- Rein Lang
Rein Lang, born
July 4 1957 inTartu ,Estonian SSR , is anEstonia n politician, a member of theEstonian Reform Party since 1995, and adiplomat . He is currently serving as the Minister of Justice.cite web|url=http://www.just.ee/minister|title=www.just.ee/minister ]Personal life
Lang's father was appointed to work at the Soviet embassy in
Helsinki . [Postimees February 22 ,2005 : [http://www.postimees.ee/230205/esileht/siseuudised/158475.php Soome ajaleht: Lang on «kõva pähkel»] ] Consequently, Rein Lang grew partly up inFinland , becoming a fluent speaker of Finnish. He has championed Finnish-Estonian relations.Lang got the basic and highschool education inTallinn English College (then known as 7th Highscool of Tallinn) and graduated "cum laude " fromUniversity of Tartu in 1980, acquiring a degree inlaw .Lang is in
cohabitation withUlvi Kuusk , whom he met in 1979, [Äripäev 2 February 2007 : [http://www.aripaev.ee/3484/uud_uudidx_348404.html Rein Lang — Lapsesuu või PR-guru?] ] and has ateenage (as of 2007) daughter.Career
From 1980 to 1983, Rein Lang belonged to
Injurkollegija , a specialised attorney organisation for foreign legal relations of theUSSR . This was his first job after graduation. Lang participated in "Constitutional Assembly of Republic of Estonia" ( _et.Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseaduslik Assamblee ) tasked to write theConstitution of Estonia enacted in 1992.Fact|date=July 2007In the later years of the
Soviet Union , starting in 1986, Lang worked in the entertainment business. He has been a deputy director of theLinnahall and in 1989 became a deputy director of club 'Muusik' (Estonian for 'Musician'). In 1990, he becameCEO ofAS Laulusillad (Estonian for "Song Bridges"), and in 1991–2001 served at various positions inAS TRIO , along withHans H. Luik establishing and running the first politically independentradio station in post-Soviet Estonia,Radio Kuku . Over the next several years, Lang launched two more radio stations,Radio Uuno , a music-only radio station, and theRussian language Radio Tallinn (later renamed Radio 100). In 2002, Lang and Luik sold their radio interest to their then co-partner from theUnited States , Metromedia International Group Inc.In
Radio Kuku , Lang regularly appeared intalkshow s, ending up gaining considerable reputation as a political commentator.Eesti Päevaleht 30 June 2007 : [http://www.epl.ee/artikkel/391607 Rein Lang (50)] ] His most popular programme, the weekly 'Midday Hour' ( _et.Keskpäevatund ), has become legendary, and a subject of a number of jokes mostly associated withValdo Jahilo . 'State of the state' ( _et.Olukorrast riigis ) was also popular.Following his departure from the media business, Lang served as deputy mayor of
Tallinn in 2001–2003 and as a member ofRiigikogu in 2003–2005. He served as the Deputy Speaker of Riigikogu and Chairman of its European Affairs Committee. In 2005, Lang was the minister of Foreign Affairs for two months, from February to April. With the resignation ofJuhan Parts , theprime minister at that time, a new cabinet was proposed byAndrus Ansip ; there, Lang would serve as the Minister of Justice, a position he officially took when the new cabinet took an oath onApril 12 ,2005 . As theEstonian Minister of Justice , Lang was involved in theConstitutional Pilsener project.Press Enemy of 2004
In 2004, the Estonian Newspaper Association ( _et.
