List of Gremlins

List of Gremlins

The following is a list of Gremlins from "Gremlins" and "".


Gizmo was the source of all the gremlins. He is a brown and white mogwai who likes to sing and watch television. Unlike the rest of his species, Gizmo is kind, friendly and harmless.

Gizmo was first seen in the first "Gremlins" film when Randal Peltzer 'purchased' it from Mr. Wing, to give to his son, Billy, as a Christmas present. Billy's friend Pete comes in and accidentally spills water on Gizmo. The first batch of mogwai siblings (including Stripe), were a lot more mean spirited than Gizmo and deliberately manipulate Billy into breaking more of the rules. It's also implied that the first batch was jealous of Gizmo's attention with Billy so they eventually torture him. After the mogwais were fed after midnight they turn into pupas and then hatch as Gremlins. Four of these were killed within the Peltzer's home except for Stripe, which escapes and multiplies at the YMCA pool.

After defeating the army of gremlins in the movie theater, Billy went to stop Stripe from getting to the water again. Gizmo snuck away from Kate, and tracked down Stripe using a little pink toy car in the toy section, which was destroyed when Gizmo crashed it in the garden department. He was able to kill Stripe by exposing him to the bright light. At the end of the first film, he was taken back to New York City by Mr. Wing until they would be more careful.

In "Gremlins 2: The New Batch", he was snatched by a scientist after the death of Mr. Wing and the destruction of his little shop. Gizmo was taken to the Splice o' Life Inc. lab located in the Clamp cable network building, to be dissected. Fortunately, Billy heard a mailman sing the song Gizmo sang, and snuck Gizmo out of the lab. When Billy leaves Gizmo for a 'business meeting', Gizmo escapes and gets wet which spawns the second batch of gremlins which includes, Mohawk, Daffy, George, and Lenny.

Gizmo was stuffed in the air vent by the evil Mogwai's. Later, he was being tortured by Mohawk constantly in the movie. Then Gizmo gets tough and tries to work out to defeat Mohawk. He kills the mutated Mohawk, by setting him on fire with a flaming arrow. After they took care of the gremlins in the building, Billy and Kate take Gizmo home with them.

Gizmo also makes a cameo appearances in adult cartoons such as Family Guy, South Park and Code Monkeys.

First Gremlins

The following gremlins appear in the first film.

The first batch

Gizmo's first spawn, which included Stripe, conspired to trick Billy into feeding them after midnight. The resulting gremlins hatched. At first it was an easy guess that these new Mogwai were as friendly as Gizmo, but this thought is quickly dispatched after the most easily standing out Mogwai (Named Stripe by Billy) tries to bite Billy's friend Pete, when he tries to stroke him as he had done with the more friendly Mogwai Gizmo. Billy notices how Stripe easily becomes the first Batches leader, and Billy realises how different there attitude is compared to Gizmo, they seem more mean and greedy then Giz. (This is easily shown when Gizmo prefers to hang around with Billy's dog, Barney) The batch is killed off fairly quickly after they transform into Gremlins. The first batch member you see in full Gremlin Transformation, (Who is also the first to die) Is eating Gingerbread men who were only recently baked by Billy's mother. As he reaches his head into a blender to eat more, Mrs Lynn turns on the blender, which completely dicapatates the Gremlins Head. Another one starts throwing plates at her, trying to avenge his dead friend. However, he is then stabbed to death by the mother who is using a knife as a weapon. The third one she sees, has no real time to react against her, as she quickly grabs Bug spray, and sprays him in the face, until he is forced into a microwave, by which times she turns on the Microwave, and he explodes. The 4th Gremlin makes an attempt to strangle Billy's mother, but Billy cuts off his head with an ornamental sword, and his head burns away in a fire place. Stripe, the leader, is the last Surviving Gremlin, and he dies after being horribly burnt away by sunlight.


