Conchobar Abradruad

Conchobar Abradruad

Conchobar Abradruad ("red eyelashes"),[1] son of Find File, son of Ros Ruad, son of Ferhus Fairgge, son of Nuadu Necht, of the Laigin, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He succeeded to the throne after the death of Lugaid Riab nDerg, and ruled for a year, at the end of which he was killed by Lugaid's son Crimthann Nia Náir. The Lebor Gabála Érenn synchronises his reign with that of the Roman emperor Vespasian (AD 69-79).[2] The chronology of Geoffrey Keating's Foras Feasa ar Éirinn dates his reign to 13-12 BC,[3] that of the Annals of the Four Masters to 9-8 BC.[4]

Preceded by
Lugaid Riab nDerg
High King of Ireland
LGE 1st century AD
FFE 13-12 BC
AFM 9-8 BC
Succeeded by
LGE Cairbre Cinnchait
FFE/AFM Crimthann Nia Náir


  1. ^ Dictionary of the Irish Language, Compact Edition, Royal Irish Academy, 1990, pp. 2, 512
  2. ^ R. A. Stewart Macalister (ed. & trans.), Lebor Gabála Érenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland Part V, Irish Texts Society, 1956, p. 303-305
  3. ^ Geoffrey Keating, Foras Feasa ar Éirinn 1.37
  4. ^ Annals of the Four Masters M5191-5192

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