- Aleuadae
The Aleuadae (
Ancient Greek : polytonic|Ἀλευάδαι) were an ancient Thessalian family ofLarissa who claimed descent from the mythical Aleuas.cite encyclopedia | last = Smith | first = William | authorlink = William Smith (lexicographer) | title = Aleuas, or Aleuadae | editor = William Smith | encyclopedia =Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology | volume = 1 | pages = 109-110 | publisher =Little, Brown and Company | location = Boston | year = 1867 | url = http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/0118.html ] [Pindar , "Pythian Odes" x. 8, with thescholia ] The Aleuadae were the noblest and most powerful among all the families of Thessaly, whenceHerodotus calls its members "rulers" or "kings" (polytonic|βασιλεῖς). [Herodotus , vii. 6] [Comp.Diodorus Siculus , xv. 61, xvi. 14] __FORCETOC__Aleuas
The first Aleuas, ["averter [of evil] ", from Greek άλεύω, 'to ward off, keep far away'.] who bore the epithet of "Pyrrhos" (polytonic|Πύῤῥος), that is, "red-haired", is called king, or "Tagus", of
Thessaly , and a descendant of Heracles throughThessalus . [Suda , "s. v." polytonic|Ἀλευάδαι]Ulpian , "ad Dem. Olynth." i] [Scholiast "ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1090] [Marcus Velleius Paterculus , i. 3] Aleuas played no role his eponymous dynasty outside his kinship's veneration of him at an unidentified sanctuary in Thessaly, [Macurdy, Grace Harriet. "Aleuas and Alea" "The Classical Quarterly" 13.3/4 (July1919:170-171).] but Aelian recorded the myth of how he became a divinely-inspiredseer , in the fashion of a gift from a serpent: while he was tending sheep on the slopes ofMount Ossa , a serpent became enamored of him, kissed his hair, licked his face and brought him gifts. [Claudius Aelianus. "On the Nature of Animals", 8.11.] According to the "Bibliotheca", a grateful brood of serpents, in return for his having erected afuneral pyre for their serpent-mother, purified his ears with their tongues, so that he might understand the language of birds, and interpret their flight inaugury .Plutarch wrote that he was hated by his father on account of his haughty and savage character; but his uncle nevertheless contrived to get him elected king and sanctioned by the god ofDelphi . His reign was more glorious than that of any of his ancestors, and the nation rose in power and importance. This Aleuas belongs to the mythical period of Greek history. According toAristotle the division of Thessaly into four parts took place in the reign of the first Aleuas. [Aristotle , "ap. Harpocrat. s. v." polytonic|Τετραρχία] German philologistPhilipp Karl Buttmann places this hero in the period between the so-called return of the Heraclids and the age ofPeisistratus .Historical Aleuadae
But even earlier than the time of Peisistratus the family of the Aleuadae appears to have become divided into two branches, the Aleuadae and the Scopadae, called after Scopas, probably a son of Aleuas (though "not" the sculptor
Scopas ). [Ovid , "Ibis" 512] The Scopadae inhabitedCrannon and perhapsPharsalus also, while the main branch, the Aleuadae, remained atLarissa . The influence of the families, however, was not confined to these towns, but extended more or less over the greater part of Thessaly. They formed in reality a powerful aristocratic party (polytonic|βασιλεῖς) in opposition to the great body of the Thessalians. [Herodotus , vii. 172] For many generations the Aleuadae enjoyed the privilege of furnishing the "Tagus", or chief commander, of the combined forces of Thessaly.The earliest historical person who probably belongs to the Aleuadae is the general
Eurylochus , who terminated theFirst Sacred War about590 BC . [Strabo , ix. p. 418] In the time of the postSimonides we find a second Aleuas, who was a friend of the poet. He is called a son ofEchecratides and Syris; [Scholiast "ad Theocrit." xvi. 34] but besides the suggestion ofOvid that he had a tragic end, nothing is known about him. [Ovid , "Ibis" 225] At the time whenXerxes invaded Greece, three sons of this Aleuas, Thorax, Eurypylus, and Thrasydaeus, came to him as ambassadors, to request him to go on with the war, and to promise him their assistance. [Herodotus , vii. 6] When, after the Persian war,Leotychides was sent toThessaly to chastise those who had acted as traitors to their country, he allowed himself to be bribed by the Aleuadae, although he might have subdued all Thessaly. [Herodotus , vi. 72] [Pausanias, "Description of Greece" iii. 7. § 8] This fact shows that the power of the Aleuadae was then still as great as before. Around460 BC we find an Aleuad named "Orestes", son ofEchecratides , who came toAthens as a fugitive, and persuaded the Athenians to exert themselves for his restoration. [Thucydides , i. 111] He had been expelled either by the Thessalians or more probably by a faction of his own family, who wished to exclude him from the dignity of "basileus" (polytonic|βασιλεύς) (that is, probably "Tagus"), for such feuds among the Aleuadae themselves are frequently mentioned. [Xenophon , "Anabasis" i. 1. § 10]After the end of the
Peloponnesian War , another Thessalian family, the dynasts ofPherae , gradually rose to power and influence, and gave a great shock to the power of the Aleuadae. As early as375 BC ,Jason of Pherae , after various struggles, succeded in raising himself to the dignity of "Tagus". [Xenophon , "Hellenica" ii. 3. § 4] [Diodorus Siculus , xiv. 82, xv. 60] When the dynasts of Pherae became tyrannical, some of theLarissa ean Aleuadae conspired to put an end to their rule, and for this purpose they invited Alexander II, son of Amyntas III. [Diodorus Siculus , xv. 61] Alexander tookLarissa andCrannon , but kept them to himself. Afterwards,Pelopidas restored the original state of things in Thessaly; but the dynasts of Pherae soon recovered their power, and the Aleuadae again solicited the assistance ofMacedonia against them. Philip willingly complied with the request, broke the power of the tyrants of Pherae, restored the towns to an appearance of freedom, and made the Aleuadae his faithful friends and allies. [Diodorus Siculus , xvi. 14] In what manner Philip used them for his purposes, and how little he spared them when it was his interest to do so, is sufficiently attested. [Dem. "de Cor." p. 241] [Polyaenus , iv. 2. § 11]Among the
tetrarch s whom he entrusted with the administration of Thessaly, there is one Thrasydaeus, who undoubtedly belonged to the Aleuadae, [Theopompus , "ap. Athen." vi. p. 249] just as the Thessalian Medius, who is mentioned as one of the companions ofAlexander the Great . [Plutarch , "De Tranquil." 13] [Strabo , xi. p. 530] The family now sank into insignificance,Citation | last = Helly | first = Bruno | author-link = | contribution = Aleuadae | editor-last = Hornblower | editor-first = Simon | title =Oxford Classical Dictionary | volume = | pages = | publisher =Oxford University Press | place = Oxford | year = 1996 | contribution-url = ] and the last certain trace of an Aleuad is Thorax, a friend of Antigonus. [Plutarch , "Demetr." 29] Whether the sculptors Aleuas, mentioned by Pliny, andScopas ofParos , were in any way connected with the Aleuadae, cannot be ascertained. [Pliny the Elder , "Naturalis Historia" xxxiv. 8]References
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