Earl was the first Mogwai to transform into a Gremlin, and the first Mogwai to be seen on screen in his Gremlin Transformation, albeit very briefly. He was the sixth to be spawned when Billy took Gizmo to see his old science teacher, Roy Hanson. Billy demonstrated what happened when Gizmo came into contact with water. Hanson then kept Earl in a cage and conducted tests on him, taking blood samples which he appeared to hate. After the teacher left him within reach of food, Earl ate after midnight. After hatching as a Gremlin he killed Hanson with a syringe (seemingly in retaliation for the earlier tests) and attacked Billy he escaped through a vent and later met up with the others. He was killed with all the rest of the gremlins in the movie theater when it blew up.

It should be noted that shortly after birth he showed a nature very similar to Gizmo, greeting him shortly after he had spawned, both creatures tapping on the box in a somewhat friendly nature. He was the only Gremlin who initially showed no animosity to Gizmo. While in Hanson’s care he didn’t show any maliciousness until Hanson leaves a half eaten sandwich, which he then takes in. (This could have just been taken because it was hungry, not because it wanted to transform into a Gremlin for revenge against Hanson) . This is explained in the novelizations as the fact that there are two types of mogwai: the minority mogwai and the majority mogwai. The minority mogwai, like Gizmo and Earl, are cute and nice and good, and only turn evil when they eat after midnight and turn into gremlins. The majority mogwai, like most of the other mogwais seen in the film, start out as evil and mischievous at birth.


Stripe was the main antagonist of "Gremlins". When one of Billy's friends gets Gizmo wet, five new mogwai popped out of his back, one of which is Stripe. All of them looked virtually identical to Gizmo (with a few minor changes, such as weight, fur or size features. They might also have slightly mischievous grins, such as Mogwai Stripe did.) Stripe, the leader of the new Mogwai, had a white stripe of fur on his head. Later all of the Mogwai, with the exception of Gizmo, eat after midnight and become gremlins. All of them are killed by Billy and his mom, but Stripe escapes to the YMCA where he jumps into the pool and creates thousands of new gremlins. Stripe and his offspring attack the town and eventually meet up at a movie theater to see "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Stripe leaves to go get candy. While he is gone, Billy and Gizmo blow up the movie theater leaving Stripe as the last gremlin. Later, Stripe and Billy fight in the toy store. Stripe approached a fountain and dipped his finger in the water, about to spawn more gremlins. In the end, Stripe is killed when Gizmo exposes him to sunlight. He was voiced by Lego stop-motion animator Michael Fowler and voice actor and sound effects artist Frank Welker, and it began Fowler's entertainment career at age 10.

Stripe made a cameo appearance on a BT Business Commercial.

Caroling Gremlins

A team of gremlins who conspired with Stripe to kill Mrs. Deagle. The Gremlins performed the movies theme tune dressed in christmas cloths (Hats, Muffins, Ect.) on Mrs. Deagle's doorstep while another gremlin sabotaged her stairlift. A terrified Mrs. Deagle then used the stairlift to get away from the gremlins. Moments later she was catapulted by the out of control stairlift out of an upstairs window. It appears as though the Gremlins have some sort of grudge against Mrs. Deagle. Considering Stripe personally seeks her out. And when Stripe sees a sign outside. Potraying the name: "Deagle Constructions", Stripe then Snarls, "Deagle...Deagle, Deagle Deagle...." Then proceeding to order the other Gremlins up against the small outcrop that Stripes resting against.

Pub gremlins

Various gremlins appear in the pub scene along with Stripe. It is easy to see that they are wreaking havoc, and enjoying themselves. Stripe himself was seen playing poker next to a gremlin posing as his female poker partner. This gremlin tips Stripe off that an opposing player is cheating, so Stripe shoots him.


The mugger gremlin was in Kate's pub with the other gremlins. He wore a hat with three holes in it covering his face like a mask. He was about to shoot Kate with a gun until Billy drove his car through the pub with its headlights shining, stunning the creature.


The flasher gremlin was a gremlin wearing a coat which he opens as if to flash Kate. This followed through to the sequel with another Gremlin doing the same thing. He was seen later in the movie theater watching "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" where he's killed.


The Bogart gremlin was wearing a suit and fedora, much like Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. He's seen smoking a cigarette and digging jazz music by himself, much like a beatnik or hipster would. Later he is knocked out by a beer glass thrown by another gremlin.

