American Oystercatcher

American Oystercatcher

name = American Oystercatcher
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

image_width = 200px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Charadriiformes
familia = Haematopodidae
genus = "Haematopus"
species = "H. palliatus"
binomial = "Haematopus palliatus"
binomial_authority = Temminck, 1820
The American Oystercatcher ("Haematopus palliatus"), occasionally called the American Pied Oystercatcher, is a member of family Haematopodidae. The bird is uniquely marked by its black and white body and a long, thick orange beak. This shorebird is approximately 19 inches (42 - 52 cm) in length.

The American Oystercatcher is found on the Atlantic coast of North America from New England to northern Florida, where it is also found on the Gulf coast. In the 1800s they became locally extinct in the northeast due to market hunting and egg collecting. After receiving protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, their range extended northward to re-occupy historical habitat in New England.

Oystercatchers are closely tied to coastal habitats. They nest on beaches on coastal islands and feed on marine invertebrates. The large, heavy beak is used to pry open bivalve molluscs. Oystercatchers raise a clutch of two or three eggs. In winter, they are found in flocks along the coast from central New Jersey to the Gulf of Mexico.

Although Oystercatcher populations are low, the species is not protected under the Endangered Species Act. Oystercatchers are listed as a species of concern in several states because of low and declining populations, and threats to coastal habitats. Threats include development and recreational use of nesting beaches.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern

External links

* [ American Oystercatcher information]
* [ Audubon link]
* [ American Oystercatcher videos] on the Internet Bird Collection

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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