PainCeptor Pharma

PainCeptor Pharma

PainCeptor Pharma is a private Canadian company focused on the development of drugs that act outside the central nervous system on nociceptors to treat pain.cite web |url= |title=PainCeptor Pharma corporate home page |accessdate=2007-10-18 |format=HTML |work=PainCeptor Pharma public corporate website] The company's strategic focus on peripheral rather than central acting therapeutics is an attempt to avoid the known side-effects of existing central acting agents. The primary molecular targets addressed by PainCeptor are members of the ASIC ion channel family and nerve growth factor (NGF) and NGF receptors.cite news |first=Patricia F. |last=Dimond |title=Revamping Drug Discovery Strategies |url= |work=Drug Discovery |publisher=Genetic Engineering News |date=2007-10-01 |accessdate=2007-10-18 ] Though PainCeptor refers to itself as a biopharmaceutical company on its website, its two primary publicly reported drug discovery projects aim to deliver small molecule therapeutics.


External links

* [ Company website]

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