- Roberto Dañino Zapata
Roberto Dañino has served as
Prime Minister ofPeru andAmbassador to theUnited States . He has also served as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of theWorld Bank and has been a partner of the law firm Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering inWashington, D. C. He is a prominent international attorney with more than 30 years of experience in private practice and in public service, throughoutLatin America , theUnited States and theUnited Kingdom .Dr. Dañino is currently the Deputy Chairman of the
Board and Executive Director ofHochschild Mining plc [ [http://www.hochschildmining.com/content/pagina3.php?pID=9 Hochschild Mining] ] , the first Latin American company to issue shares in the main board of theLondon Stock Exchange . [ [http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/natural_resources/article630744.ece Times on line] ] [ [http://search.ft.com/ftArticle?queryText=%22Peruvian+Miner+lists%22&y=0&aje=true&x=0&id=061109001473&ct=0 FT.com] ]Previously, from 2003-2006, he was the Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the
World Bank Group [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5243/is_200307/ai_n19540145 World Bank] ] , where he developed the legal framework for the inclusion of human rights in the agenda of the Bank, He focused his tenure on three main strategic priorities: legal client responsiveness; simplification and modernization of the Bank Group's legal documentation; and re-energizing legal advisory services, particularly in the area of justice reform. [ [http://www.bicusa.org/en/Article.2628.aspx Justice reform] ] [ [http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=36912&piPK=36916&theSitePK=4607&menuPK=3607293&q=roberto%20danino&pSt=0&filter=p World Bank] ] While at the Bank, he was also Secretary General of theInternational Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - ICSID, the leading investor-State arbitration center in the world. [ [http://icsid.worldbank.org/ICSID/FrontServlet?requestType=CasesRH&actionVal=OpenPage&PageType=AnnouncementsFrame&FromPage=NewsReleases&pageName=Archive_%20Announcement1 World Bank] ] [ [http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?menuPK=3607293&pagePK=36912&piPK=36916&q=roberto%20danino%20ICSID&theSitePK=4607 World Bank] ] Mr. Dañino also served as the Legal Advisor to the Board of Directors and its Ethics Committee. [ [http://us.ft.com/ftgateway/superpage.ft?news_id=fto043020071931554210 FT.com] ]As
Ambassador ofPeru to theUnited States (2002–2003) [ [http://www.peruvianembassy.us/embassy-the-ambassador-gallery-ambassador-roberto-danino.php Peruvian Embassy] ] he was responsible for concluding the negotiation of the Andean Trade Preferences and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA), the promotion of theFree Trade Agreement betweenPeru and theUnited States [ [http://www.elcomercioperu.com.pe/ediciononline/HTML/2007-12-05/roberto-danino-tlc-abre-nuevo-capitulo-peru.html Peru Commercial] ] the support of the multilateral financing of the Camisea project, and the negotiation of a new strategy in the fight against drugs, amongst the various issues relevant to the bilateral agenda.Prior to his tenure as
Ambassador , Dr. Dañino was the Prime Minister of Peru (2001-2002). [ [http://palestra.pucp.edu.pe/pal_est/documentos/ministro.pdf Peru Prime Minister] ] During his tenure, he led the negotiation of an unprecedented National Agreement ("Acuerdo Nacional') which brought the leading political parties, the most representative civil society organizations, and the government to agree on a set of thirty long term policies to be observed for the next twenty years. [ [http://www.acuerdonacional.gob.pe/Foros/ForosTematicos/gobernabilidad/acta10.htm Peru Government] ] He also launched an ambitious program for poverty alleviation, promotion of economic growth and established a national competitiveness program aimed at doubling non-traditional exports in three years, among other various initiatives. He was awarded the most prominent honor by the Peruvian government, la Orden del Sol del Peru, in its highest degree.Before joining government, Dr. Dañino was a partner of
Wilmer Cutler & Pickering , a leading law firm inWashington, D.C. , where he was the Chairman of the Latin American Practice Group. His practice focused on providing legal advice on international corporate transactions, especially foreign direct investment, project finance, capital markets transactions and international disputes settlements. For more than thirty years, Dr. Dañino participated in these types of matters in virtually every country inLatin America on behalf of a wide variety of clients, including private, public, and multilateral entities. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2001_July_27/ai_76796138 Find articles] ] [ [http://www.latincounsel.com/esp/noticiaampliada.php?nid=4525 Latin Counsel] ]Dr. Dañino is or has been a member of various corporate and non-profit boards, both in the
United States and inLatin America . His board memberships have included TheCoca-Cola Company Latin American Advisory Board, the Americas Society Chairman's Council [ [http://www.as-coa.org/ Americas Society] ] , Carnegie Endowment's G-50 Board [ [http://www.g-50.org/ G-50 Board] ] ,Hochschild Mining plc [ [http://www.hochschildmining.com/content/index.php Hochschild Mining] ] , MiBanco [ [http://www.mibanco.com.pe/ MiBanco] ] , JER Latin American Advisory Board [ [http://www.jer.com/JERpartners/Press/20070810-LAB.pdf Latin America Advisory Board] ] , Goldfields Peru [ [http://www.s2ol.com/goldfields/ Goldfields] ] , Newbridge Andean Partners, Royal & SunAlliance/Fenix, Cementos Pacasmayo [ [http://www.cementospacasmayo.com.pe/ Cementos Pacasmayo] ] , Sindicato Pesquero, Radioprogramas del Peru RPP [ [http://www.gruporpp.com.pe/ Radioprogramas] ] , The Infant Nutrition Fund, The Mountain Institute [ [http://www.mountain.org/ Mountain Institute] ] , Peru 2021 [ [http://www.peru2021.org/ Peru 2021] ] , Foro Iberoamerica, The Youth Orchestra of the Americas [ [http://yoa.org/ Orchestra of the Americas] ] , Sociedad Filarmonica de Lima [ [http://www.socfillimaperu.com.pe/ Sociedad Filarmonica] ] , Results for Development, [ [http://resultsfordevelopment.org/index.php Results for development] ] International Center for Research on Women [ [http://www.icrw.org/ ICRW] ] , and The Open Society Institute [ [http://www.soros.org/ Soros Institute] ] , among others.He currently serves in the Brookings Commission for a Partnership for the Americas [ [http://www.brookings.edu/projects/latin-america/commission.aspx The Commission - Latin America Initiative - Brookings Institution ] ] , and is a member of the London Court of International Arbitration.He also has been the founding
General Counsel of the Inter-American Investment Corporation [ [http://www.iic.int/intro.asp?flashInstalled=yes Inter-American Investment Corporation] ] inWashington, D.C. (1989-1993) and the chairman of theInter-American Development Bank 's External Review Group for Private Sector activities. Prior to moving to the USA, Dr. Dañino was a practicing corporate lawyer inPeru (1973-1989) at Barrios, Fuentes Urquiaga & Dañino, and also occupied several senior positions in the Government ofPeru , including Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Trade; President of the Foreign Investment and Technology Agency; and Chairman of the Foreign Public Debt Commission.Dr. Dañino was born in
Lima ,Peru in 1951, holds law degrees fromHarvard University [ [http://www.law.harvard.edu/alumni/wac/wac-program.htm Harvard] ] and theCatholic University of Peru . He was a founding member of the Georgetown Leadership Seminar. He lectures and publishes extensively on international economic law matters, business transactions and dispute resolution. He is married, has four sons, enjoys films and photography, as well as collecting precolumbian and modern art.References
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