- Baltic expeditions runestones
The Baltic expeditions runestones are
Varangian Runestones in memory of men who took part in peaceful or warlike expeditions across theBaltic Sea , whereFinland and theBaltic States are presently located.Beside the runestones treated in this article and in the main article
Varangian Runestones , there are many other runestones that talk of eastward voyages such as theGreece Runestones ,Italy Runestones , and inscriptions left by theVarangian Guard . Other runestones that deal with Varangian expeditions include theSerkland Runestones (dealing with expeditions to the Middle East) and theIngvar Runestones (erected in honor or memory of those who travelled to theCaspian Sea withIngvar the Far-Travelled ). ["e.g.", Jones 267.] In addition, there were also voyages to Western Europe mentioned on runestones that are treated in the articlesViking Runestones ,England Runestones andHakon Jarl Runestones .Below follows a presentation of the runestones based on the
Rundata project. The transcriptions intoOld Norse are mostly in the Swedish and Danish dialect to facilitate comparison with the inscriptions, while the English translation provided byRundata gives the names in the de facto standard dialect (the Icelandic and Norwegian dialect):Uppland
U 180
This runestone is possibly in
style Pr4 and it is located at the church of Össeby-Garn. It was made by therunemaster Visäte . The stone commemorates a man who either died inViborg ,Jutland , or inVyborg ,Karelia .Latin transliteration:
: + sihatr * uk + þurbiorn + uk * þurkri(m) + uk * erinmontr '× litu × reisn + stein + aftiR + broþur + sin + sikstnin + hn to i uib(u)(r)kum
Old Norse transcription:
: "Sighvatr ok Þorbiorn ok ÞorgrimR ok Ærinmundr letu ræisa stæin æftiR broður sinn Sigstæin. Hann do i Viborgum."
English translation:
: "Sighvatr and Þorbjôrn and Þorgrímr and Erinmundr had the stone raised in memory of their brother Sigsteinn. He died in Véborg."
U 214
This runestone from c. 1100 is in the
style RAK . It is in the wall of the porch of the church of Vallentuna. The U 215 contains the first part of the message. The stones were carved in memory of a man who drowned in Holmr's sea, but runologists are divided on the meaning of the expression. One interpretation proposed by Jansson is that it means the "Novgorodian sea" and refers to theGulf of Finland .Pritsak 1981:369] The runestone provides the earliest Swedish attestation ofend rhyme , whereas the earliestOld Norse attestation is "Höfuðlausn " composed byEgill Skallagrímsson .Jansson 1980:26-27]Latin transliteration:
: ... uk × inkiber × eftiR × buanta × sin ' han ' troknaþi ÷ a ' holms ' hafi ' skreþ ' knar ' hans ' i ' kaf þriR ' eniR ' kamo ' af
Old Norse transcription:
: "... ok Ingebærg æftiR boanda sinn. Hann drunknaði a Holms hafi, skræið knarr hans i kaf, þriR æiniR kvamu af."
English translation:
: "... and Ingibjôrg in memory of her husbandman. He drowned in Holmr's sea - his cargo-ship drifted to the sea-bottom - only three came out (alive)."
U 346
This runestone has disappeared but it was located at the church of Frösunda. It was made by the
runemaster Åsmund Kåresson instyle Pr3-Pr4 , and it was raised in memory of a man who died in Virland. It contains the same message as U 356.Latin transliteration:
: [rahnfriþr * lit rt stain þino ' aftiR biurno sun þaiRa kitilmuntaR ' hon ' fil a urlati ' kuþ hialbi hons ant auk| |kuþs muþiR ' osmunr mar'kaþi runaR ritar]
Old Norse transcription:
: "Ragnfriðr let retta stæin þenna æftiR Biorn, sun þæiRa KætilmundaR. Hann fell a Virlandi. Guð hialpi hans and ok Guðs moðiR. Asmundr markaði runaR rettaR."
English translation:
: "Ragnfríðr had this stone erected in memory of Bjôrn, her son and Ketilmundr's. He fell in Virland. May God and God's mother help his spirit. Ásmundr marked the right runes."
