- Lidstone series
mathematics , certain types ofentire function s can be expressed as a certain polynomial expansion known as the Lidstone series.Let "f"("z") be an entire function of exponential type less than ("N" + 1)π, as defined below. Then "f"("z") can be expanded in terms of polynomials "A"n as follows:
Here "A""n"("z") is a
polynomial in "z" of degree "n", "C""k" a constant, and "f"("n")("a") thederivative of "f" at "a".A function is said to be of exponential type of less than "t" if the function
is bounded above by "t". Thus,the constant "N" used in the summation above is given by
* Ralph P. Boas, Jr. and C. Creighton Buck, "Polynomial Expansions of Analytic Functions", (1964) Academic Press, NY. ISBN 3-540-03123-5
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