The New Batch

The following Gremlins appear in the second film.


Mohawk a.k.a. the "Spider Gremlin" was the first leader of the gremlins in "Gremlins 2: The New Batch" later replaced by The Brain. He is more sinister and more evil than Stripe was, and obviously uglier. He first started out as a black and white mogwai with sharp teeth and a white Mohawk like Stripe did, he also had large ears that resembled small bat wings. He was responsible for stuffing Gizmo in the air ventilation. He ate after midnight and turned into a gremlin, which was dark green and had large reptile like spines on his head which went down his back instead of Stripe's puff of hair at the top of his head. The first actual view that was given of him in the film to clue in what he will look like was when his spikes shot out of his pod like a jackknife. He was seen in full view when he was attacking a man in the security room, but was scared away when Billy shined a flashlight in his face. He constantly tortured Gizmo using electrical cords, a copier, Velcro, and a toy train (reasons could be that Mohawk was the reincarnation of Stripe and much like Stripe in the first movie enjoys torturing Gizmo). Mohawk tried to kill Billy in the lab with a machine gun, but missed Billy, shooting many test tubes and a gremlin. He mutated himself into a spider/gremlin composite by drinking spider DNA. He was killed in the movie by getting set on fire by Gizmo with a flaming arrow, which was actually a pencil with a bottle of White-Out shoved on the end. Ironically, excluding the Bat Gremlin, Mohawk is the first of the new batch to die, Stripe being the last of the first batch to perish in the first film.


Brain appears as a brown mutated gremlin with glasses and is voiced by Tony Randall. His mutation was caused by a mutagenetic brain-enhancing serum which he consumed in the Clamp Building laboratories; his intelligence was greatly increased as a result, and he gained spectacles out of nowhere. For a gremlin, he is well articulated and cultured and has a normal/human sounding voice, though his mischievous nature still prevails; with the absence of Mohawk, he prepares to lead all the gremlins to the world outside. At one point he contacts a stock broker, advising his clients to invest in "canned foods and shotguns", an obvious allusion to the chaos the Gremlins were going to wreak on society. He was also being interviewed by Grandpa Fred in one scene describing the gremlin-type of civilization, and shot a gremlin that was annoying him, an action that he agrees is not civilized but fun, showing that he's as evil as the rest of the Gremlins.

Brain was shown singing the all-gremlin version of "New York, New York". At the end of the movie, he was blasted with water and killed by getting electrocuted with the rest of the gremlins (comically, he finishes the song with his dying breath, his voice returning back to a normal gremlin voice indicating that the shock reverted him back to normal). In the original draft, Brain was supposed to have a different death: After singing "New York, New York", Gizmo shoots a dart that injects him with a helium serum, causing him to bloat like a balloon and float out a window to his doom. This was cut out.

In the novelization of the film by David Bischoff, he is named Mr. Glasses.

It should be noted that though he is one of the main villains, and commercials for the movie depicted him keeping Gizmo bound and gagged, he and Gizmo have no screen time together in the movie.


Daffy a.k.a. the "Dentist Gremlin" is a lighter shade of green than most gremlins, and a few thick yellow strands of "hair" that hang limply in the manner of the original incarnation of Daffy Duck. His most recognizable features are his large, round eyes, which whirl constantly in a chaotic manner. He is hyper and has a warped sense of humor, and is constantly laughing hysterically. He first appeared when Gizmo got wet and was bouncing across the room as a ball. Later, he was playing with paint and other types of things. Kate mistook him for being Gizmo, and took Daffy back to the apartment, which caused him to turn it into a disaster area. Before a Clamp security guard arrested Billy, he looked inside the bag which Daffy was in. Daffy leapt out of the bag and bit the police man's nose, then ran away. He was seen wreaking havoc on the cooking show. He was also seen sabotaging an elevator while Kate was inside. He knocked Billy unconscious, and strapped him to a dentist chair. Luckily Mr. Futterman scared him away using the light. Daffy is seen later in the crowd of gremlins wearing a mask. Shown in a deleted scene, Daffy, with George and Lenny, was killed by getting electrocuted. Named after Daffy Duck.


