Camp Confidential

Camp Confidential

Camp Confidential is a book series for preteens written by Melissa J. Morgan. It focuses around a group of girls at Camp Lakeview. There are 20 books in this series so far.


#1 Natalie's Secret
#2 Jenna's Dilemma
#3 Grace's Twist
#4 Alex's Challenge
#7 Second Time's the Charm
#8 Wish You Weren't Here
#9 Best {Boy} Friend Forever
#10 Over and Out
#11 Falling In Like
#12 Winter Games
#13 A Fair To Remember
#14 Hide and Shriek {Scary Super Special}
#15 Reality Bites
#16 Golden Girls
#17 Freaky Tuesday
#18 And the Winner Is...
#19 Charmed Forces {Super Special}
#20 Suddenly Last Summer {Last Book}

The author said onthe back off book 20 that there will be a new series called"C.I.T.S." And another series called Summer Confidential releases on April 2, 2009.


Female Campers

Natalie Goode- Natalie lives in Manhattan and is a total city girl, so when she first came to Camp Lakeview, she hated it and nicknamed it 'Camp Lake-Puke'. But eventually she came to love it and all the girls in her bunk and decided to come back for the second to current summer. She is the daughter of Tad Maxwell, a movie star who does action movies. Her favorite free period activities are newspaper and ceramics. Her best friends at camp are Alyssa and Tori, and her best friend at home is Hannah. She used to date two boys, Simon and Logan, but broke up with them because of the long-distance. In book 18 though, Tori introduces Reed to her, and it is hinted that both of them may start a relationship. In book 19th, she gets back with Logan only for them to break up once again beacuse the camp is closing. IM name: NatalieNYC

Alyssa Shim- Alyssa is Natalie's best friend, although it implies in Golden Girls that Natalie is now best friends with Tori. She loves art and lives in Southern New Jersey. Her wardrobe consists of ripped jeans, paint-spattered shorts, and black t-shirts. In the last summer she discovers her physic powers and makes many accurate predictions about her bunkmates. IM name: Alyssa11

Alex Kim- Alex is a Camp Lakeview veteran who loves soccer, hence her nickname, Mia Hamm. In Book 4 it is revealed that she has juvenile diabetes. She is also a perfectionist, never accepting anything below an A+, and always liking things to be neat and tidy. Her favorite free period activity is sports. Her best friend at camp is Brynn and Jenna, and her best friend at home is Bridgette. Her boyfriend is Adam, Jenna's twin brother. IM name: SoccerLover

Grace Matthews- Grace is the comedian of the group but has trouble paying attention. She is a great actress and singer. She has trouble with schoolwork, especially with her English. Her favorite free period activities are drama and nature. She lives in South Jersey. Her best friend at camp is Brynn, and her best friend at home is Emily, though she and Lara are good friends too. She had a short-lived crush on Devon and Spence.In third grade she was caught daydreaming and was called Spacey Gracie for the rest of the year, so she hates being called Gracie. She misses the first two weeks of the third year because she failed english and went to summer school. She ends up not coming back for the fourth summer. IM name: Grrrace...

Jenna Bloom- Jenna is a master prankster and like Alex, is a Camp Lakeview veteran. She also doesn’t like boys in the first summer but later on she is not as disgusted with them, actually starts liking them. Her favorite free period activity is sports. Her boyfriend is David. Jenna's favorite camp activity is Color War. Her family sometimes calls her Boo, although she wants them to stop. Apparently, when she was little she loved peek-a-boo. She also collects bumper stickers. Her best friend is Alex. IM name: Aries8

Chelsea- Chelsea is the 'mean' girl of the bunk. She tends to put other down and pick on others, especially Karen. When it is revealed that her dad has cancer, the other girls realize she's not so mean and has a wonderful heart. You just have to look into her character more it is mostly starts to reveal in RSVP and Hide and Shriek. She lives in the Boston area. She never had a boyfriend before. Her BFF at camp is Gaby. IM name: Chelsea1

Gaby Parsons- Gaby was in 3A, 3C's rival bunk, and befriended with Grace, but eventually began to bully her. In the second and third summers, you find out she's not that mean, and she volunteers at a children's hospital. However in her third year she lies to her whole cabin and tries to run away. She lives in the Boston area. Her BFF at camp is Chelsea. IM Name: GabyFaby

Karen- Being the 'quiet girl' of the group, Karen always gets picked on by Chelsea. In the second summer she finally emerges from her shell. Her BFF is Chelsea, although Chelsea just pushes her around in the first summer. She didn't come back in the third summer. Karen lives in Chicago. IM name: SleepyKaren

Candace - Candace always repeats what other people say and doesn't have opinions of her own. She has this repeating problem because of a bad habit she picked up in tutoring. She lives in the Boston area.She's very smart but has trouble in math (noted in "Freaky Tuesday") She goes to the same school as Brynn and her boyfriend at home is Drew. In the last summer she tries to focus on sailing.

