

A pepita (from Spanish "pepita de calabaza", "little seed of squash") is an edible seed of a pumpkin or other cultivar of squash (genus "Cucurbita"), typically rather flat and asymmetrically oval, and light green in color inside a white hull. The word can refer either to the hulled kernel or unhulled whole seed, and most commonly refers to the roasted end product. The pressed oil of the roasted seeds of a specific pumpkin variety is also used in Central and Eastern European cuisine.

They are a popular ingredient in Mexican cooking and are also roasted and served as a snack. [ Pepita Preparation] Clarifyme|date=October 2008|This is not a proper reference citation. Use to provide source details.] They are often simply called pumpkin seeds in English, and (marinated and roasted) are an autumn seasonal favorite in the rural United States, as well as a commercially produced and distributed packaged snack, like sunflower seeds, available year-round. Pepitas are known by their Spanish name (usually shortened), and typically salted and sometimes spiced after roasting (and today also available as a packaged product), in Mexico and other Latin American countries, and the American Southwest. In these parts of the world, they have been eaten since at least the time of the AztecsFact|date=February 2008 and probably much earlier, since squash was one of the three earliest plant domesticates in the Western Hemisphere, along with maize (corn) and common beans (collectively the Native American agricultural "Three Sisters", originating in Mexico).

As an ingredient in mole dishes, they are known in Spanish as "pipian". These seeds can be found in speciality and Mexican food stores.

Nutritional value and health benefits

Pepitas are a healthy snack food choice with some studies reporting that five to ten grams daily could help prevent kidney stones.Fact|date=February 2008 Furthermore, claims have been made that pepitas help deter parasites, such as tapeworms. They also can have a positive effect on urine flow in some males.Facts|date=February 2008

The seeds are also good sources of protein, and the essential minerals iron – 25 grams (about a US quarter-cup) can provide over 20 per cent of the recommended daily iron intake – as well as zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper [ World's Healthiest Foods] Clarifyme|date=October 2008|reason=This is not a proper reference citation. Use to provide source details.Rs|date=October 2008] , and potassium. The seeds also provide polyunsaturated fatty acids (including the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6Fact|date=October 2008|reason=Not mentioned at cited source.).

As with all oily foods, overconsumption can contribute to weight gain.

Lightly roasted seeds provide better nutrition than dark ones, as excessive heat destroys some of their nutritive value. [ The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds ] Clarifyme|date=October 2008|This is not a proper reference citation. Use to provide source details.]

Pumpkin seeds in particular

The seeds (and seed oil, "see below") of pumpkins, such as "Cucurbita bepo" varieties and "Cucurbitae semen", have been subject to a great deal of research (especially into the treatment of prostate ailments)"See Pumpkin seed oil#References for extensive medical journal citations."] and have been shown to be especially rich in steroidal compounds,"Alternative Medicine" Magazine, January 2008, Issue 103, page 16.Clarifyme|date=October 2008|This is not a proper reference citation. Use to provide more source details, especially article title and author; this citation is near-useless without them.] in addition to their nutritional value.

One gram of pumpkin seed protein contains as much L-tryptophan as a full glass of milk, making it of interest to researchers studying the treatment of anxiety disorders." [ New Study Demonstrates Treatment of Anxiety Disorders using Pumpkin Seed] "Clarifyme|date=October 2008|This is not a proper reference citation. Use to provide source details.] Some eat the seeds as preventative measure against onset of anxiety attacks, clinical depression and other mood disorders.

Some studies have also found pumpkin seeds to prevent arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and to regulate cholesterol levels in the body.

Pumpkin seed oil

The oil of pumpkin seeds, a culinary speciality in (and important export commodity of) Central European cuisine as a salad oil and (although this destroys its essential fatty acids) a cooking oil, is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome and various other ailments, both in folk medicine and in modern medical practice and research.

Long an Eastern European folk remedy for the prostate problems of men, the oil has in fact been shown to improve symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Components in pumpkin seed oil appear to interrupt the triggering of prostate cell multiplication by testosterone and DHT. It is questionable whether eating the seeds whole in snack quantities,rather than taking therapeutic doses of the concentrated oil, would provide any prostate benefit.

The oil is also of research interest in the treatment of Clinical depression and other disorders responsive to tryptophan at larger doses than can be practicably provided by whole seeds.Fact|date=October 2008

Further, pumpkin seed oil (and possibly also the seeds) may lower the risk of certain types of kidney stones.

In German folk medicine, the oil is also used to quell parasitic infestations such as tapeworms.Fact|date=October 2008


ee also

* List of edible seeds

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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