- Australia and the Southern Ocean
Southern Ocean is defined by Australia as all the ocean south of Australia, extending toAntarctica . Other countries describe some of that water as either theIndian Ocean orPacific Ocean , with the Southern Ocean only the part closest to Antarctica (ie south of 60° Slatitude ).Australia
Australia defines the open waters south of the continent as the "Southern Ocean". Both
Geoscience Australia cite web |url=http://www.ga.gov.au/bin/gazm01?placename=southern+ocean&placetype=0&state=0 |publisher=Geoscience Australia |accessdate=2007-09-26 |title=Place Names Search Results: Southern Ocean] and theRoyal Australian Navy Hydrographic Service cite web |url=http://www.hydro.gov.au/webapps/jsp/mga/mga.jsp?pass_name=southern+ocean&pass_code=&pass_number=&Search2=Search |title=MGA Search Results: Southern Ocean |accessdate=2007-09-26 |publisher=Australian Hydrographic Service ] online gazetteers represent the Southern Ocean close to the mainland.International Hydrographic Organisation
Since 2000, the
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has defined the "Southern Ocean" as those waters surroundingAntarctica south of the 60° Scircle of latitude , and this definition is widely applied to the name. Formally, however, the IHO do not yet recognise the name, as the 2000 decision to reinstate it is still awaiting ratification. [cite web | title = Report of the International Hydrographic Organization to the Ninth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names | url = http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/9th-UNCSGN-Docs/E-CONF-98-CRP-53.pdf | accessdate = 2008-08-24] Australia has lodged a reservation to the definition. [cite web |url= http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/12/21/1071941610556.html | title = Canberra all at sea over position of Southern Ocean]CIA World Fact Book
CIA World Fact Book mistakenly identified the water south of Australia as theSouth Pacific Ocean on one of its primary reference maps. [cite web |work=The World Factbook |publisher=Central Intelligence Agency |url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/reference_maps/antarctic.html |title=Antarctic Region |accessdate=2007-09-26] Their world maps over the past five years and their primary "Oceania " -Australia map (produced in May 2007) instead place "Indian Ocean " below Australia and/or carefully place "Southern Ocean " only between 60 degrees south latitude and Antarctica. [cite web |work=The World Factbook |publisher=Central Intelligence Agency |url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/refmaps.html |title=Oceania and World |accessdate=2007-09-26]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.