Eesti Ajalehtede Liit ) labelled Lang the 'Year's Press Enemy'. [Estonian Newspaper Association10 December 2004 : [http://www.eall.ee/uudised/2004/10_12_4.html Pressisõber on Marko Pomerants, pressivaenlane Rein Lang] ] The explanation provided in the press release cited Lang'ssnob bish attitude towards press, exemplified by anemail response in which Lang asked a county newspaper's correspondent to "not bother" him with any more requests for information. Lang has disputed this characterisation, and implied thatToomas Leito , leader of the Estonian Newspaper Association, was following a policy ofBut you are lynching Negroes . [Postimees 8 January 2005 : [http://www.postimees.ee/120105/lisad/arter/154537_1.php Liberaalne Molekul] , interview byPriit Pullerits ]Controversial "Delfi bill"
In autumn of 2005, Lang initiated a bill that would have allowed penalising web portals for anonymous commentary left by their visitors. The bill, nicknamed "
Delfi bill " ( _et. Delfi eelnõu) after an Estonian web portal commonly associated with poorly thought out and scatological commentary, was widely criticised and ended up rejected byRiigikogu . [delfi.ee November 1 ,2005 : [http://www.delfi.ee/archive/article.php?id=11516527&categoryID=120&ndate=1130864089 Sõnavabadus internetis ohus] ] Among other concerns, critics commonly pointed out that Delfi belonged to a media concern competing withAS TRIO , and questioned the minister's neutrality: "The Ministry of Culture can only be tidied up by a grenade, thrown in through its window." [Keskpäevatund , quoted in [http://www.delfi.ee/archive/article.php?id=11516527&categoryID=120&ndate=1130864089 Sõnavabadus internetis ohus] ]Birthday party controversy
July 4 ,2007 , Rein Lang celebrated his 50th birthday at a beer restaurant in Tartu, Estonia.Eesti Ekspress July 4 ,2007 : [http://www.ekspress.ee/viewdoc/9DC2BBB5B3E1EEB4C225730E0023D9BE Langi juubelil "Adolf"] byAlan Proosa ] The party featured a performance of the play Adolf, an award-winninganti-fascist [Pip Utton , describing the play on a [http://www.pip-utton.com/putton/adolf.htm promotional website] .] prop. In an additional note to the invitation Lang pointed out that the event was not intended as afancy dress party ; specifically, guests would not be expected to arrive in uniforms or bearing Nazi symbols.swastikas",Postimees July 6 ,2007 : [http://www.postimees.ee/060707/esileht/siseuudised/270888.php Rein Langi juubelipidu äratas huvi Vene meedias] ] [Eesti Päevaleht July 6 ,2007 : [http://www.epl.ee/artikkel/392259 Vene meedia haaras Rein Langi sünnipäeva mõnuga hambusse] , edited byTuuli Aug ] citing an Estonian newspaper which recalled a scandal that happened three years ago, whenPrince Harry had a swastika on his sleeve during a birthday party.REGNUM July 5 ,2007 : [http://www.regnum.ru/english/852694.html Estonian justice minister “decorates” his birthday party with swastika] ]This distortion was widely covered in the Estonian news media.
Postimees July 6 ,2007 : [http://www.postimees.ee/060707/esileht/siseuudised/270888.php Rein Langi juubelipidu äratas huvi Vene meedias] ] [Eesti Päevaleht July 6 ,2007 : [http://www.epl.ee/artikkel/392259 Vene meedia haaras Rein Langi sünnipäeva mõnuga hambusse] , edited byTuuli Aug ] The Nochnoy Dozor group has inRussia n media made calls for the Minister of Justice to resign over the event. [ITAR-TASS July 5 ,2007 : [http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=11695348&PageNum=0 Estonian minister marks jubilee under aegis of Nazi Swastika] ] In an explanatoryopinion article , Lang stated "The Republic of Estonia has condemned Nazi crimes and my birthday was attended by people who, without exception, despise fascism."psychological warfare. [Postimees 28 July 2007 : [http://www.postimees.ee/280707/esileht/siseuudised/274489.php TV3: vabadusvõitlejate kokkutulekut jälgis RTRi võttegrupp] ]"Wikigate" incident
23 July 2007 , Lang's article onWikipedia was edited by a user identifying as "Kairioun", removing a large section on Lang's birthday controversy. [Postimees 25 July 2007 : [http://euro.postimees.ee/250707/esileht/siseuudised/273911.php Langi nõunik toimetas ministri kohta käivat artiklit Wikipedias] ] [Eesti Päevaleht 26 July 2007 : [http://www.epl.ee/?uudised=394214 Langi nõunik üritas parandada ministrit käsitlevat Wikipedia artiklit] by Jan Jõgis-Laats] After these deletions were consistently reverted, another user by the alias of Gerog112 performed a similar deletion many times, resulting in a 24-hour restriction of editing privileges (sometimes mistakenly reported as a three-month restriction), and made a number of bizarre statements in Estonian. News media quickly traced the user Kairioun to Kairi Õun, an advisor of Lang, leading to considerable coverage of the incident, whichHenrik Roonemaa , in an analysis session inTehnokratt , dubbed "Wikigate". [Tehnokratt 28 July 2007 : [http://akamai.tehnokratt.net/podvaar/tehnokratt/tehnokratt20070728.mp3 tehnokratt vikipeediast ja reeglitest] ] Gerog112's real life identity remains unknown. The resulting publicity attracted a number of new Estonian editors to Wikipedia.References
External links
* [http://www.lang.ee/ Official blog] , sponsored by the
Estonian Reform Party
* A [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbz7e9po0O4 news item] by Rossiya, the national TV channel ofRussian Federation .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.