U 356
This runestone in
style Pr3 is located in Ängby. It was made by therunemaster Åsmund Kåresson for a lady in memory of her son who died in Virland. It contains the same message as U 346.Latin transliteration:
: ra(h)nfriþr ' lit rasa stain þino ' aftiR biurn * sun þaiRa * kitilmun(t)aR ' kuþ mialbi hons (a)nt auk| |kuþs (m)uþiR hon fil a uirlanti * in osmuntr markaþi
Old Norse transcription:
: "Ragnfriðr let ræisa stæin þenna æftiR Biorn, sun þæiRa KætilmundaR. Guð hialpi hans and ok Guðs moðiR. Hann fell a Virlandi. En Asmundr markaði."
English translation:
: "Ragnfríðr had this stone raised in memory of Bjôrn, her son and Ketilmundr's. May God and God's mother help his spirit. He fell in Virland. And Ásmundr marked."
U 439
. [ [http://skaldic.arts.usyd.edu.au/db.php?table=mss&id=15335 U 439, at Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages.] ]
Latin transliteration:
: [harlaif × auk × þurkarþr × litu × raisa × stain × þina at × sabi faþur sin × is| |sturþi × austr × skibi × maþ ikuari a/a| |askalat-/skalat-]
Old Norse transcription:
: "Hærlæif ok Þorgærðr letu ræisa stæin þenna at Sæbiorn, faður sinn. Es styrði austr skipi með Ingvari a Æistaland(?)/Særkland [i] (?)."
English translation:
: "Herleif and Þorgerðr had this stone raised in memory of Sæbjôrn, their father, who steered a ship east with Ingvarr to Estonia(?)/Serkland(?)."
U 533
This runestone is in the wall inside the porch of the church of Roslags-Bro. It is in
style Pr1 , and it was raised in memory of a man who died in Virland (inEstonia ). The style shows that it was made by therunemaster Torbjörn Skald.Jansson 1980:26]Latin transliteration:
* sigruþ * lit + raisa * stain * eftir + anunt * sun * sin * han uas ' tribin + a + uirlantiOld Norse transcription:
: "Sigruð let ræisa stæin æftiR Anund, sun sinn. Hann vas drepinn a Virlandi."
English translation:
: "Sigþrúðr had the stone raised in memory of Ônundr, her son. He was killed in Virland."
U 582
This runestone has disappeared but it was located at the church of Söderby-Karl. It was possibly in
style Pr1 and it commemorated a son who died in what is called "Finland". At this time, "Finland" referred to the south-western part of what today isFinland .Jansson 1980:24]Latin transliteration:
: [biarn huk * ikulfriþ : raistu : stain : aftR : utrik : sun : sain * han * uaR : tribin : o * fin*lonti]
Old Norse transcription:
: "Biorn ok Igulfrið ræistu stæin æftiR Otrygg, sun sinn. Hann vaR drepinn a Finnlandi."
English translation:
: "Bjôrn and Ígulfríðr raised the stone in memory of Ótryggr, their son. He was killed in Finland."
U 698
This runestone has disappeared but it was located at the church of Veckholm. It was in
style Pr2-Pr3 . The inscription was considered difficult to read, but it refers to a man who fell inLivonia , and possibly in an expedition led byFreygeirr .Latin transliteration:
: P [sufar lit : aristn * þin * afir * askir sun : sin : han * ut fai : a liflai|n|þ|i| |i| |i|n|þ|i * frai...] : Q [sufar lit : aristn * þin * afir * askir sun : sin : han * ut fai : a liflai|n|þ| i| |i|n|þ|i * frai...]
Old Norse transcription:
: P "
let ræisa stæin æftiR AsgæiR, sun sinn. Hann uti fioll a Liflandi i liði Frøy [gæiRs] (?).": Q " let ræisa stæin æftiR AsgæiR, sun sinn. Hann ut fioll a Lifland i liði Frøy [gæiRs] (?)." English translation:
: "
had the stone raised in memory of Ásgeirr, his son. He fell in Lífland, abroad in Freygeirr's(?) retinue." Södermanland ö 39
This is a runic inscription on bedrock at Åda. It is in
style Pr3 and it commemorates a brother who drowned inLivonia .Latin transliteration:
: hermoþr : lit : hagua : at : barkuiþ : bruþur : sin : h [an] trukn-þi : [a] lf:lanti :Old Norse transcription:
: "Hærmoðr let haggva at Bergvið/Barkvið, broður sinn. Hann drunkn [a] ði a Liflandi."
