Domenico Alberto Azuni

Domenico Alberto Azuni
Domenico Alberto Azuni

Domenico Alberto Azuni (August 3, 1749January 23, 1827) was an Italian jurist.


He was born at Sassari, in Sardinia. He studied law at Sassari and Turin, and in 1782 was made judge of the consulate at Nice. In 1786-1788 he published his Dizionario Universale Ragionato della Giurisprudenza Mercantile. In 1795 appeared his systematic work on the maritime law of Europe, Sistema Universale dei Principii del Diritto Maritimo deli Europa, which he afterwards recast and translated into French.

In 1806 he was appointed one of the French commission engaged in drawing up a general code of commercial law, and in the following year he proceeded to Genoa as president of the court of appeal. After the fall of Napoleon in 1814, Azuni lived for a time in retirement at Genoa, until he was invited to Sardinia by Victor Emmanuel I, and appointed judge of the consulate at Cagliari, and director of the university library. He died at Cagliari in 1827.

Azuni also wrote numerous pamphlets and minor works, chiefly on maritime law, an important treatise on the origin and progress of maritime law (Paris, 1810), and an historical, geographical and political account of Sardinia (1799, enlarged 1802).


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