Allan Nairn

Allan Nairn

Allan Nairn (born 1956) is an award-winning U.S. investigative journalist who became well-known when he was imprisoned by the Indonesian military while reporting in East Timor. His writings have focused on U.S. foreign policy in such countries as Haiti, Guatemala, Indonesia, and East Timor.

Nairn was born in Mobile, Alabama to a Puerto Rican mother. In high school, he got a job with consumer activist Ralph Nader, working for him for six years.

In 1980, Nairn visited Guatemala in the middle of a campaign of assassination against student leaders amidst a chaotic counterinsurgency campaign against Marxist guerrillas active in both urban and rural areas. He interviewed U.S. corporate executives there, who endorsed the death squads, and he decided to further investigate death squad activities in that country and in El Salvador, also in the throes of civil war.

Subsequently, Nairn became interested in East Timor and helped found the East Timor Action Network (ETAN), which was instrumental in bringing the independence movement in East Timor to international attention.

In 1991, covering developments in East Timor, Nairn and fellow journalist Amy Goodman were badly beaten by Indonesian soldiers after they witnessed a mass killing of Timorese demonstrators in what became known as the Dili Massacre. He was beaten with the butts of M16 rifles and had his skull fractured in the melee. Nairn was declared a "threat to national security" and banned from East Timor, but he re-entered several times illegally, and his subsequent reports helped convince the U.S. Congress to cut off military aid to Jakarta in 1993. In a dispatch from in East Timor on March 30, 1998, Nairn disclosed the continuing U.S. military training of Indonesian troops implicated in the torture and killing of civilians. In 1999, Nairn was detained briefly by the Indonesian Army.

In an article published in "The Nation" in 1994, Nairn revealed the U.S. government's role in establishing and funding the Haitian paramilitary death squad, FRAPH (the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti).

Nairn is also author of the "The Reign of ETS: the Corporation That Makes up Minds", an investigation of the SAT I exam and its creators, Educational Testing Service. It was printed as part of the Ralph Nader report in 1980.


In 1993, Nairn and Amy Goodman received the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial First Prize for International Radio award for their reporting on East Timor. []

In 1994, Nairn won the George Polk Award for Journalism for Magazine Reporting. []

Also in 1994, Nairn received the The James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism for his writing on Haiti for "The Nation" magazine. []


:"The United States has no monopoly on the abuse of power. But since I am an American this is where I have some influence and responsibility." []

External links

* [ Allan Nairn's blog - "News and Comment"]
* [ Allan Nairn page] (Links to various articles by Nairn)
* [ "U.S. Complicity in Timor"] ("The Nation", September 27 1999)
* [ "Witness to the Santa Cruz Massacre"] (excerpt from Nair's testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on February 17 1992 regarding the Dili massacre)
* [ Interview with Allan Nairn] (Mobile, Alabama, April 25 2000)
* [ Interview With Allan Nairn] ("Z Magazine", June 1995)

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