

Openquran is an innovative software to search and read the Quran. It provides the meanings of the roots of all Arabic terms and in that is unique as compared to other translations.Open Quran offers more than 30 forign languages beside the original Arabic quran which is in 2 different variations (with or without diacritics), 10 defferent quran reciter as mp3-player under every vers and a whole explanation of the Arabic root of every quranic word in Arabic, English and German.

[ Open Quran Site]

Open Quran v.57 consists of the new technology of Ajax (Prototype and Scriptaculous), using php programing language and mysql database. It is easy to install on own server by clicking the options shown at the start menu. The Quran translation databases can be included as text files and need to be installed within the administration control panel.

What are Arabic root terms

If you speak a European language, the root system of Arabic may be an unfamiliar concept. Arabic words are made from a few component letters, commonly called aroot”. A root usually consists of three letters (sometimes 2 or 4), which convey a basic idea. By adding various vowels (i.e. changing pronunciation) as affixes*, associated meanings can be derived. For example, the Arabic letters: SiinLamMiim (see above: س ل م and remember Arabic words go from right to left, unlike languages with Latin characters) are the root for the following words: salaam (peace), islam (submission/compliance/conformance/surrender), muslim (one who submits/complies/conforms/surrenders). In all these words, you will see the root (component letters) are the same, and in the same order, i.e. Siin-Lam-Miim.

In a root language, words mean what they mean because they are built from other words; these base words are called roots. Now, while most languages are concept languages, there are some words that can be likened to the root system, e.g: if you learn what the wordactmeans, you should have no problem when you hear the wordactororaction” - you use the root to understand the word built from the root.

Classical Arabic as one of the most primitive Semitic languages is primarily a root language. Almost every word gets its meaning from the roots it is built from rather than by associating a concept with the word. This gives Arabic an almost crystal clear aspect to it; there is little ambiguity or confusion in a classical Arabic sentence. The language is one of clarity, directness, and certainty - qualities that are hard to achieve in other languages.

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