Listing's law

Listing's law

Listing's law is a term used to describe the three-dimensional orientation of the eye and its axes of rotation. It states that visual directions of sight are related to rotations of the eye so that all rotation axes lie in a plane. During fixation and saccadic eye motion, human eye movements conform to Listing's law.

In other words, when the eye turns from looking at one object, and fixates upon another object, it revolves about an axis perpendicular to a plane (visual line) that cuts both the previous and present lines of vision.

The coordinate framework, which describes this movement of the eye in the head is referred to as "Listing's plane". Listing's plane normally maintains an upright location, but it is believed that it can change orientation on the stimulus of an individual's balance.

Listing's law was named after German mathematician Johann Benedict Listing (1808–1882).


* [, Listing's Law]
* [ Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information]

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