

Adiatorix (Gr. polytonic|Ἀδιατόριξ) was the son of the tetrarch Domneclius (or Domnilaus) in Galatia.cite book | last = Syme | first = Ronald | authorlink = Ronald Syme | coauthors = Anthony Richard Birley | title = Anatolica: Studies in Strabo | publisher = Oxford University Press | date = 1995 | location = Oxford | pages = 130-132, 169-170 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-19-814943-3] Cicero reports that he was a high priest in 50 BC, and scholars have reckoned him an adherent of Deiotarus. He belonged to Mark Antony's party, and was put in charge of Heraclea Pontica by him. Shortly before the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Adiatorix had all the Romans colonists in Heracleia put to death. [Citation | last = Smith | first = William | author-link = William Smith (lexicographer) | contribution = Adiatorix | editor-last = Smith | editor-first = William | title = Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology | volume = 1 | pages = 19 | publisher = | place = Boston, MA | year = 1867 | contribution-url = ] He claimed he had been given permission to do so by Mark Antony, but modern writers consider this doubtful. After this battle he was led as prisoner in the triumph of Augustus, and put to death with his younger son. His elder son, Dyteutus, was subsequently made priest of Bellona in Comana, and therefore ruler of that territory. [Strabo, xii. pp. 543, 558, 559] Cicero, "Epistulae ad Familiares" ii. 12]


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  • Adiatorix — (Gr. Ἀδιατόριξ) fue el hijo del tetrarca Domneclius (o Domnilaus) en Galacia.[1] Cicerón señala que fue un sumo sacerdote en el año 50 a. C.[2] y académicos lo consideran un adherente de Deyótaro.[1] Perteneció al partido de Marco Antonio, quien… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ADIATORIX — Demeneclii cuiusdam Galatiae Tetrarchae fil. fuit, qui cum apud Heracleam Ponticam, Coloniam Roman. eo missam nocte unâ iussu Antonii iugulâsser, paulo post in praelio Actiaco captus et in triumpho circumductus, una cum filio iugulatus est.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • Dyteutus — (d. 34 AD), eldest son of the Galatian ruler Adiatorix, was a ruler of Comana. After the father and his eldest son were sentenced to death by Octavianus for the father s partisanship towards Mark Antony, Dyteutus s younger brother asked to die in …   Wikipedia

  • Адиаторикс — (греч. Ἀδιατόριξ)  представитель кельтского племени вольков тектосагов, обитавшего в Малой Азии, первосвященник храма в Пессинунте с 50 до 30 год до н. э., тетрарх Галатии с 36 до 30 год до н. э., тиран Гераклеи… …   Википедия

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