Brynn Collins - Brynn is the self-proclaimed "Drama Queen" of the group. She loves acting and singing. She is best friends with Alex. Her favorite free period activity is obviously drama. She lives in the Boston area. Her boyfriend is Jordan who is also Priya's best friend, and in #18, is it said that they broke up. In 19, they try "playing it cool" and realize that doesn't work, so they became bf and gf again. She also goes to school with Candace in Freaky Tuesday'. IM name: BrynnWins

Sarah Peyton- Sarah is one of the jocks. At home, she is a bookworm. She doesn't return for the third summer, because of a sports camp.She especially loves softball/baseball. Her favorite free period activity is obviously sports. Like Jenna, she doesn't like boys until she met David. She lives in the Boston area. Her BFF at camp and at home is Abby. She doesn't come back in the 19th book- The free spirit of the group. IM Name: SarahSports

Valerie Williams- She loves African dance and she doesn't like her stepsister Latoya. Her favorite free period activity is wood working. In the first summer her BFF is Sarah. She hangs with Candace in the last summer, because they become sailing partners. IM name: Valfrog

Tori-She would take over as the girly-girl of the camp. She's from L.A. and has Hollywood connections. Nat and her get to know each other, and become best friends. In winter games, she also invites 5 people to go lake Tahoe with her. Her boyfriend is Michael. Tori has blonde hair and has the latest makeup from her mom. IM name: Tori90210

Sloan- She knows about psychic things, partly because her mom is a past life regression therapist. She comes to camp in the 19th book, and organizes the protest in the last book.

"Priya Shah " - "Priya was not mentioned much in the first summer at camp because she was in 3B. But got to be known better in the 9th book Best (Boy ) Friend Forever and is best friends at camp with Jordan and at home to. Her IM name is Pree.

The important object in book 19 .... CAMP CONFIDENTIAL, SUPER SPEACIAL!, CHARMED FORCES"'

AMY---Amy is a amethyst that Alyssa found on the grounds of Camp Lakeview, on the first day of camp. When Amy found the rock she took it to the nature shack with her book called "The Geologist's Handbool". Then she found out that Amy has physic powers so Alyssa made predictions using Amy, and all her predictions came true.

Male Campers

Adam Bloom- Jenna's twin brother, and a prankster. He is one of the best photographers at Camp Lakeveiw. He is also good at sports like Jenna. His girlfriend is Alex.He also gets nervous with Alex when he is around his father.

Simon- He is a cool laid back guy. He used to date Nat. Sometimes he doesn't pay attention to the things around him. He and Nat broke up due to long distance. He's sweet and smart in nature. He is mentioned twice after his break up with Natalie, but never heard from, or seen again, in the book. he plays many different instruments, and his favorite color is blue.

Devon- His crush is Grace because they are both into drama. He is a total sweet-heart. He didn't come in the third summer because he went to Hawaii on vacation.

Blake- He is pretty stuck-up when you first meet him because he is rich. The more you read into him you can tell he is an honest friend. He is also a prankster who makes Jenna think they might be able to make friends, but like Jenna he can drag prank and prank wars too far.

David- He can appear as a girl pig, but he is sweet, daring, and funny. He has two crushes Jenna and Sarah; he first goes out with Sarah before realizing he likes Jenna. He is actually Jenna's first crush.

Jordan- He is Priya's best friend and is dating Brynn which is really awkward since Priya and Brynn are good friends. He has a hard time focusing in school. He's gross (around the guys and Priya), and picky with his food, but he is a sweet-heart and he is funny. IM name: imnotmichaelJORDAN

Spence- He is known as the flirt. He wears glasses. He has a crush on Priya, Chelsea, and Grace. Logan- Dated Nat but broke up because of the long distant thing. In the 19th book, they get together again.

Donovan- In the 19th book, he takes Spence's place as the flirt. Every single girl at Camp Lakeview is in love with him, especially the girls in 6b. It is known that Chelsea, Gaby, Priya, Valerie, Natalie, and a 5th year blond girl flirt with him. (Tori states that she is "off the market" because of Michael!) At the end of the book, Donovan asks Candace to the Midsummer's Dance with him, and Candace says no because she doesn't want a boyfriend, and she said if she won the boating race she wouldn't go. Gaby willingly asks Donovan to the dance right after and he says yes. Finally, in mid-dance, Donovan takes Gaby to the woods and kisses her twice on the lips. Later is confirmed that Donovan is Gaby's new boyfriend.


