Generacija 5

Generacija 5

Infobox musical artist
Name = Generacija 5

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Background = group_or_band
Origin = Belgrade, Serbia
Genre = Hard rock Rock
Years_active = 1977 – 1982 1992 – present
Associated_acts = YU Rock Misija Đorđe David
Current_members = Dejan Najdanović Dragan Jovanović Miloš Stojisavljević Dragan Ilić Slobodan Đorđević
Past_members = Jovan Rašić Dušan Petrović Goran Milošević Đorđe David Zoran Radovanović Dragan Panjak

Generacija 5 (Serbian Cyrillic: Генерација 5; trans. "Generation no. 5") are a Serbian and former Yugoslav hard rock band.

Band history

1977 - 1982

The band was formed on July 1 1977 by Dragoljub Ilić (keyboard), Boban Đorđević (drums), Jovan Rašić (vocals), Dragan Jovanović (guitar) and Dušan Petrović (bass guitar). They relased their first single with songs "Novi život" and "Izgubljeni san" in May 1978. In June Petrović left the band due to his army obligations, and was teporarily replaced by Miloš Stojisavljević Cajger. In 1979 they released their second single with songs "Svemu dođe kraj" and "Noćni mir". They performed at music festival in Opatija and were awarded for the best use of folk elements. In October Rašić left the band, and was replaced by former Zebra member Goran Milošević. The band moved to more pop-oriented sound. In November they released their third single with "Umoran od svega" and their cult ballad "Ti samo budi dovoljno daleko". At the time their music was used in Zoran Čalić's movie "Došlo doba da se ljubav proba".

The band exeprimented with jazz rock and soon gained their colleagues' respect. The critics, however, criticized the band for their weak lrics. Some of their most famous songs were written by the authors outside the band, most notably Bora Đorđević and Kornelije Kovač. Generacija 5 released their debut self-titled album "Generacija 5" in 1980. Their second LP "Dubler" ("Stuntman"), produced by Peter Taggart was relased in 1982, and in June the same year Genarcija 5 disbaned. Ilić became a RTB editor. During the 1980s he worked with Željko Bebek, Slađana Milošević and others, and in 1985 he wrote the song "Za Milion Godina" recorded by YU Rock Misija. Đorđević moved to USA, Jovanović became a studio musician and Milošević joined Mama Co Co.

1992 - present

The band reunited in 1992. The band's new members became singer and actor Đorđe David Nikolić and a former Čutura i Oblaci drummer Zoran Radovanović. In 1994 the band released compilation album "Generacija 5 78 - 94", which featured their old hits, an unplugged version of "Ti samo budi dovoljno daleko" and two new songs: "Najjači ostaju" and "Povedi me u noć". Their comeback album "Svet je tvoj" ("The world is yours") was recorded in Belgrade and Los Angeles. In Belgrade they worked with former Warriors member Dragan Deletić and in Los Angeles they were joined by Đorđević. Song "Nosi je košava" featured lyrics written by deceased Nenad Radulović, a former Poslednja Igra Leptira frontman. Album featured Baby Q Ball, Maja Odžaklijevska, Lana Toković and Ljuba Dimitrijević as guest musicians. During they staying in Los Angeles the band performed at the Roxy Theatre.

At the begginig of 2000 Đorđe David was excluded from the band. Dragan Panjak became the band's new voclaist. He recorded only one song with the band, ballad "Pomoli se još jednom..." which was relased on the compilation album "Pomoli se još jednom..." ("Say one more prayer...").

Generacija 5 recorded its latest studio album "Energija" ("Energy") with Smak vocalist Dejan Najdanović. The album was relased in 2007.


tudio albums

#"Generacija 5" (PGP RTB 1980)
#"Dubler" (PGP RTB 1982)
#"Svet je tvoj" (PGP RTS 1997)
#"Energija" ("Energy") (PGP RTS 2007)


#"Generacija 5 78 - 94" (PGP RTS 1994)
#"Pomoli se još jednom..." (PGP RTS 2000)

Vinyl singles

#"Novi život" / "Izgubljeni san" (PGP RTB 1978)
#"Svemu dođe kraj" / "Noćni mir" (PGP RTB 1979)
#"Umoran od svega" / "Ti samo budi dovoljno daleko" (PGP RTB 1979)
#"Spakuj se, požuri" / "Samo laži" (PGP RTB 1991)


*EX YU ROCK enciklopedija 1960-2006, Janjatović Petar; ISBN 978-86-905317-1-4

ee also

*Serbian rock
*SFR Yugoslav Pop and Rock scene

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