ASA, as an abbreviation or initialism which stands for:


* Acoustical Society of America
* Advertising Standards Authority, British regulator of the advertising industry
* African Studies Association
* Airline Superintendents Association of Trinidad & Tobago
* Albany Students' Association, at Massey University's Albany Campus in Auckland, New Zealand
* Alpha Sigma Alpha (ΑΣΑ), U.S. national sorority
* American Sailing Association
* American Scientific Affiliation, an organization of Christians in science
* American Seniors Association
* American Society of Agronomy
* American Society of Anesthesiologists
* American Society of Appraisers, The International Society of Professional Valuers
* American Sociological Association
* American Staffing Association
* American Standards Association, former name of the American National Standards Institute
* American Statistical Association
* American Stroke Association or American Heart Association
* Americans for Safe Access, marijuana law reform group
* Associate of the Society of Actuaries
* Astronomical Society of Australia, the professional society of astronomers in Australia
* Australian Society of Authors, the peak professional association for Australian literary creators
* Australian String Academy, for string players
* Austrian Service Abroad, provider of alternative Austrian national service
* Autism Society of America


* Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares, a Mexican airport operator.
* Air Services Agreement
* The International Civil Aviation Organization's code for Alaska Airlines
* Allmennaksjeselskap or ASA, the designation for a Norwegian public limited company
* ASA (automobile), Italian marque of automobiles
* ASA Aluminium Body, Argentinian manufacturer of replicas of sports cars
* Association for Social Advancement, microfinance institution, Bangladesh
* Atlantic Southeast Airlines, based in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
* Anglo-Saxon accounting, an accounting methodology used in English-speaking countries; see also Anglo-Saxon economy
* Aviation Supplies and Academics, Inc., a publisher of flight training materials and supplies


* Adult Soccer Association, in the U.S.
* Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, Brazilian soccer club
* Atlético Sport Aviação, Angolan soccer club
* Amateur Softball Association, in the U.S.
* American Speed Association, motorsports sanctioning body
* Amateur Swimming Association (of England)
* Australian Soccer Association, former name of Football Federation Australia
* The IOC designated country code for American Samoa

cience & Medicine

* Accessible surface area of a biomolecule, accessible to a solvent
* Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin, an analgesic drug
* Adaptive simulated annealing, optimization algorithm
* ASA score, rating of anesthetic risk
* Auditory scene analysis, process of organizing sound
* Advanced surface ablation, refractive eye surgery
* A unit for film speed


* Anti-Soviet agitation, criminal offense in the Soviet Union
* Film speed rating system defined by the former American Standards Association
* United States Army Security Agency, U.S. Army's electronic intelligence arm
* Aid to Southeast Asia, non-governmental organization
* ASA carriage control characters, a system used for controlling mainframe line printers
* Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance, a network firewall
* Angle-Side-Angle, a shortcut for showing either congruency or similarity between two triangles

ee also

* Asa, name

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