- Pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seed oil (Kernöl or Kürbiskernöl in German, bučno olje in Slovenian, bučino ulje or bundevino ulje in Croatian) is a culinary specialty of south eastern
Austria (Styria), easternSlovenia (Styria andPrekmurje ), north westernCroatia (esp.Međimurje ), adjacent regions ofHungary , and a European UnionProtected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.Today the oil is an important export commodity of Austrian and Slovenian parts of Styria. It is made by pressing roasted, hulled pumpkin seeds (pepitas), from a local variety of
pumpkin , the "Styrian oil pumpkin " ("Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca", also known as "var. oleifera"). It has been produced and used in Styria's southern parts at least since the 18th century. The earliest confirmed record of oil pumpkin seeds in Styria (from the estate of a farmer inGleinstätten ) dates to February 18, 1697.The viscous oil is light green to dark red in colour depending on the thickness of the sample (dichromatic) colourClarifyme|date=February 2008 [Kreft S and Kreft M (2007) Physicochemical and physiological basis of dichromatic colour, Naturwissenschaften 94, 935-939. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/h5630lr536pj1333/fulltext.pdf On-line PDF] ] . Used together with yoghurt, the colour turns to bright green and is sometimes referred to as "green-gold".
Pumpkin seed oil has an intense nutty taste and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Brown oil has a bitter taste. Claims, based on local folk medicine, suggesting usefulness of the oil in the prevention and treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia may be backed by some studies showing clinically proven efficacy [http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82#healthbenefits World's Healthiest Foods] ] (particularly along with "Serenoa repens ",saw palmetto , and "Pygeum africanum ") according to the criteria ofevidence-based medicine . Fact|date=March 2008Uses
Pumpkin seed oil is most commonly used to treat
irritable bowel syndrome . Fact|date=March 2008 Small studies have also shown that pumpkin seeds, which containamino acid s, steroidal compounds, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, may lower the risk of certain types of kidney stones and improve symptoms associated with enlarged prostates"Alternative Medicine" Magazine, January 2008, Issue 103, page 16.] Additionally, pumpkin seeds reportedly contain significant amounts of L-tryptophan . Fact|date=March 2008 Some studies have also found pumpkin seeds to preventarteriosclerosis and regulatecholesterol levels. Fact|date=May 2008Pumpkin seed oil, commonly prescribed in German folk medicine, remedies parasitic infestations of the
intestinal tract such astapeworm s. Fact|date=March 2008Pumpkin seed oil serves as a salad dressing when combined with honey or olive oil. Using it as a cooking oil, however, destroys its essential fatty acids. [http://health.learninginfo.org/herbs/pumpkin-seeds.htm The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds ] ]
Other types of pumpkin seed oil are also marketed worldwide. International producers use white seeds with shells and this produces a cheaper white oil. New producers of seeds are located in China and India.
*Dreikorn, K; Berges, R; Pientka, L; Jonas, U. "Phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Current evidence-based evaluation" "Urologe A." September 2002; 41(5):447-51. De icon Quotation: "Only a few randomized clinical trials that meet standard criteria of evidence-based medicine but with relatively short follow-up times and some meta-analyses mainly regarding Serenoa repens and Pygeum africanum as well as more recent studies on pumpkin seeds have shown clinical effects and good tolerability."
*Vahlensieck, W, Jr. "With alpha blockers, finasteride and nettle root against benign prostatic hyperplasia. Which patients are helped by conservative therapy?" "MMW Fortschr Med."18 April 2002 ; 144(16):33-6. De icon Summary: Established medications for the treatment of BPH in current use are alpha-blockers, finasteride, and the phytotherapeutic agents pumpkin seed ("Cucurbitae semen"), nettle root ("Urticae radix"), the phytosterols contained in "Hypoxis rooperi", rye pollen and the fruits of saw palmetto ("Sabalis serrulati fructus")
*Dreikorn, K. "The role of phytotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia". "World J Urol." April 2002; 19(6):426-35. Summary: A number of short-term randomised trials and some meta-analyses in the recent literature suggest clinical efficacy and good tolerability for some preparations, mainly extracts from "Serenoa repens" and also "Pygeum africanum", products with high concentrations of beta-sitosterol, and pumpkin seeds.
*Bracher, F. "Phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia", "Urologe A." January 1997; 36(1):10-7. De icon Quotation: "In this article, the most widely used phytopharmaceutical agents, such as saw palmetto berry extracts, "Radix urticae" extracts, pumpkin seeds, pollen extracts and different phytosterols, are described. Based on these results, the use of phytopharmaceutical agents for the treatment of mild to moderate symptomatic BPH seems to be well justified."
*Carbin, B.E.; Larsson, B.; Lindahl, O. "Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with phytosterols", "Br J Urol." December 1990; 66(6):639-41. Quotation: "In a randomised, double-blind study, the preparation Curbicin, obtained from pumpkin seeds and dwarf palm plants ("Cucurbita pepo l." and "Sabal serrulata"), was compared with a placebo in the treatment of symptoms caused by prostatic hyperplasia; 53 patients took part in the study, which was carried out over a 3-month period. Urinary flow, micturition time, residual urine, frequency of micturition and a subjective assessment of the effect of treatment were all significantly improved in the treatment group."External links
* [http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/qual/en/347_en.htm Record on the EU Commission Agriculture PDO/PGI website] Clarifyme|date=February 2008
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