Giorgio Mitolo

Giorgio Mitolo

name = Giorgio Mitolo

caption = Giorgio Mitolo
birth_name =
birth_date = Birth date and age|1966|08|06
birth_place = Rome, Italy
death_date =
death_place =
occupation = TV Reporter, Anchor, Newscaster
salary =
networth =
website =

Giorgio Mitolo (born August 6 1966 in Rome, Italy), is an Italian-Canadian TV reporter, anchor and newscaster for the Italian edition of "Omni News", broadcast from Toronto. Omni Television is a Canadian multicultural channel, owned by Rogers Communications.


Born and raised in Rome, after his parents - the father, a civil lawyer, and the mother, an high-school teacher - had moved from Puglia, in the early 1960s. He has become a Canadian citizen, in 2005, where he arrived - for the first time - in 1997, and moved steadily in 2001. He is now living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


In 1987, he began to work as a reporter, at Persona TV, in Rome. In 1989 - at his very first work experience abroad - he was a radio host and newscaster for the Italian programs and news of [ Radio Korea International] , broadcasted by [ KBS - Korean Broadcasting System] , in Seoul, South Korea. It was during this experience that he also wrote for the daily newspaper [ Il Corriere dello Sport - Stadio] . From 1991 to 2001, he has worked as a reporter for "RTL News", broadcasted by [ RTL Network] radio, in Rome, and later for [ RAI - Radio Televisione Italiana] , where he hosted two series of an English language radio program, broadcasted by [ RAI International] . It was in 2001 that he had steadily moved in Toronto, where he has worked as an host and newscaster for [ Radio Uno] , and - later, for two years - as an assistant producer and reporter at [ TLN-Telelatino] . In 2003, he joined [ CHIN Radio & TV International] , where he has worked three years as newscaster, reporter and host, for a variety of radio programs, mainly news. Since 2007, he is currently working as a reporter, anchor and newscaster for "Omni News" - the only one-hour Italian language TV daily news, throughout the whole North American continent - broadcasted on [ OMNI.1] , weekdays at 8 p.m. E.T.

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