The Malloreon — is a five part fantasy book series written by David Eddings, which follows The Belgariad. The Malloreon is set in the same world as The Belgariad, but expands on several aspects of the setting, especially the eastern continent of Mallorea.… … Wikipedia
Personnages de la Belgariade et de la Mallorée — Cet article regroupe les personnages de la Belgariade, de la Mallorée et des Préquelles, écrits par David et Leigh Eddings. Sommaire 1 Humains 1.1 Aloriens 1.1.1 Algarois 1.1.2 … Wikipédia en Français
List of The Belgariad and The Malloreon characters — This is a list of The Belgariad and The Malloreon characters. The Belgariad and The Malloreon are two parts of a fantasy epic written by David Eddings. Note: All of the statements (deceased, married) are written from the current information by… … Wikipedia
Characters in The Belgariad and The Malloreon — The Belgariad and the Malloreon are a two part fantasy epic written by David Eddings. This is a list of the major characters that appear in both parts of the story. (For a list of the races in the series, see Races in The Belgariad and The… … Wikipedia
La Mallorée — La Mallorée, suite de La Belgariade, est une série de fantasy en cinq volumes, écrite par David Eddings. Elle est constituée de : Les Gardiens du Ponant (Guardians of the West, 1987) Le Roi des Murgos (King of the Murgos, 1988) Le Démon… … Wikipédia en Français
Beldin — is a fictional character in David Eddings fantasy series The Belgariad and The Malloreon . He is a deformed, short hunchback with a bad temper who is always described as incredibly dirty (as Polgara states He hates his deformed body, so he… … Wikipedia
Polgara the Sorceress — infobox Book | name = Polgara the Sorceress title orig = translator = image caption = author = David Eddings illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Fantasy novel publisher = Del Rey Books release… … Wikipedia
Deities in The Belgariad and The Malloreon — David Eddings fantasy saga The Belgariad , and the later works that share the setting ( The Malloreon , Belgarath the Sorcerer , Polgara the Sorceress ), describes a pantheon of seven gods. The seven are brothers, and several of them are also… … Wikipedia
Orb of Aldur — The Orb of Aldur is a blue glowing rock in the fictional series The Belgariad and also The Malloreon, by David Eddings. It was crafted from a riverstone by the god Aldur. Aldur constantly turned the riverstone in his hands and after considerable… … Wikipedia
La Belgariade — est une série de romans de fantasy de l écrivain américain David Eddings, parus sous le titre original de The Belgariad. La série est composée de cinq tomes, dont le titre associe à chaque fois un terme tiré des échecs à des thèmes familiers de… … Wikipédia en Français