' Act 1495 - also known as "Poynings' Law" (still in force in UK)
16th century
8 & 9 Hen. 8
*c. 9 Foreigners fishing off coast to land one-third of the catch in Ireland
28 Hen. 8 (1537)
*c. 2
Marriage Act 1537
*c. 5 "An Act authorising the King, His Heirs and Successors, to be supreme Head of the Church of Ireland"
*c. 7Treason Act (Ireland) 1537
*c. 18Administration of Estates Act 1537
*c. 22Inland Navigation Act 1537 28 & 29 Hen. 8
*c. 17
Marriage (No. 2) Act 1537
*c. 24County of Wexford Act 1536
*c. 32Borough of Wexford Act 1536
*c. 37Boyne Weirs Act 1536 33 Hen. 8 (1542)
*c. 1
Crown of Ireland Act 1542 (still in force in UK)
*Mispleading and Jeoyfailes
*c. 6Marriage Act 1542
*c. 10 Joint Tenants33 Hen. 8 Sess. 2 (1542)
* c. 3 "An Act touching Mispleading and Jeoyfailes"
34 Hen. 8 (1543)
*c. 1
Counties of Meath and Westmeath Act 1543 3 & 4 Phil. & Mar. (1556)
*c. 2 Settlement of Laois and Offaly
*c. 11 Treason
*c. 14 Regal Power of Queen2 Eliz. (1560)
*c. 1 "An Act restoring to the Crown, the auncient Jurisdiction over the State Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall, and abolishing all forreine Power repugnant to the same" (still in force in UK)
*c. 2 "An Act for the Uniformitie of Common Prayer and Service in the Church and the Administration of the Sacraments"
*c. 6 "An Act whereby certaine Offences be made Treasons"12 Eliz. (1570)
*c. 1 "An Act for the Erection of Free Schooles"
*c. 2 "An Act that Exemplifications shall be of the same Effect and Strength as the Record or Matter exemplified should be"28 Eliz. (1586)
*c. 1
Perjury Act 1586
*c. 2Witchcraft Act 1586 17th century
11, 12 & 13 Jas. 1 (1613-15)
*c. 2
Piracy Act 1613
*c. 8 "An Act for the avoyding of privie and secret outlawries of His Majestie's subjects in personal actions"1630-1639
10 Chas. 1 (1634)
*c. 3 "An Act for confirming of letters patent hereafter to be past upon his Majesties commission of grace for the remedy of defective titles"
*c. 5 Recovery of rents by executors10 Chas. 1 Sess. 2 (1634)
*c. 1
Statute of Uses 1634
*c. 3Conveyancing Act 1634
*c. 4 "An Act concerning grantees of reversions, to take advantage of breaches of conditions &c."
*c. 6Trespass Act 1634
*c. 14 "An Act for the continuance of actions after the death of any King"
*c. 17 "An Act that where the plaintiffe is non-suited, the defendant shall recover costs"10 Chas. 1 Sess. 3 (1634)
*c. 2 "Explanation of 10 Chas. 1 c. 3"
*c. 3 "Re plantation"
*c. 7 "An Act for contentation of debts upon execution"
*c. 10Administration of Estates Act 1634
*c. 13Forcible Entry Act 1634
*c. 15Maintenance and Embracery Act 1634
*c. 18Sheriffs Act 1634 10 & 11 Chas. 1 (1634-35)
*c. 3
Ecclesiastical Lands Act 1634
*c. 8 "An Act to give costs to the defendant, upon a nonsuite of the plaintiffe, or verdict against him"
*c. 10 "An Act to prevent and punish the abuses in procuring processe and supersedeas of the peace and good behaviour out of his Majesties courts of Chancery and Kings Bench and to prevent abuses in procuring writs of certiorari, &c."
