- Karl August von Heigel
Karl August von Heigel (
March 25 ,1835 -September 6 ,1905 ), Germannovelist , was born, the son of a régisseur or stage-manager of the court theatre inMunich .In this city he received his early schooling and studied (1854-1858)
philosophy at the university. He was then appointed librarian to Prince Heinrich zu Carolath-Beuthen in LowerSilesia , and accompanied the nephew of the prince on travels.In 1863 be settled in Berlin, where from 1865 to 1875 he was engaged in journalism. He next resided at Munich, employed in literary work for the king, Ludwig II, who in 1881 conferred upon him a title of nobility. On the death of the king in 1886 he removed to Riva on the
Lago di Garda , where he died on the 6th of September 1905.Karl von Heigel attained some popularity with his novels:
* "Wohin?" (1873)
* "Die Dame ohne Herz" (1873)
* "Das Geheimnis des Königs" (1891)
* "Der Roman einer Stadt" (1898)
* "Der Maharadschah" (1900)
* "Die nervöse Frau" (1900)
* "Die neuen Heiligen" (1901)He also wrote some plays, notably "Josephine Bonaparte" (1892) and "Die Zarin" (1883); and several collections of short stories, "Neue Erzählungen" (1876), "Neueste Novellen" (1878), and "Heitere Erzählungen" (1893).
External links
* [http://stabikat.sbb.spk-berlin.de:80/DB=1/CHARSET=ISO-8859-1/IMPLAND=Y/LNG=DU/SRT=YOP/TTL=1/SID=f0a63a1d-0/SET=1/NXT?FRST=11 Works by Karl August von Heigel in the State Library of Berlin]
* [http://histrom.literature.at/cgi/wrapcgi.cgi?wrap_config=hr_au_all.cfg&nr=16850 Online-Texts by Heigel (in German)] ----- Contact us: Technical Support, Advertising
Karl August von Heigel
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