- Homeless (film)
"Homeless" is a documentary film by
Mahmoud Shoolizadeh .ynopsis
Who is a homeless? What is homelessness? Today in all societies the problem of
homelessness can be observed. In modern countries like Britain, homeless people can be seen in big cities such as London. Despite the British government’s efforts to tackle this problem, there are about 250,000 homeless people in this country. This documentary film is emphasizing from one side, on the homelessness as an odd element in the modern society, and from another side to the homeless person himself, who represents the sufferings of mankind of our time.Many reasons contribute to becoming homeless, these include unavailability of employment opportunities, which becomes a vicious circle due to the initial problem of beinghomeless , domestic violence, poverty, caused by many factors including unemployment and underemployment. Increased wealth disparity and income inequality causes distortions in the housing market that push rent burdens higher, making housing unaffordable. This documentary film analyses many of these issues and problems.Technical specifications and Film crew
*Duration: 30 min - Betacam Sp - Documentary in English
*Writer and Director:Mahmoud Shoolizadeh
*Cinematographer and Editor:Mahmoud Shoolizadeh
*Producer:Mahmoud Shoolizadeh
*Production:IRIB London bureau - 2006
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.