Infobox Spacecraft
Carrier_Rocket = Falcon 9
Major_Contractors = ISRO/Antrix
Launch = 2009
Organisation = Avanti Screenmedia
Orbit_regime = Geosynchronous
Mission_Type = Communication

HYLAS, an acronym for "Highly Adaptable Satellite", is the name of a small geostationary communications satellite planned for launch in 2009.

HYLAS is being constructed by EADS Astrium for the UK media and telecommunications company Avanti Screenmedia. Development of the satellite is being supported by a £23m investment from the British National Space Centre (BNSC). [http://www.bnsc.gov.uk/content.aspx?nid=5920 BNSC case study on Avanti and the HYLAS satellite]

HYLAS is based on the Indian Space Research Organisation's I-2K small satellite platform under a cooperative arrangement between EADS Astrium and ISRO/Antrix [http://www.satnews.com/stories2006/2635.htm SatNews Daily report on HYLAS] .

The HYLAS payload will carry two Ku-band transponders, intended mainly for HDTV, and six Ka-band transponders feeding up to eight Spotbeams, allowing the provision of between 150,000 and 300,000 simultaneous broadband Internet connections. The HYLAS satellite will have a launch mass of around 2100kg and a beginning-of-life power of 3.5kW [http://www.esa.int/esaTE/SEMAB09ATME_index_0.html ESA News] .


Avanti purchased for HYLAS a launch to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle. The purchase, in September 2007, made Avanti the first customer to purchase a commercial geostationary launch from SpaceX. [cite web |url=http://www.spacex.com/updates_archive.php?page=121007 |title=Updates Archive - New Customer |publisher=SpaceX |date=2007-12-10]


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