*c. 11Common Informers Act 1634
*c. 12 "Re privilege of Parliament"
*c. 35 Cruelty to horses and sheep15 Chas. 1 Sess. 2 (1639)
*c. 3
Forfeiture Act 1639 (still in force in UK)
*c. 6 "An Act for strengthening of letters patent past and to be past, upon any of his Majesties commissions of grace for the remedy of defective titles, etc."1660-1669
14 & 15 Chas. 2 (1662)
*c. 3 Hostlers and innkeepers
14 & 15 Chas. 2 Sess. 4 (1662)
*c. 2 "Re plantation"
*c. 10 "An Act for real union and division of parishes, and concerning churches, free-schools and exchanges"
*c. 19Tenures Abolition Act 1662
*c. 21 "An Act for increasing the fee of the seal due to the lord chancellor of Ireland"17 & 18 Chas. 2 (1665)
*c. 2 "Re plantation"
*c. 6 "An Act for the Uniformity of Publique Prayers and Administration of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies; and for establishing the Forme of making, ordaining, and consecrating Bishops, Priests and Deacons, in the Church of Ireland"
*c. 11 "An Act to prevent Delays in extending Statutes, Judgements and Recognizances"
*c. 20 "An Act for the trial by Nisi Prius of Issues laid in the City of Dublin and County of Dublin"
*c. 21St. Patrick's Cathedral Act 1665 1690-1700
4 Will. & Mar. (1692)
*c. 1 "An Act of Recognition, of their Majesties undoubted Right to the Crown of Ireland" (still in force in UK)
*c. 2 "An Act for encouragement of Protestant strangers to settle in this kingdom of Ireland"
*c. 4 "An Act for taking Affidavits in the Country, to be made use of in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer"7 Will. 3 (1695)
*c. 2 "An Act for taking away the Writ de heretico comburendo"
*c. 3 "An Act declaring all Attainders and all other Acts made in the late pretended Parliament, to be void"
*c. 4 "An Act to Restrain foreign Education"
*c. 5 "An Act for the better securing the government, by disarming papists"
*c. 6Statute of Distribution 1695
*c. 8Life Estates Act 1695
*c. 9Profane Oaths Act 1695
*c. 12Statute of Frauds 1695
*c. 13Sheriffs Act 1695
*c. 14 "An Act declaring which days in the year shall be observed as holy-days"
*c. 15 "An Act for granting a Supply to his Majesty, by raising Money by a Poll, and otherwise"
*c. 17Sunday Observance Act 1695
*c. 18 Bail in civil actions
*c. 21 "An Act for the better suppressing Tories, Robbers, and Rapparees; and for preventing Robberies, Burglaries, and other heinous Crimes"
*c. 22Distress for Rent Act 1695 9 Will. 3 (1697)
*c. 1 "An Act for banishing all Papists exercising any Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, and all Regulars of the Popish Clergy out of this Kingdom" - known as the "Banishment Act"
*c. 2 "An Act for the Confirmation of Articles made at the Surrender of the City of Limerick"
*c. 3 "An Act to prevent Protestants inter-marrying with Papists"
*c. 5 "An Act to hinder the Reversal of several Outlawries and Attainders, and to prevent the Return of Subjects of this Kingdom who have gone into the Dominions of the French King in Europe"
*c. 8 "An Act for granting a supply to his Majesty, by raising money by a poll"
*c. 9 "An Act to Supply the Defects, and for better Execution of an Act passed this present Session of Parliament, entituled, An act for the better suppressing Tories and Rapparees; and for preventing Robberies, Burglaries, and other heinous Crimes"
*c. 10 Costs and prevention of frivolous suits
*c. 11Clandestine Mortgages Act 1697
*c. 13 Transferring suits from inferior Courts
*c. 16St. Michan's Parish Act 1697 10 Will. 3 (1698)
*c. 6
Glebe Act 1698
*c. 7 Confirming estates under Acts of Settlement
*c. 8Deer Protection Act 1698
*c. 10 "An Act for traversing Inquisitions"
*c. 13 "An Act to prevent Papists being Solicitors"
*c. 14 Arbitrationee also
List of Acts of the Oireachtas
*List of Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom Parliament External links
* [http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/front.html Irish statute book]
* [http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/index_en.html Office of the Attorney General (Ireland)]
* [http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/slru/pre_ind_project.html The Pre-Independence Project]
* [http://www.attorneygeneral.ie/slru/slru.html Statute Law Revision (Ireland)]
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