

Sam may be:;Used as a name:
* Male given names (U.S. Census Bureau statistics 1990): [U.S. Census Bureau [ U.S. List of male names] , 1990]
**Samuel (0.306%)
**Sam (0.092%)
**Sammy (0.025%)
**Sammie (0.012%)
**Samual (0.004%)
**Samson (not listed)
**Samwise (not listed)

*Female given names (U.S. Census Bureau statistics 1990): [U.S. Census Bureau [ U.S. List of female names] , 1990]
**Samantha (0.124%)
**Samatha (0.006%)
**Sammie (0.005%)
**Sam (0.002%)
**Samara (0.002%)
**Samira (0.002%)
**Sammy (0.001%)
**Samella (0.001%)
**Samuel (0.001%)

*Sam may also be a western shortening for the Middle Eastern & South Asian name Samir.
*Sām, a Persian folk hero, whose name means 'dark'.
*Sámr of Old Norse or Old Icelandic, which is attested to as the name of the prosecutor of Hrafnkell in Hrafnkels saga, and the name of Gunnars dog in Njáls saga, is also commonly translated as Sám. The name may be related to the Old Norse Sæmingr.

;A name for an animal:
*Sam (dog), a dog voted the world's ugliest dog for three years running
*Sam (orangutan), an orangutan who starred in the movie Dunston Checks In

;Other uses:
* Göteborgs Högre Samskola, a school in Gothenburg, Sweden
* Samsø, earlier, Samsey, literally "Sam's island"
* "Sam", a sequel to the novel "Charly" by Jack Weyland
* Sam (text editor), a text editor by Rob Pike
*, a copulative or collectivizing prefix in Sanskrit
* Sam Maguire Cup, a Gaelic football trophy
* Uncle Sam, a personification of the United States government
* Sam, a character played by Honeysuckle Weeks in the television series "Foyle's War"
* Sam, a Teenage South Australian Icon
* Sam (TV series), a 1973 British television drama series
* Microsoft Sam, the default voice for the screen reader program built into Windows 2000 and Windows XP
* Sam, a village in Ya Tung, Cambodia
* "Sam (Osvajači album)", an album by hard rock band Osvajači
* "Sam (album)", an album by rapper Škabo
* Sam, Burkina Faso, a town in Burkina Faso

SAM may refer to:;in software
* Norton_AntiVirus#Mac_edition, Symantec Anti-Virus for Macintosh
* SAM Linux
* Secure Access Module
* Security Account Manager, the accounts database used by Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, and later Microsoft Operating systems.
* Sequential access memory, a class of storage devices that are read sequentially
* Software Asset Management
* Software Automatic Mouth, a computer program for speech synthesis

;Other uses
* S-adenosyl methionine
* American Samoa (IOC and FIFA country code: SAM)
* SAM (vehicles), a Greek truck manufacturer
* , a satellite-driven radio network owned by Westwood One and managed by Dial Global
* Sandy Area Metro in Sandy, Oregon
* Scanning acoustic microscope
* Seattle Art Museum
* Self-assembled monolayer
* Shoot apical meristem, a tissue in plant cells
* Sigma Alpha Mu, a fraternity
* Significance analysis of microarrays, a permutation-based method to estimate the false discover rate in microarray analysis
* Small article monitor
* Social Accounting Matrix, a matrix representation of the national accounts
* Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín, a Colombian airline
* Society of American Magicians
* South Atlantic Medal, a British campaign medal for the Falklands War
* Southern Annular Mode, a mode of atmospheric variability of the southern hemisphere
* Spatial access method
* Stop action magnet (SAM) A device for use in a pipe organ
* Surface-to-Air Missile, a missile designed to be launched from land or sea to destroy aircraft


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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