Julien Hébert

Julien Hébert

Infobox Architect

name=Julien Hébert
birth_date=birth date|1917|8|19
birth_place= Rigaud, Quebec, Canada
death_date=death date and age|1994|5|24|1917|8|19
death_place=Montreal, Quebec, Canada
significant_buildings=Place-Saint-Henri (Montreal Metro)
Canada Pavilion, Expo '70
significant_projects=Expo 67 Logo

Julien Hébert (August 19, 1917 – May 24, 1994) was a Québécois industrial designer, perhaps most famous for creating the logo of the Montreal World Exposition, Expo 67.

Formerly a student of philosophy, Hébert began his design education as a student of sculpture at the École des beaux-arts de Montréal, continuing in 1947 in Paris under Ossip Zadkine. Hébert later became a teacher himself, teaching art history and sculpture at his alma mater, the École des beaux-arts, and instructing in planning and design at the École du meuble. He went on to assist in the establishment of the École du design industriel at the University of Montreal. [http://www.metrodemontreal.com/art/hebert/index.html]

In 1979, Hébert was awarded the Prix Paul-Émile-Borduas by the Québécois Government.

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