- GOES 1
GOES-A was launched as GOES-A on
October 16 ,1975 atop a Delta 2914 launch #116 from theKennedy Space Center and placed in a geostationary orbit directly over the equator and theIndian Ocean to gather data for theGlobal Atmospheric Research Program (GARP). First of several meteorological satellites in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA)Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite program (GOES).Its payload included the
Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSER) whose job would be to provide day and night imagery of terrestrial cloud conditions.Activity
GOES-1 was the name it acquired when it became the first active satellite in NOAA's geosynchronous weather satellite system and sent its first image back nine days later on October 25,
1975 . The satellite continuously monitored weather events and relayed this meteorological data from over 10,000 surface locations into a central processing center. The data was then incorporated into numerous weather prediction models.A
Space Environment Monitor (SEM) andData Collection System (DCS) similar to those on the NOAA polar orbiters was also installed.The satellite was moved to replace SMS II (Pacific) when
GOES 3 was launched. It remained operational over the equatorial Pacific until deactivated by NASA onMarch 7 ,1985 .External Links
NASA's National Science Space Center (
NSSDC ) satellite ID: [http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1975-100A 1975-100A]
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