Julie (counselor) - She acts very peppy. She is very responsible for the girls. She challenges the girls to new limits.

Marrisa (C.I.T.) - She is one of the coolest C-I-Ts and is a camp legend. She is also very girly and bonds with Natalie in the first summer and helps Jenna overcome her fear of diving. She is Stephanie's best friend

Nate (counselor) - He is the first summer boy cabin counselor. He is very cool but not a push-over even though he lets some things go.

Pete (cafe staff) - He was a camp counselor until the first summer when he changed to the food staff. Their cooking may not be the best, but he's one of the most popular staff.

LJ(cafe staff) - He is a funny kitchen worker. He said that he would reveal what his initials stand for at the final banquet (if we are lucky).

Dr. Steve (camp director) - No pushover here. He is nice and has millions of great ideas for the camp. He dresses very tacky sometimes and can be strict when it comes to pranks. Alex and Jenna nick-named him Dr. Flutterbug because he tends to blink a lot and twitch while making speeches.

Stephanie (CIT) - Jenna's older sister, who acts like a mother to Jenna at camp. Her best friend is Marrisa even though she is in cabin 3A, 3Cs rival bunk.

Belle (counselor) - She is the girls' counselor in the third summer. She does karate and the girls think she's a vampire at first. (Hide and Shriek.)

Clarrisa:-(CIT)Comes into the book in the third series she is said to be a camper the summer before (Hide and Shreik)

Andie (counselor)- a bubbly counselor in the second summer who surprisingly supports the rivalry between bunks.

Mia- is a CIT who doesn't appear until the second summer. She likes sports.

Tyler(swim instructor) - He is one of the hottest guys at camp, even Jenna admits that. Stephanie and Tyler seem to have a thing, even though Jenna plays a really embarrassing prank on her. He's really sweet and fun.

Roseanne(nature counselor) - Very active and always thinking up new activities for the campers to do.

Mandy (counselor)- She is the counselor in the sixth division. She does not believe in magic until the end of book #19.

Nate (counselor) - He is 3F's counselor. He always disapproves of Jenna's pranks on Adam and the rest of his bunk.

Kathleen (division head) - She is energetic and in charge of the third division.

Brian (sports counselor) - He is in charge of sports. He came from Australia and has a thick Australian accent. It is important to him that everyone has a good time.

Keith (newspaper specialist) - He worked on a small computer magazine published in New Jersey but has never worked on an actual newspaper.

Beth (swim instructor) - She is always coming up with new ways to convince Nat how to get in the water. They do not work but Nat gives her an A for effort.


Hannah- NYC, fashion opposed girly-girl. Her mom is an African ambassador. Nat's home Best Friend. She might be like Natalie, but sometimes she feels like Natalie is growing up way faster than her.

Nicole- Jenna's best friend. She has been said to throw cool parties, but in TTYL, Jenna thought they were not fun at all.

Kallista Goldman- Tori's best friend. Her father is a famous director in Hollywood.

Latoya- Valerie's stepsister, she tries to keep Valerie doing her best in dance. Even though she's mean she might have been the one who pushed Valerie into dance.

Michael Stevenson- Michael is Tori's boyfriend, we hear about him in the early books, but we learn more about him in "And The Winner Is...." IM name: MichaelS

Reed- He is totally into fish. He lives in California although his mom lives in New York. He became good friends with Nat when she was visiting her Dad. IM name: BicoastalBoy

Kyle- He is a nice guy who is from Natalie's school. He was crushing on Natalie and he was jealous of Simon. He's a nice guy, but can get too carried away. He told everyone Natalie and him were a couple, just because they hung out once when skating in National Park.

Max- He is Candace's brother and only appears in book #17. He is smart but sometimes pushes Candace too much.

Matt Bloom- Jenna's older brother who loves science (Jenna often refers to him as a science geek). He sends her lots of bumper stickers for her collection.

Tad Maxwell- He is the father of Natalie Goode. He is an international movie star.

Josie McLaughlan- Tad Maxwell's girlfriend, a young starlet on the rise.

Chelsea's dad- Chelsea's father who seems to be very nice,In #5 TTYL,her father got cancer and the girls tried to help Chelsea through it.

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