

Athenaeum, also Athenæum or Atheneum, is used in the names of institutions or periodicals for literary, scientific, or artistic study. It may also be used in the names of educational institutions. The name is formed from the name of the classical Greek goddess Athena (the goddess of wisdom) in the same way that museum is formed from muse (the goddesses of culture).

Some well-known examples include:
*"Athenaeum", the founding literary journal of German Romanticism.
*"Athenaeum"—a London literary magazine published between 1828 and 1921.
*The Athenaeum in Columbia, Tennessee
*The Athenaeum Hotel in Piccadilly, London.
*The Athenaeum Club in London.
*The Limerick Athenaeum, founded 1852
*The Liverpool Athenaeum, founded 1797
*The Athenaeum, Paris—an academic institution that existed in the early nineteenth century.
*The Athénée de Luxembourg, secondary school in Luxemburg, founded in 1603
*The Boston Athenaeum in Boston, Massachusetts
*The Berkshire Athenaeum in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
*The "Glasgow Athenaeum", established in 1847, now the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
*The "Athenaeum Illustre" in Amsterdam.
*The Athenaeum of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
*The Providence Athenaeum in Providence, Rhode Island
*The Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest
*The Athenaeum in Chicago—a theater and performing arts center, opened in 1911.
*The Athenaeum in New Harmony, Indiana designed by Richard Meier.
*The Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut
*The Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, which hosts more than one hundred dinner and lecture events with distinguished speakers each year at Claremont McKenna College in Claremont, California.
* (spelled as Atheneum):
**Type of secondary school in the Netherlands, variant of Voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs without Latin and Greek.
**Type of secondary school in Belgium, providing general education (including Latin and Greek) and belonging to the official school network.
*The Athenaeum of Ohio in Cincinnati, Ohio.
* The Athanaeum Theatre and Library in Melbourne, Australia
* The Athenaeum, official student newspaper of Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
* The Athenæum (Das Deutsche Haus), originally served as a gathering place for German-Americans in Indianapolis.
* The St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, a National Historic Landmark
* Ateneum, an art museum in Helsinki, Finland
* The Nantucket Atheneum in Nantucket, Massachusetts
* The Athenaeum, Virginia in Alexandria, Virginia, home to the [ Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association]
* The Athenaeum at Caltech (The California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA) -- a faculty+ club opened in 1930.
* The Atheneum Amcan School -- a secondary school in Noveleta, Cavite Philippines. Regarded as the center of excellence. Visit website:

In publishing:
*Atheneum Books is a children's fiction imprint of Simon & Schuster
*Atheneum Publishers - publisher of political books including the Pulitzer Prize Winner The Making of the President, 1960

In music:
*Athenaeum—a rock band from Greensboro, North Carolina—and their eponymous album.

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  • Athenaeum — or Atheneum [ath΄ə nē′əm] n. [LL Athenaeum < Gr Athēnaion] 1. the temple of Athena at Athens, where writers and scholars met 2. the Roman academy of law, literature, etc. founded by Hadrian 3. [a ] a literary or scientific club 4. [a ] any… …   English World dictionary

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  • ATHENAEUM — I. ATHENAEUM locus Minervae dicatus, ubi Professores studia sua profitebantur. Iul. Capitolin. in Pertinace, c. 11. et Lamprid. in Alex. Seu. c. 35. Hodieque tritum Academiis nomen. Athenaeum inprimis Lugdunense, a Caligula institutum, celebre.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • athenaeum — or atheneum noun Etymology: Latin Athenaeum, a school in ancient Rome for the study of arts, from Greek Athēnaion, a temple of Athena, from Athēnē Date: 1799 1. a building or room in which books, periodicals, and newspapers are kept for use 2. a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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