

Tricot is a plain warp-knit fabric that can be created with an array of fibers and fiber blends. It is not unusual for various types of tricot to be manufactured with the use of cotton, wool, silk, rayon, or nylon, or any combination of fibers. Because the pattern for tricot fabric is a close-knit design with fibers running lengthwise while employing an interlooped yarn pattern, the texture of tricot is a little different from some other types of material. One side will feature fine ribs running in a lengthwise pattern, while the other side will feature ribs that run in a crosswise direction. The finished look of tricot is that of a sturdy yet soft material that can be ideal for a number of applications.

One of the common uses is in the liners for pieces of luggage, jewelry boxes, and clothing storage containers. Another popular use is for women's undergarments. However, it can also be an ideal material for outdoor hunting, which is not so commonly known. People in these industries also call it "brushed tricot", which comes from its added process which enhances its soft feel. After being brushed and printed with camouflage patterns on it, the material will make hunters' movement quieter while prints render them invisible inside the woods. And, if laminated with breathable/waterproof film on the back, it will keep warm in wet and cold weather.

Overall, the tricot is a fabric that is easy to work with, can be created with different material or color combinations, and can be applied widely.

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