name = MK-DOS

caption = Work with MK-DOS 3.17: MCommander file manager
developer = Mikhail Korolev and Dmitriy Butyrskiy
family =
source_model = written in assembler and/or debugger
supported_platforms = Elektronika BK (PDP-11 architecture)
working_state = Abandoned
latest_release_version = 3.17 | latest_release_date =
kernel_type =
ui = MCommander graphical file manager
license = Proprietary
website =

MK-DOS - one of the most wide-spread operating systems for Elektronika BK Soviet personal computer, developed by Mikhail Korolev and Dmitriy Butyrskiy starting from 1993. Like ANDOS, the system provided full compatibility of operating environment for all models of BK, emulating environment of BK-0010 on more modern BK-0011 and BK-0011M. All requests to a magnetic tape from programs if they were made through proper ROM funcrions were redirected to a disk.

The system supported up to 4 physical disk drives (the number actually limited by disk ROM installed) and as many as number of letters in Latin alphbet hard disk partitions used as separate logical drives with volume of each up to 32 MB ("See also: drive letter assignment"). Starting from version 3.0 the system also supported mounting disk images as logical drives. When booted on BK-0011 or BK-0011M the system automatically created a RAM disk in the computer's memory.

MK-DOS used a wide-spread on BK MicroDOS file system which did not support file fragmentation (like the file system used with RT-11). While incompatible with RT-11's file system it shared many principles with it. MicroDOS file system had read-only support in ANDOS. The filename length was limited by 14 symbols (the filename extension was not recognized separately and was considered as a part of the filename).

Minimum installation of the system took not more than 8 KB of computer's memory. The system had functional graphic Norton Commander-like file manager called "MCommander". The system shipped with a number of utilities including emulators for RT-11, FAT 12 and CSI-DOS file systems as add-ons for the file manager.

External links

* [ Disk image of MK-DOS 2.10]
* [ Disk image of MK-DOS 3.15]
* [ Disk image of MK-DOS 3.17]
* [ Mikhail Korolev homepage]
* [ V.P.Yurov. BK-0010(.01) with disk drive (Comparison of operating systems for BK-0010). Magazine "Personal computer BK-0010 - BK-0011M", 1993]
* [ V.P.Yurov. Disk operating systems for BK-0011(M). Magazine "Personal computer BK-0010 - BK-0011M", 1994 (djvu)]

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