- Gymnopilus purpuratus
name = Gymnopilus purpuratus
image_width = 250px
image_caption = Gymnopilus purpuratus
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Agaricales
familia =Cortinariaceae
genus =Gymnopilus
species = "G. purpuratus"
binomial = "Gymnopilus purpuratus"
binomial_authority = (Cooke & Massee) Singermycomorphbox
name = Gymnopilus purpuratus
whichGills = adnexed
capShape = convex
howEdible=psychoactive"Gymnopilus purpuratus" is mushroom which grows in clusters on dead wood, pig dung and wood chip mulch. It is widely distributed and has been recorded in Argentina, Australia, Chili, the UK and Germany. It has a rusty orange spore print and contains the hallucinogen
psilocybin .A chemical analysis done by
Jochen Gartz found that this species contains 0.34% psilocybin, 0.29% psilocin and 0.05 baeocystin. [http://www.tacethno.com/info/psilocybe/gartz1.txt]Description
The cap ranges from 1.5 to 6 cm across, is convex to obtuse, and is reddish brown with a dry scaly surface which is sometimes cracked in age. The stem is brown-red and covered by fibers and has blue-green spots where the stem is damaged. The gills are crowded, yellow to orange, and . The stem is dusted with rusty orange spores and has a cottony scanty partial veil.
External links
* [http://www.tacethno.com/info/psilocybe/gartz1.txt Gymnopilus purpuratus chemical analysis]
* [http://www.mycologia.org/cgi/reprint/95/6/1204.pdf Mycologia - Scientific Gymnopilus information]
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