Mario René Díaz Leyva

Mario René Díaz Leyva

Mario René Díaz Leyva (born in Holguín, Cuba, April 13, 1951) is a Cuban photographer. With no academic education he is considered a self-taught artist.


Individual exhibitions

Leyva has had many exhibitions, among them Wifredo Lam. Retratos at Ministerio de Cultura, Havana, Cuba, 1980. In 1984, he presented Tres Fotógrafos Cubanos at Capilla del Hotel Presidente, Oaxaca, Mexico. In 1988, he presented Mario Díaz: Fotografías at Centro Cultural San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina and in 1992 Direct from Cuba at the Raleigh Studios, Hollywood, California, USA.

Collective exhibitions

He participated in Interpress Foto’79 at the Pabellón Cuba, Havana, 1979 and in Soirée Latinoamericaine. Rencontres Internationales de Photographie in Arles, France. In 1984, he exhibited his works at the First Bienal de La Habana, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana. He was also included in Las Americas: Towards a New Perspective at Gallery 1199, New York/Longwood Gallery, Bronx, New York, U.S.A. in 1987. In 1994, his works were part of 45 Años de Fotografía Cubana at the Galería Latinoamericana, Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba. In 2002, he presented some of his works at Cuba 1960–2000. Sogno e realitá at the Italian Foundation for Photography, Turín, Italy.


Leyva has been awarded with several distantions during his life, including a mention in the First Bienal de La Habana, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba, 1984.


His works can be found in the permanent collections of:


  • Jose Veigas-Zamora, Cristina Vives Gutierrez, Adolfo V. Nodal, Valia Garzon, Dannys Montes de Oca; Memoria: Cuban Art of the 20th Century; (California/International Arts Foundation 2001); ISBN 9780917571114
  • Jose Viegas; Memoria: Artes Visuales Cubanas Del Siglo Xx; (California International Arts 2004); ISBN 9780917571121 (Spanish)

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