- Autonomic system
An autonomic system may be an:
Autonomic system (computing) in computing
*Autonomic nervous system in neurology
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An autonomic system may be an:
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Autonomic system (computing) — See also autonomic nervous system .An autonomic system is a system that operates and serves its purpose bymanaging its own self without external intervention even in case of environmentalchanges. Conceptual model A conceptual model of an… … Wikipedia
autonomic system — noun : autonomic nervous system … Useful english dictionary
Autonomic Networking — follows the concept of Autonomic Computing, an initiative started by IBM in 2001. Its ultimate aim is to create self managing networks to overcome the rapidly growing complexity of the Internet and other networks and to enable their further… … Wikipedia
Autonomic Computing — is an initiative started by IBM in 2001. Its ultimate aim is to develop computer systems capable of self management, to overcome the rapidly growing complexity of computing systems management, and to reduce the barrier that that complexity poses… … Wikipedia
Autonomic nervous system — Part of the nervous system that was once thought to be functionally independent of the brain. The autonomic nervous system regulates key functions of the body including the activity of the heart muscle (see below), the smooth muscles (e.g., the… … Medical dictionary
System, autonomic nervous — Part of the nervous system that was once thought to be functionally independent of the brain. The autonomic nervous system regulates key functions of the body including the activity of the heart muscle (see below), the smooth muscles (e.g., the… … Medical dictionary
autonomic ganglion — noun any of the ganglia of the autonomic system whose unmyelinated fibers innervate the internal organs • Hypernyms: ↑ganglion • Hyponyms: ↑otic ganglion, ↑otoganglion • Part Holonyms: ↑autonomic nervous system, ↑ANS … Useful english dictionary
autonomic nervous system — the part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the control of involuntary muscles (e.g. the heart, bladder, bowels) and hence those bodily functions that are not consciously directed, including regular beating of the heart, intestinal… … Medical dictionary
autonomic nervous system — the part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the control of involuntary muscles (e.g. the heart, bladder, bowels) and hence those bodily functions that are not consciously directed, including regular beating of the heart, intestinal… … The new mediacal dictionary
Autonomic nervous system — The autonomic nervous system Blue = parasympathetic Red = sympathetic Latin divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici The autonomic nervous system (ANS or visceral nervous syste … Wikipedia