- Antler orogeny
The Antler orogeny is a mountain-building episode that is named for Antler Peak, at
Battle Mountain, Nevada . Theorogeny extensively deformedPaleozoic rocks of theGreat Basin inNevada and westernUtah during LateDevonian and EarlyMississippian time. In the late Devonian, the Antler volcanicisland arc terrane collided with was then the west coast of North America in the vicinity of today's border between Utah and Nevada. The collision zone is today signified by the geological alignment called theCarlin Unconformity (or Carlin Trend), an area enriched in various ores including gold. It is also represented by theRoberts Mountains Thrust . It is broadly contemporary with theAcadian orogeny of eastern North America.The Antler orogeny was first defined by the American geologist Ralph J. Roberts. [Roberts, R.J. 1949. Geology of the Antler Peak quadrangle, Nevada. US Geological Survey Open File Report. 108 p.] [Roberts, R.J. 1951. Geology of the Antler Peak quadrangle, Nevada. USGS Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-10] It was, however, originally described in terms of the old geology of
geosyncline s, before the acceptance of what is now known asplate tectonics including the concept ofterrane s.References
* [http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~rcb7/Text_WUS.html Geologic history of Western US] : with maps
* [http://www.geology.ewu.edu/mccollum/ANTLEROROGENICREGION.htm Linda B. McCollum and Michael B. McCollum, "Research within the Antler and Sonoma Orogens, Northwestern Nevada, 1983-1993"]
*"Dictionary of Geological Terms", 3rd. Edition,1984, Robert L. Bates and Julia A. Jackson, Eds., prepared by The American Geological Institute
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