The electric gremlin consists of and has the power to absorb and control electricity. He obtained these powers by drinking a hormone in the genetics lab (this hormone is introduced when Billy first enters the lab, in a scene where twin scientist Martin and Lewis show Dr. Catheter the effect it has on sewer rats). He is also the one who killed Dr. Catheter. While Billy was talking to Mr. Clamp, he comes through an electrical outlet to try to kill them. Billy was able to trap him within the building's phone system by putting him on hold. He was used to kill the gremlins in the final scene of the movie and, at the same time, he was also killed by using too much of his power.


George is grouchy and tough, resembling Edward G. Robinson. He had the idea to put metal pots and pans in the microwave at the cooking show, which caused the sprinkler system to activate. He was seen in the toy department when he was building a Lego gremlin, but it was knocked over by Lenny. George seems to be unable to stand Lenny but, despite this, is seen directly next to him in every scene that the two are in. He, Lenny and Daffy were killed by getting electrocuted, his melting body seen with a cigarette protruding out of what remains of his mouth. Partly based on George in the book "Of Mice and Men".


Lenny is a tall, idiotic, light skinned, bucktoothed gremlin. He is generally the least aggressive or dangerous gremlin, he is also the only one not to have razor sharp fangs instead he has human like teeth with big buckteeth that stick out in front. He is George's partner in crime as he is always following him, George often used him for heavy lifting but Lenny often accidentally hit him with everything he carried greatly annoying George. He is killed along with the remaining gremlins when the electric gremlin is unleashed after they are sprayed with a hose. He is partly based on Lenny from the book "Of Mice and Men".


The Vegetable Gremlin was the first gremlin mutant and is half vegetable and half gremlin. He mutated after drinking vegetable DNA in the Splice O' Life Inc. He also attacks somebody at the salad bar. A running gag involved The Vegetable Gremlin, in which a piece was taken from his back and put into martini. The gag was featured twice in the film. Once towards the end with a gremlin and, in a deleted scene, during the gremlin chaos scene with Microwave Marge. He was killed by getting electrocuted.


The third gremlin mutation in the movie, was a hybrid of a bat. This occurred after a gremlin drank bat DNA. He was also injected with genetic sunblock by Brain and set free out of the Clamp building. When he was outside of the building, he attacked Mr. Futterman. Mr. Futterman won the battle by covering him with cement, which hardened as he flew away and landed on a pillar, turning him into a gargoyle.


One Gremlin parodies the Phantom of the Opera. Half of his face is splashed deliberately with corrosive acid, causing him to wear a facemask. He is later seen in the musical number scene, menacingly playing a Gremlin-sized pipe organ, now dressed in his white mask and a long black cape. He is interrupted by another Gremlin and attacks her. He was likely electrocuted along with the other Gremlins.


The Female gremlin was another mutation after a gremlin drank a chemical that could change his gender (even though Gremlins are effectively asexual). The resulting creature was bright green with green hair; she wears a dress and had big red lips. She is otherwise harmless, like Gizmo, except for her affections for Forster, one of Clamps management team. She was shown in the musical sequence numerous times. At the end of the movie, she 'married' Forster. She was the only gremlin in the film that was confirmed to have survived. She is also shown to be aggressive to other Gremlins, as in one scene, she kills a Gremlin by slashing it across the face for trying to hit on her.

ecretary Gremlin

One of the first spawned Gremlins to appear, this Gremlin attacked the secretary of Daniel Clamp by putting a mousetrap in her sandwich. Clamp runs out upon hearing his secretary scream and finds the Gremlin waiting for him. The Gremlin throws a coffee mug at Clamp and after laughing hysterically, ducks out of sight. Clamp avoids the attack and rounds the secretary's desk to look for the Gremlin, only to be ambushed by the Gremlin who tries to bite his nose off. Clamp manages to catch the Gremlin in a paper shredder, slicing him to pieces. This death references to a Gremlin's death in a microwave in the first film, the shredder idea suggested by Joe Dante's wife.

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