English translation:
: "Hermóðr had (the rock) cut in memory of Bergviðr/Barkviðr, his brother. He drowned in Lífland."
ö 198
This runestone in
style Fp is found in Mervalla on the island ofSelaön in lakeMälaren . It is raised in memory of a man who used to sail a valuableknarr toZemgale and who used to passCape Kolka ("Dómisnes"). North of the Cape there is a long underwater reef which probably was infamous among the sailors of the Viking Age, and this is probably why Sigríðr wanted posterity to know that her husband had often passed it.Jansson 1980:30] The expression "dyrum knærri" ("valued cargo-ship") is an instrumental dative and it also appears in a famous stanza by the IcelanderEgill Skallagrímsson . Egill had written that his mother had promised him a fast ship so that he could sail with the Vikings andLatin transliteration:
: siriþ * lit * resa * stan * [þin] (a) [*] (a)(t) * suen * sin * [b] unta * h [n] * uft * siklt * til * simk(a)(l)(a) * t(u)ru [m] * knari * um * tumisnis
Old Norse transcription:
: "Sigrið let ræisa stæin þenna at Svæin, sinn bonda. Hann oft siglt til Sæimgala, dyrum knærri, um Domisnæs."
English translation:
: "Sigríðr had this stone raised in memory of Sveinn, her husbandman. He often sailed a valued cargo-ship to Seimgalir, around Dómisnes."
Gästrikland Gs 13
This runestone in sandstone is found in the church of the holy trinity in
Gävle . It is instyle Pr2 and it commemorates a brother name Egill who died in Tavastia.Åsmund Kåresson was one of therunemaster s. Egill probably fell in aleidang expedition, led byFreygeirr who was a military leader.Pritsak 1981:357]Latin transliteration:
: × brusi lit rita s-... ... [(a)] b--R (i)h(i)(l) brur sin : in h-n uarþ tauþr a tafstalonti × þo brusi furþi lank lans ' abtiR [br] (u)r sin h(o) [n] fur (m)iR fraukiRi kuþ hialbi hons| |salu| |uk| |kuþ(s) (m)(u) [þiR ' suain ' uk osmunrt ' þaiR markaþu] +
Old Norse transcription:
: "Brusi let retta s [tæin þenna] æf [ti] R Ægil, broður sinn. En h [a] nn varð dauðr a Tafæistalandi, þa Brusi førði læiðang(?) lands æftiR broður sinn. Hann for meðr FrøygæiRi. Guð hialpi hans salu ok Guðs moðiR. Svæinn ok Asmundr þæiR markaðu."
English translation:
: "Brúsi had this stone erected in memory of Egill, his brother. And he died in Tafeistaland, when Brúsi brought (= led?) the land's levy(?) (= army) in memory of , his brother. He travelled with
Freygeirr . May God and God's mother help his soul. Sveinn and Ásmundr, they marked."Västergötland Vg 181
This runestone in
style Pr1 is found at Frugården. It was raised in memory of a man who died inEstonia .Latin transliteration:
: kufi : rsþi : stin : þesi : eftR : ulaf : sun : sin * trk * hrþa * kuþan * hn * uarþ * trbin * i * estlatum * hu(a)rþ(r) * iuk * s---
Old Norse transcription:
: "Gufi ræisti stæin þennsi æftiR Olaf, sun sinn, dræng harða goðan. Hann varð drepinn i Æistlandum. Havarðr(?) hiogg s [tæin] ."
English translation:
: "Gufi raised this stone in memory of Ólafr, his son, a very good valiant man. He was killed in Estonia. Hávarðr(?) cut the stone."
Gotland G 135
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