- 1985 Santiago earthquake
The 1985 Santiago earthquake was a
seismic movement registered on 3March 1985 at 22:47UTC (19:47 local time). Its epicenter was located on thesouth coast s ofValparaíso Region ,Chile , close to the beaches of Algarrobo. It had a magnitude of 8.0 on theRichter magnitude scale Servicio Sismológico Universidad de Chile, [http://ssn.dgf.uchile.cl/home/terrem.html Sismos importantes o destructivos desde 1570] ] .The
earthquake was felt betweenAntofagasta Region in the north, andAraucanía Region in the south, being felt with more power inCentral Chile . It reached a maximum intensity of XI in theMercalli intensity scale . The most affected zone was the port of San Antonio, in Valparaíso Region, together withAlhué andMelipilla inSantiago Metropolitan Region andRengo inO'Higgins Region . The earthquake affected with great intensity too the country's capital, Santiago, where about 40% of the population lived. Fact|date=June 2008The final victims count threw 177 dead, 2,575 hurt, 142,489 destroyed houses and about a million people houseless. Many landslides were registered too, pavement breaks with the destruction of
Pan-American highway in several points, broken-downbridge s and considerable damage in affected town's infrastructure, with a longinterruption on basic services. The damage was valued in more than 1,046 millionUS dollar s [El Mercurio, [http://www.emol.com/especiales/terremotos/chile.htm Grandes terremotos en Chile] ] .ee also
List of earthquakes in Chile
*Great Chilean Earthquake References
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